Sunday, October 13, 2024






There are many paths to the mystery wisdom exuding from the growing things that surround us, from the color of the sky and from all the Beings of nature.


Spiritual Skills arising from the Primal.

The force of the primal manifest as love is the glory of God.


Contacting The Field


The Field is mostly Unknowable – more was made knowable to indigenous peoples who were the first yogis, sages and mystics.  


“Whatever being (Still, Growing, Wild or Talking) comes to be, be it motionless (Still Beings) or moving, derives its being from Field and Knower (The Creator) of the Field. Know this!” Bhagavad Gita


Information, knowledge, doubt, denial, disbelief, ego and judgment get in the way of our accessing the Field, our guides and the Divine.


God’s voice is heard in quietness and stillness. Beware the noises of ego which drown out the Divine Spirit.


"Blessed are the meek..." Jesus

The soft, silent, still voice of the Infinite one is heard when the ego is set aside and the heart is open. This requires purity and faith.


The indigenous mind was schooled by their experiences in nature. They have and had an almost "Quantum" like ability to access Non-Local information in the Field.

In the case of the San, wilderness was their Yoga and their Zen until civilization’s temptations intruded. Before that they were mindful mainly of needs, not wants. 

They enjoyed the magic of polarity balance and entrainment in the natural meditation offered by the wildness around them. Nature is a room with many doors and windows to spirit. Nature's power enabled them to find the middle way of the Buddha. They learned to coexist with the difficult, the life threatening, the dark, the negative and the profane with acceptance, realizing it was part of the necessary tension required for the magical to occur. 


Balance is achieved by harmonizing polarities. Dualities come into harmony by negotiating a third or middle path, a path not of assimilation but a path of coexistence.


The San Bushmen hunter-gatherers naturally adopted a profound connection to Gaia - their Earth Mother. Their spiritual practice of being immersed in nature gave them the the humility, the openness of heart, the purity and the vibration required to travel out of body into the Field during their healing trance dance.  In this way they obtained non-local information, critical for their survival as well as for the protection and healing of the clan. 


Magical Powers. The San Out of Body Spirit Trance Dance.


San dancers travels out of body to glean non-local information from the Field which can help the clan. The other dancers help those to come out of trance and back into their bodies. They heal when they come out of trance by putting "Num" into those ailing - the same magical energy that enabled them to trance (see last weeks video link.) 

The San are known not only for their hunting and tracking but also for their unique healing abilities. The dance can go on all night and is a profound example of Coherence facilitated by the clan - it takes a village.

With their trance dance and mastery of Num (or Kundalini,) the San Bushmen describe similar energetic phenomena mostly seen in advanced spiritual practitioners such as; heat rising up the spine, creeping sensations, tingling, vibrating, shaking, light experiences, inner sounds and smells, an empty mind ;“my thoughts were nothing in my head”), connection with Self; “I feel my-Self again, out of body experiences and astral travel, paranormal powers, spontaneous movements including adopting yoga-like postures, paralysis, falling and the mastery of fire.

Rock art left by them showed some of the visions they experienced in trance including shape shifting.

Beyond the veil they connected with their ancestors and some, even saw an anthropomorphic representation of the Great Spirit; "when I make myself very small," (San healers to Richard Katz in his book Boiling Energy.)


The Medicine Person or "Shaman"(The Seer") and Healing


“With our potions and charms we arouse in the sick one’s brain the will to be healthy. Without the strong will to be alive a human can be carried into the valleys of death by even the mildest sickness.” Credo Mutwa


 Credo Mutwa a Bantu, Zulu sangoma, or more accurately a sanusi or prophet, was profound in his spiritual teachings. He is talking here about the will to heal combined with the power of placebo and belief which is a love and not a fear vibration. It also occurs, although less so now days, with the old-fashioned Dr. - Patient Relationship and Bedside Manner.

“Some patients, though their condition is perilous, recover their health simply through their contentment with the goodness of the physician.” Hippocrates

"Only love can generate the healing fire,” Agnes Sanford


The San healers teach that in order to heal we must love everyone no matter what we think of them. All medicine men and women, shamans or similar, inspire hope through their charm, charisma, compassion and competence. With their magical divinations or rituals they enhance the power of placebo. 

