Saturday, October 24, 2020



As they say, one look is worth a 1000 words. I hope you enjoy these remarkable dvd's. I suggest you watch the full feature of each to get the understandings of what it might be like to have such a gift. If you do not have the time revisit them during the week instead of watching negative news or dark movies.

The first is a short preview of the Netflix movie. For those who want more, check out Netflix or find it on You Tube.

PreviewPreview2:35MY OCTOPUS TEACHER Trailer (2020) Netflix

Interspecies communicator & Diablo the back leopard. A longer version is available but this is adequate for most.

PreviewPreview13:17The incredible story of how leopard Diabolo became Spirit ...

The running hunt of the Kalahari  San Bushmen

PreviewPreview5:27The Great Dance

53:30The Great Dance - A Hunter's Story

For those for whom this is too longer or may be offended by this remarkable "Hunt by Running." View from 43-47 minutes and 53 minutes to the end.

Kevin Richardson. Lion Whisperer

PreviewPreview5:24An Unbreakable Bond | The Lion Whisperer

The Ancestors teach; "We are all one, though not the same."

“Earth am I, air am I, water, fire and spirit am I. Earth are you, air are you, water, fire and spirit are you…” Celtic wisdom

We are all made out of star dust and carbon - dust to dust, ashes to ashes. If we can align ourselves with this fact and also with the frequency and vibration of the Being; be it Still, Growing or Wild we can come to respect and understand them more deeply. We cannot all be animal whisperers but we can connect with these Beings at another level. We can also go into nature, wilderness or pristine wild places or even our garden or a park with an inner, Zen like intention to gain the equanimity and intimacy in nature that we all need in these dire times. This concept is embraced by the Wilderness Act of North America, Robert Services' poems and Aldo Leopold's eco-philosophy.

One cannot go into nature trying to run rivers, bag peaks, mountain bike or chat away to a hiking buddy ... etc, if we want to understand the secrets nature has to offer. This requires an inward intention best felt when we are in a meditative or an alfa state of awareness, and usually on "our own" or alone.

One does not have to go into wild placed to experience the magic of the ordinary but the closer we are to the Garden of Eden archetype the more likely we will experience equanimity, balance, harmony and even Maslow's peak experience, "oneness" or unity consciousness.

The Ancestors


Sunday, October 18, 2020


The Wild Beings

“Ask of the wild animals and they shall teach you and the birds of the sky shall tell it to you or speak to the earth for she shall guide you and the fishes of the sea will declare it to you.” Job

 “All humans are endowed with the attributes of animals.” Cordova

“If the people had not been gifted with Divinely inspired scriptures, they could have learned all they needed to know from the animals themselves.” The Zohar


The Ancestors

Nature, including the wild animals, contained all the “Scriptures” that  hunter-gatherers needed for survival and healing. The San Bushman were at one with the wild beings, growing beings and still beings they depended on to survive. They could mimic animal behavior brilliantly - in order to be able to hunt an animal they had to “become” that animal. A natural consequence of this, for a few of the powerful shamans, was the ability to shape shift into animals in trance states. This can be seen in their rock art and also that of other indigenous peoples. They understood the meaning of “dancing with them.” 

San Bushman

Similarly animals whisperers can “dance” in a sense with the animal. It is a dance of unconditional love without any of the fear that many of us may feel especially when encountering a dysfunctional pet or a wild animal. Nature allowed the San to find the “middle way of the Buddha; between up and down, light and dark, day and night, summer and winter, terrified and tranquil, hungry and satiated, thirsty and quenched, hot and freezing, living and dying, healing and sickness. This seemed to give them the equanimity I witnessed on my many trips to be with them. There were times I felt I had dropped into a Buddhist sangha. They knew what it was to be humble and not to judge, to have an unconditional positive regard for each other and an unconditional love for children – even not their own. They had no leader and were egalitarian. Women and men had equal say and equal traction in healing and trancing.                                                                                                    Their harmony with nature and their spiritual purity enabled them to travel out of body in the trance dance and do extraordinary things such as distant viewing to know where to find water and hunt and also distant diagnosis obtained from non local information while traveling out of body into the spirit world. When returning from trance they would put Num energy into those ailing which resembled a form of Shaktipat – Num being the equivalent of kundalini. Without this connection with the "dance" in all its forms they could never have survived or even have thrived in the Kalahari desert.

