With apologies for my limitations.
Since this blog is complex there will be repetition to help all of our understandings when it comes to correlating the two systems.
The Creation of the world as well as our human existence followed these stages and can be helpful in out attempts to regain "Eden," Becoming or Self-Realization.
The soul emanates from the Infinite One
(Yechida - Oneness or Absolute Unity)
the first level of Soul and descends through the
Four Worlds or Planes of Reality
Emanation (Atzilut)
Creation (Beriyah)
Formation (Yetzirah)
Actualization (Asiyah)
where it is clothed in a physical body.
Actualization has been said to occur in a split second like a lightning bolt, into the physical body.
In Unity (if enlightened), we may get a sense of Infinity and Nothingness (possibly the Buddhist concept of Emptiness.)
The Four Bodies, the roots of all things above and below are the
foundation of all creation beneath the firmament ...
All things above and below are formed from these Four Bodies, Worlds or Planes of Reality or Manifestation.
During its evolution down the Tree of Life,
the first level of Soul is completed by
Intellect, then
Mind, then
Energy (in Six Sephirot)
and then housed in a
Physical Body
at Kingdom, the lowest Sephirah on the Tree of Life.
UNITY (Yechida)
As above, so below, as below so above.
As without, so within, as within, so without.
Where we come into the full realization that we are one with the Creator, made in His/Her image.
"My soul is One with Him, as one flame, cleaving to Him." Rev Shimon bar Yochai
"I and the Father are One and through this Unity our existence emanates." John (10:30)
The Bliss Sheath in yoga is where the Higher Self (Soul) dwells and is the place where duality is replaced by Oneness or Unity Consciousness and Ananda (Bliss) or Unity (Yechida) with the Divine in Kabbalah.
In Yoga this is where the Knower, the Known and the Process of Knowing fuse into One - the Oneness Experience - Unity.
We may all have experienced this briefly through grace. For instance, where you are looking at a rainbow and the Observer (you), the Observed (the rainbow), and in the Process of you Observing the rainbow - you become one with the rainbow.
This might also be what Maslow described in his various forms of "Peak Experiences."
Having this experience can inspire us to go on the path of Self- Realization.
Possibly those that have had Near Death Experiences may also get a glimpse of Unity or the Oneness experience when they arise out of the "tunnel" into the light and an overwhelming experience of pure love. This too will invariably induce them to follow a life of Self-transformation and service.
"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the soul of life and man became a living soul." Genesis
Chaya means life.
The life breath of the human is the Flame of the Infinite One searching through the chambers of one's core.
"What is god, the breath within the breath." Kabir
Energy comprises all of the six sephirot below
Nefesh, the most basic aspect of the soul, exists in the realm of Actualization. Us living out our lives on earth.
“This world is just an antechamber for the world to come.”
Rev. Akiva
Yechidah exists beyond time and space.
Chayah is connected to Wisdom through Emanation and exists in our capacity for Imagination which comes from beyond our consciousness, transcending all aspects of material or physical existence. Only we as Talking Beings have this capacity.
To think like God is to imagine.
Chayah (Wisdom) also represents eternal life by which which we can attain enlightenment through the ongoing process of reincarnation. The soul never dies !
It is through Neshama (Mind and Understanding) that we synthesize and catalyze Wisdom's knowledge and imaginative capacity.
The Shadow side of Mind exists in the lowest Triad of Ego which will be discussed later and can be found in prior blogs.
Wisdom and Understanding exist in the Triad of Becoming or Enlightenment.
The Three Triads on the T.O.L.
Our purpose is to ascend into the full realization of Self, made in the image of the Divine by ascending up the levels of the Tree of Life to regain Unity and ideally “Eden” or the enlightened realm.
The Yoga equivalent would be to harmonize and balance the chakras and Sun and Moon Nadis which allows the Kundalini serpent energy to rise up the Central energy channel of the spine thus realizing Keter, non-duality and the Oneness Experience or Unity Consciousness and in death, the Causal realm (Bliss Sheath of Patanjali.)
On the way up the Tree we will encounter many challenges. The higher we get the harder it becomes.