This blog follows on the architecture of the soul because this - the highest Triad on the Tree of Life - is the gateway to Unity, Unity Consciousness and a quest for non-duality in a world of duality.
We are all one, though not the same.
"We Inter-Are." Thich That Hahn
At the end of the day we alone are responsible for managing our souls' architecture.
… I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.”
William Ernest Henley
Wisdom seekers who dedicated themselves to a spiritual life relied on sacred texts, meditations and sometimes the magic of nature’s polarities to become spiritually adept.
Ancient wisdom teaches us that we have to find our own way. We have to do what works best for us.
In the eyes of God personal insight is more valuable than divine revelation. If we depend only on scriptures and the teachings of masters but have no vision of our own, all is worthless.
With all your strength get knowledge!
Spiritual practice is essential for us to hold to the path. Moreover, knowing the spiritual principles must be incorporated into the whole. However ...
The value of information is in its use for transformation.
Knowing the path differs from following it.
The T.O.L. is a map that can help us. It can be simplified by dividing it into Three Triads as above.
The Triad of Becoming
The Triad of Love
The Triad of Ego
The Ancestors warn us about the challenges along the way.
If you say there is much that you have never heard of, consider more importantly how much is there that you have not encompassed.
Information is not to be equated with knowledge.
Knowledge is not to be equated with Understanding
(the left side of Becoming' Triad.)
Understanding is not to be equated with Wisdom
(the right side of Becoming.)
Wisdom is not to be equated with Virtue.
(We need to balance all these to get to Keter.)
The Triad of Ego and the Three Deadly Sins of Karma have been covered in prior blogs as has the Triad of Love and its key component of forgiveness. We will cover these again because spiritual transformation requires a constant reminding. Buddhist teachers give dharma talks and repeat the lessons over and over again for good reason. So easily we forget and get distracted.
Being aware of the lessons differs from learning it.
The First Triad of Becoming encompasses
Keter - the Crown,
Wisdom on the left – Understanding on the right
There are 22 pathways between the 10 sephirot indicating that everything is happening in the moment and what we do, or not do depends on our free will and our choices. Every sephirah is having its own effect on the other centers around them. The model is dynamic not static. Hence, we cannot stagnate and have to keep reminding ourselves of spiritual principles. We cannot just read them like we would a book and then leave it behind looking for something new and more exciting.
Dedication can prevent us embarking on a journey of spiritual materialism linked primarily to the Triad of Ego. We have to be constantly aware of our spiritual compass.
A regular spiritual practice that is enjoyable and sustainable is an essential navigation tool.
There are many forms of transformation just as there are many sacred prayers and holy paths. You are to find the one made for you.
If we wish to have a personal relationship with the Divine we of necessity should be on a journey to the Top Triad of the T.O.L.
The Ancestors teach …
It will be given to you according to the measure of your Faith
(Top Triad of Becoming)
To the measure of you love
(Middle Triad of Love)
And the measure of your humility
(lower Triad of Ego)
Each Triad relies on the balance of the other two. They cannot work alone. The Triad of Becoming is the final path where we connect with the Field, our guides and the Creator.
For good reason Kabir says; "Friend there are very few who find the way."
That should not deter us but make us more resolute.
“Whatever being comes to be, be it motionless or moving, derives its being from Field and Knower (the Creator) of the Field. Know this!”
Bhagavad Gita
“Out there beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing there is a Field. I will meet you there.” Rumi
When we are in touch with the Field we may be able experience the paranormal - beyond the mundane, the usual, the normal. These include; synchronicity, superfluidity (“being in the zone,”) coherence of body, mind and spirit, precognition, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clair-sentience, distant or remote viewing and diagnosis or distant healing, telekinesis, connecting with spirit guides in dreams or awake time and even trance-channeling. These may or may not be associated with the Triad of Becoming. They can be regarded as benefits by which we help others rather than ourselves. The yogis warns of the danger of going on a power trip when the Third Eye opens to the Field.
The T.O.L. is balanced by restraint or contraction on the left and expansion on the right. The left relates to fear, Monkey Mind and survival - the right to love, Spacious Mind and spiritual growth.
The central column holds the balance with Will.
There are five loves on the Tree; Keter, Wisdom, Mercy, Love and Non-Attachment
and five fears; Understanding, Judgment, Attachment, Ego and Kingdom.
It's always "Becomes" a question of polarity balance.
Balance is achieved by harmonizing polarities. Dualities come into harmony by negotiating a third or middle path, a path not of assimilation but one of coexistence.
We are meant to find the middle away up the Central Column of the Tree to the Infinite One.
With regard to Kingdom this is the testing ground for our journey, in a sense like the launching pad for a satellite or space craft to the heavens.
“This world is only an ante-chamber for the world to come.”
Rev. Akiva