All animals have special abilities – maybe even more than we realize but one could question whether this is consciousness. Certainly not human or talking being consciousness but nevertheless, their own special consciousness. We are all animated by the breath of the Creator -  "the Spirit that moves in all things."  The Wild Beings have different vibrational awarenesses and intelligence that can be extraordinary. Certain animals have even been shown to have self-awareness.

Dogs (horses and cats as well) have been known to travel long distances to find their owners even in locations unknown to them. Maybe they like the San can, 
"put on human mind and see how they are moving."         
Dogs used by the customs authorities can smell tiny amounts of chemicals, in explosives or illegal drugs hidden in a suitcase. They can also almost unerringly detect prostate cancer in urine samples of patients with the disease. They have also been trained, like elephants and rats, to detect explosive devices in mine fields. Rupert Sheldrake has done experiments in dogs who know when their owners are coming home even at varying and unpredictable times and even if they walk and there is no auditory feedback to alert them. Dogs grieve and get depressed if their companion dies. A dog can also die from a broken heart. Experience tells dog owners to replace the lost companion as soon as possible to avert this. Dogs also feel shame, manifested in their expressions.

A patient of mine who raised race horses felt that some horses also felt shame, so much so that they would never race again if they lost a race. 

Certain birds know instinctively where to navigate and migrate to as do homing pigeons. Meteorologists now believe that by watching when migrating bird decide to leave they can help predict weather catastrophes. The birds seem able have their own inner meteorologist.

Lions are incredibly intelligent and have learned new hunting techniques to adapt to circumstances. I was once witnessed a lioness  kill an antelope. She used the car between her and the vehicle moving towards an impala as a decoy which enabled her to charge her prey and bring it down effortlessly. No doubt the exhaust fumes also masked her scent. Illegal immigrants crossing from Mozambique through the Kruger game park, for fear of attacks from predators would make loud noises by banging metal on metal. It was not long before the lions recognized the sound as a dinner gong. In the Okavango swamps of Botswana they have learned to hunt elephants by adapting intelligent cooperative strategies. Lions in certain parks in South Africa have learned how to open the doors of a vehicle so that they could prey on its occupants.

African weaver birds have been studied even as far back as the 17th century and more recently.

“and this they do though they never saw nor could see any nest made, that is though taken from the nest and brought up by hand.” John Ray 

 Even after successive generations of the baby birds being separated from their parents early in life they instinctively know how to weave their complex and exquisites nests.                                                


Rupert Sheldrake described morphogenetic fields and morphic resonance in this way:

“Each thing in nature has a collective memory which shapes its form.”

The Ancestors endorse this concept;

“The sages teach that all that happens, happens as it must. What occurs cannot occur contrary to the conditions of its occurring or contrary to its nature. A cedar does not arise from an acorn.”

Just as only a cutting from a plant can create another plant because of morphic resonance so the weaver bird also knows how to make a nest. Morphic resonance may be a form of collective unconscious among  growing beings and the wild beings.

The hundredth monkey concept may also be a manifestation of this when the field of morphic resonance becomes non-local in space.

 Biologists observed that some macaque monkeys learned to wash sweet potatoes, and gradually this new behavior spread through the younger generation of monkeys—in the usual fashion, through observation and repetition. However, once a critical number of monkeys was reached, i.e., "the hundredth monkey," this previously learned behavior seemed to spread across the ocean to monkeys on nearby islands.

