Sunday, February 26, 2017


Lots of quotes this time from others who have said it much better than I can.
I had originally planned to do only a few posts on this subject but day by day it is becoming more and more important. So I will do a few more because I am getting asked and am also hearing  solutions that seem perfectly reasonable under the circumstances but may come back to bite us. 

Its my understanding that there are solicitations online to create "global" type "spells" to counteract or "bind" some of the dark that is heading our way due to the current circumstances. Just received an e. mail asking me if this is a suitable method for a bad situation. I thought I would say a few words about this. 
From a Karmic point of view we are here to correct injustice but not to counteract dark with dark 
-  if any solution constitutes darkness in any way. 
There is no doubt that in indigenous cultures it is often felt perfectly ok to correct witchcraft with witchcraft but this has bad Karmic consequence even though it can be effective. Its less likely to be effective on a global scale because free will is the cosmic law and there are so many variables and like Yogi Bearer said; "Its difficult to predict (or control) things especially when it comes to the future."
The Ancestors confirm;

The peaceful marches we have witnessed and the press upping the anti instead of standing down or being afraid is the way to go - the Buddha, Gandhi or Martin Luther King approach. 

This does not mean we should not counteract evil - for instance Isis - with equal or greater force. We desperately need our warriors to keep us safe. But the Karmically inclined warrior does not invoke hatred or the desire for vengeance and should be doing the task without malice) 
The Ancestors also say; "If the law does not serve love, do not serve the law!"which means protest and do whatever is in the light to counteract the challenge but we become part of the darkness when we allow our shadow or evil inclination to rule.
The Ancestors also tell us that; "One should be wary of mitigating against another's free will which is the cosmic law."

Besides Karma there are other universal truths we should remember.
We harm our soul and program our subconscious negatively if we go down this road, no matter how gratifying it may feel.

The Buddha also said that; "Hatred is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."
 and Montaigne that...

Our choices should embrace the light.

The Ancestors

Next week we will discuss some detailed remedies.

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Sunday, February 19, 2017


The tension between light and dark is essentially a result of the balance between the two basic feelings of love and fear.
Everything related to these polarities is a test and at the same time a template for spiritual perfection. The Creator does not micromanage. Karma; the law of cause and effect is a default function of the soul. We don't get away with anything and are eventually heading toward spiritual perfection after numerous life times where we come back again and again to correct our dysfunctions.
There are two kinds of stress, good or eustress and distress which is pervasive in today's world. Some folks strive on stress. For the rest of us the only way we can manage bad stress is with some sort of spiritual practice - a way of going inward so that we can shift from Monkey or Narrow Mind into Spacious or Big Mind. 
We cannot think our way out of our "survival" Monkey Mind. Stress busting for most of us is best translated in some way into the body - hence the success of the Asanas (only one of the eight limbs of Yoga) in the Western world today. 
There is a triad within all of us that is constantly in flux; Ego, Narrow/Monkey Mind and Spacious/Buddha Mind. An enjoyable, sustainable spiritual practice done regularly for its own sake and not to look good is essential if Spacious Mind is going to prevail. Narrow Mind is about fear, Spacious Mind about love.

What we need to fear most is not fully engaging in the antidotes to fear, as Pinkola Estes warns. We need to fear fearing and as Roosevelt said during the Second World War, 
"the only thing to fear is fear itself!"

In these difficult times where fear is being used for political gain we have to be even more vigilant in guarding our light.

The Ancestors tell us that "we are all one, though not the same." We are all composed of carbon atoms and the elements and will  return to the earth - dust to dust. Hence if we can see the Divine in everyone, as in the greeting Namaste, we would all be better off. The enemy can be ourselves. We should judge the behavior rather than the person.
The Ancestors advise further ...

Mandela managed to get his white Apartheid opponents to admire, like and even love him. Churchill after superseding Chamberlain to engage the Nazis befriended his opponent and even told him he could continue to live at 10 Downing street.

The Ancestors advise...

In these challenging times we should not disobey the law and get incarcerated but must act or speak out against injustice.

Click on the link to highlight and download and play the song


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Someone just sent me this You Tube link below which is inspiring. It shows Arab and Israel women marching for peace and an African woman endorsing their attempts. Sadly it may be up to the women to show us the way and up to men and woman to help us fight evil in the form of Islamic fanaticism and anything else. Its also up to all of us to know the difference.

Take the time to watch the short link - it is inspiring. So sad someone has to forward it to me and its not even in the "news." Hopefully its on Facebook and will go viral.

Women of the World Unite Project
Click to highlight and then play

(or copy and paste to your browser)

The Ancestors' teachings have never been more vital... 

Sunday, February 5, 2017


The Ancestor's saying below warn us concerning dark forces;
"The single most powerful tool they have is in persuading us that they do not exist."
The dark forces were appointed by the Creator to challenge us and test our metal and Bodhisattvas look on adversity as tests of their spiritual practice. 
Tricksters know our weaknesses - our shadow and narrow or monkey mind vulnerabilities - and can play on them. 
"...The attack is often so well disguised it can even persuade us that it is our better judgment, our concern for the other.
We must be aware of anger and pride which are weapons of chaos connecting us to our destructive instincts..."

"Think of something that makes your heart sure and glad that can bring you back to equanimity. The dark forces are helpless in the face of love and laughter..."

The Ancestors

 If we lose patience, become angry or lose our sense of humor we empower them. 
"This too will pass."  

"If you do not want to see the shadow turn your face to the sun."
Aboriginal Saying.
There is also no dark force that cannot be overcome by the powerful forces of light working on behalf of the Infinite One.
The Three L's are the remedies for the Dark Forces, Light, Love and Laughter. Love encompasses gratitude and joy.

Click on the link to highlight it, download and press play.