A similar affect may be extended to the Still Beings. When the first scientists tried to recreate a crystal it was a laborious and timely task. When other scientists did the same thing the crystals seem to grow at a much faster rate using the same techniques. Morphic resonance in general and certainly this phenomenon in an inanimate object has been disputed by scientists but is an interesting observation and may be valid nevertheless.


Biologists have shown that some animals have self-awareness using a mirror test. These include; bottlenose dolphins, elephants, chimpanzees, magpies, wolves, otters, geese and sea lions. The classic way of testing an animal for self-awareness is to see if it can recognize itself in a mirror. On first glance, all species react by making the appropriate social gestures, inspecting the mirror, and often checking behind it to look for the stranger. 

Dolphins and elephants have both been known to save and protect humans. Elephants have passed a test of intelligence which scientists say has “profound” implications for our understanding of their mental capabilities. They were found to be capable of performing a task that showed they have a level of self-understanding that is rare in the animal world and supersedes humans until after the age of two years. The new test, involved picking up a stick and handing it to a researcher. But sometimes the stick was tied to a mat on which the elephant had to stand to reach it. This meant they had to realize their own body was preventing them from passing on the stick and get off the mat in order to complete the task. These scientists theorized that an animal capable of this kind of behavior might also be better at empathizing with others.                                                                                             Elephant bones often have tracks going to them along with the dung from visiting elephants. They are often are found inspecting the bones of their deceased. Cynthia Moss an elephant researcher in Kenya has described and documented on film what looked like a funeral procession with one elephant passing the bone of a deceased elephant back to the next one in the line behind and so on down the length of     the procession.                                                                                                 The facial expression and cries of a mother elephant trying to lift the body of her baby seems to be one of extreme torment and grief. Elephants have exquisite sense of smell and are able to discern different human tribes from the same area. This might be why “they never forget.” 

To experience the Wild Beings we must dance with them... 

If we want to do this we have to slow to their vibration with a love vibration. An alfa state of a relaxed Zen type of consciousness helps.

 Next week's blog will be on the remarkable talents of animal whisperers. 

 Click of the link to download and play and maybe dance. 

Wild is Life Trust and ZEN - Jerusalema Challenge - Wild Is › WILDISLIFE › videos › jerusalem...


Saturday, October 10, 2020



Trees and stones will teach you that which you can never learn from the masters.” St. Bernard of Clairvaux

The Ancestors

 In the soil messages are transmitted chemically via fungal networks which form “highways” for transportation. Trees "listen" to one another. The older, bigger, legacy trees, especially can receive, respond and send messages to their neighbors through trillions of interconnections- more so to their own species but to others as well to alert them. They can warn neighbors to upregulate their defense enzymes and chemicals while enhancing their own protective immune system and emitting protective toxins against aphids and other pests. Resources can be shared within a radius of 30 meters especially from the older legacy trees. Signals traveling via the roots and fungal networks can create a greater resilience against pests.

Researchers in North America in the Pacific Northwest - a temperate rain forest - using isotopes traced how Carbon, Nitrogen and water moved between Douglas fir and Birch trees They also noted that sugar could flow from one tree to  another tree that was challenged.

There is an impressive network between mycelia and mushrooms both below and above ground. Fungi and mycelia share water, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, nitrogen and lignen in exchange for sugar from the photosynthesis from the trees. These elders of the forest or legacy trees, their “tribes” and even their neighbors communicate and share resources. Fungal networks embrace tree roots and facilitate this exchange. 
There is underground communication between Burch, Douglas fir and Cedar. They share food underground – the bigger and older, the more so. Because of this intelligence, clear cutting is dangerous to the whole forest. White threads of mycelia are actually hollow tubes of fungi that branch and connect forming a fungal freeway to tree roots and each other. The fungi draw in water and the elements that the tree needs otherwise it would be stunted. Without them the tree cannot suck up water as easily. These fungal gardens wrap around the tree roots so they can do this exchange. Fungal tubes worm their way along releasing oxalic acid when needed which create micro tunnels in stones and rocks to help them break up and access their minerals. Mushrooms are also involved in this dynamic. In good times trees give the fungi sugar but under stress they retain it and in times of stress they also release chemicals giving a bad taste to browsers. Older established trees can dump sugar into new trees in times of stress. 

This intelligence goes beyond the species as with the bees. Paul Stamets calls it; 

"A perfectly functioning system - Divine intellect woven through nature."

Bees are fast disappearing. They have been considered the “mine canaries”of nature  –  the first to suffer adverse changes in the environment because of their fragility.

The Druids were regarded as the sages of the forest. The Druid Golden Triangle comprised the Druids, the Bees and the Trees. Celtic wisdom claimed that if one had a perplexing problem one could ask the bees who were connected to one’s guiding spirits. Druids, bees and trees formed this triad, each sharing in a relationship of cooperation and symbiosis. Bees pollinate trees, and trees feed and house bees. The Druids protected and nurtured both trees and bees as sources of health, wealth, wisdom, and access to the faerie world.                                                                     

A chapter of the Koran entitled "The Bee' (An-Nahlsays that; 

Allah gave revelation to the honeybee by sending bee prophets. "                            

Petrochemicals make bees aggressive so perfumes and deodorants are best avoided around them.  

Bee has insights into the secrets of nature, the secrets of creation, and a special connection therefore to the Creator. The bee is a cold-blooded creature like a reptile, but bees heat their hives to more or less the same temperature as human blood. Since the beehive has the same temperature as us, legend has suggested that the beehive is like a human being, and the bees are like the spirit that resides inside the body of the hive.                                                                                  

In San Bushmen culture bees have sacred power and can represent the ancestors. Their rock art is replete with bee images. Their hum was not only sacred but was also encountered by them and many other spiritual traditions during altered states of consciousness as a buzz, a roar, or even a whistle. Honey is a delicacy to the San and much sort after. The San have a close connection to the honey guide, a unique bird who will lead them to a hive. There are honey bird whisperers or shamans who can call the bird when they want honey. The harvest is always shared with the bird. San lore tells them that if they do not share the spoils, the next time the honey guide will lead them to a poisonous snake.                                                                                             The Tibetan Book of the Dead, recounts that after the soul of the deceased separates from the physical body, there may be a roaring, a thundering and a whistling. Astral projection, and out-of-body experiences, Near Death Experiences and rituals using entheogens are also said to be heralded by sounds such as buzzing, roaring or humming.

Hazrat Inayat Khan related that it was possible to hear the sounds of the Music of the Spheres in ten forms, one being, the buzzing of the bees. 

The San Bushman Creation Story

When the face of the earth was covered with water Mantis was sent out to find the purpose of life. Mantis asked Bee, the carrier of wisdom, to guide and carry him over the dark waters. After many days of searching  Bee grew tired and cold and flew slower and slower as Mantis felt heavier and heavier. As Bee sank lower towards the water he saw a great white flower half open floating in the sun's first rays.  He laid Mantis in the heart of the flower, and planted within him the seed of the first human being. Then Bee died.  But as the sun rose and warmed the flower Mantis awoke - and from within him - from the seed left by the bee - the first San was born.

The tree is an archetype for a link between heaven and earth. The Law of Correspondence – “as above so below, as below so above, as within so without.” The San Bushman call the Baobab, the Upside-down Tree because it appears to have its roots above and its branches below.

“Beloved gaze in your own heart – the Holy Tree is blooming there.” W.B. Yeats

The Druids, who were nature bound, and the Celts, had their own Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is seminal to Kabbalistic mysticism 

“It is a Tree of Life to those who hold it fast, and all who cling to it find happiness. Its ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace.” Maimonides

 Paul Stamets describes the interconnection between bees, bears and trees and the mycelial web of life as all being part of one interconnected field. Bears scratching on trees introduce mycelia and then fungi grow on these trees to acquire sugar. Bees carrying mites are attracted to the fungi and mycelia where they acquire antivirals which neutralize the viruses from these mites. 

Fungi and mycelia may be the future for humanity in finding effective antivirals. More pandemics, according to the experts. are to be expected after Covid 19.

Clear cutting disturbs this magical ecosystem where everything is interconnected. Agarikon. (Laricifomes officinalis) has been shown to have significant antimicrobial properties. Some mushrooms like Turkey Tail and Reishi can enhance our immune systems.

Magic mushrooms contain psilocybin which has powerful mind-altering properties, used by shamans for eons. Harvard university is now studying this entheogen and find that it has dramatic effects in alleviating depression, anxiety and fear of death in patients with terminal cancer.

Click on the link to meditate

VIEW: Earth & Sky Meditation

Sunday, October 4, 2020



The deeper we go, the more we realize, how little we know. New discoveries just open up another field of enquiry, another Pandora's box of questions confirming that we are living in a mysterious universe. The Ancestors teach, that to experience and honor the mystery is more important than continually trying to decode it.

The Bhagavad Gita says: 

"Whatever Being comes to be, 

be it motionless (Still) or moving, (Growing, Wild, Talking)

derives its being from Field,

 and Knower (The Creator) of the Field. 

Know this!"

The Zohar adds that we are living in a 1% world, the other 99% is unknown to us. Most of the Field is Unknowable.

Research has been done regarding the restorative effects of Nature. Green and blue colors are relaxing as are these colors of scrubs in operating rooms. 
Architects are now well aware of the Sick Building Syndrome and strive to correct it with their designs which embrace concepts of light (which neutralizes Seasonal Affective Disorder) as well as plants, nature paintings or images and fountains. Research has shown that if patients can see nature out of their windows they recover sooner. Some dentists are aware of the importance of a similar right ambience in their rooms to decrease stress.                    
A walk in nature can be measured to be more restorative that an urban walk and a backpack trip creates more equanimity than a hike. The longer we expose ourselves to a natural environment - especially with a restorative intention - the more powerful it can be. 
Eco-psychologists are emphasizing the importance of the "accessible green." The easier it is for us to regularly connect with the Earth Mother, the healthier and more balanced we feel. This is especially true now with Covid, where we need Her more than ever. She is called the Earth Mother for good reason. Interestingly, in Santa Barbara, folks who have never hiked before are accessing the front country trails in greater numbers than ever before.
The phrase Nature Deficit Disorder coined by Richard Louv 
in his book, Last Child in the Woods warns that because adults and children are spending less time in nature we are recognizing an increased incidence of behavioral and mental issues. This may be all the more so with Covid for those who cannot or are too fearful to make use of this powerful healing environment. Louv stresses that N.D.D. is not meant to be a medical diagnosis but we need do be aware of the consequences of not being connected to the source of out sustenance - be it in body, mind or spirit.  Statistics prior to Covid showed that there had been a declining number of visits to the National parks in the U.S.A. 
 Children today are more interested in social media and the magical technology to access it rather than the magic of wild places. There is a tremendous human cost when we separate ourselves from the Still, Growing and Wild Beings. Maybe less so than when we separate from the Talking ones, although if this is done for too long there are also serious detrimental affects.

This blog will be shorter because the next DVD is 14 minutes long.
            Click on the link below for this inspiring TED talk to give yourself a visual experience and explanation of the Growing Beings. If you are short on time then skip to 10 minutes when it will give some introductory insights into the wonder of fungi, mycelia and mushrooms which will follow in the next blog. For those who want to go deeper also check out Paul Stamets on You Tube who has done amazing work on mycelia.

Apologies if the spacing, fonts, text size and colors vary with the blogs.

The last blog format was not perfect but better. I guess they are still working on some issues with this new format. No matter how many times I change it when I "Publish" it comes out wrong. Irritating, certainly to me.