Allopathic medicine, often unknowingly, does the opposite by invoking a nocebo response often with dismal prognoses or describing every detail of all the mishaps that could occur when obtaining the legally required informed consent for procedures. This may be regarded as a form of medical hex.

It is important to note that there are several basic mechanisms occurring  during diagnosis and healing. 

Diagnosis can be remote or "distant" coming through the Field through trance, divination and dreams.

Healing can arise through the direct affect of placebo on the Inner Healer which is mediated by love and belief.

Distant or remote healing which is separate from placebo comes directly to the Inner Healer through the Field. This Universal Healing Energy is just the Creator's love in disguise mediated through the San or other healers and especially powerful when empty of ego.

Distant healing has been found to be effective in double blind studies where placebo is discounted. It works whether one believes it or not or knows about it or not. 

Unfortunately the same is true for distant hexing. There can be no light without dark. The Field is democratic and value neutral. Both light and dark intentions can be propagated by the Field. 

Distant healing is enhanced by the power of placebo. 

Distant hexing is aggravated by nocebo and enhanced by guilt. For instance, if some one has been unskillful in their actions and feels guilty and knows they have been hexed (nocebo) and has been hexed (distant affect) they can be seriously harmed. 

Those who for religious, guilt reasons feel that because they have wronged God they do not deserve to be healed - most likely will not recover from a serious illness. They have hexed themselves through nocebo - the power of belief to hurt, harm or even kill. 

The Great Spirit, however, does not work this way. Everyone is capable of redemption.

Sunday, October 6, 2024



Yoga philosophy has brilliantly enunciated the spiritual anatomy and the power of Kundalini.


“The Kundalini in the form of latency is coiled like a serpent. One who impels this Shakti to move will attain liberation.” 

Hatha Yoga Pradipika


Manipulating this life force which facilitates energy shifts and advanced stages of consciousness was easy for primal peoples. We all have this universal, feminine force - Shakti, Kundalini in Yoga - although few of us nurture it. The San Bushmen call it Num, the Zulus, Umbilini. Most tribes in Southern Africa recognize it as feminine and some, snake like resting dormant in the lower belly.  Kundalini, serpent energy is awakened by some form of spiritual endeavor. 

For the San Bushmen, hunter-gatherers, who are distinctly physically different from their neighboring Bantu peoples, it is mobilized by clapping, chanting and dancing with rattles around their ankles around the primal fire. This enables an out of body spirit flight where they glean information from the "Field" - mainly the Ancestors. They call it the Little Death (Richard Katz) since they fall prostate on the earth while their spirits travel into the Astral plane.

For the Bantu it is mobilized by dancing to the sound of the drum sometimes also with rattles around their ankles. When Bantu sangomas go into trance the ego steps aside and the spirit of an ancestor or guide takes over completely. They become voluntarily possessed to access the non-local information required to help their clients or patients. This process is much more dramatic than the trance-channelling we see in the West. 

The sangomas' body language and facial expressions change, they often shake as the spirit enters the body rather than falling like their San neighbors do with Num. They may speak in "tongues or in a Bantu language sometimes different to the one they know in real time. The word sangoma comes from the Zulu ngoma which is a drum. It is the sound of the drum that brings forth the spirit possession.

The Bantu call this magical energy, Umbilini and the San, Num. Kundalini manifests differently for them as it would in anyone of us. How it manifests in the West will be highly individual. It can be subtle or more dramatic as it is in the San and Bantu. When it manifests it allows us to gain access to information not localized in time in space. It usually occurs for those less adept, as energy or vibration moving up the spine. 

The Ancestors teach that; "the snake brings the dream." For some it may manifest in the dream state or even as subtle downloads while awake.


(I wasted a lot of time in my earlier years trying to emulate what I had read from yoga texts. When I initiated as a sangoma, Umbilini manifested in other ways for me as well as compared to my mentors and their African initiates.)

When we immerse in nature with as little as possible between us and the Earth Mother we are able to experience some of this profoundness. With the right intention of going inward rather than outward we can attain equanimity, an alfa, relaxed state of consciousness and a feeling of oneness with nature and each other. Our dreams and our connection with the Field intensify. The longer we are out in nature, the deeper the effect. Nature has multiple polarities to help us find the middle way of the Buddha. It is a room with many doors and windows to spirit.

It is vital that we adopt more of an indigenous consciousness for ourselves. The demise of the primal self in the West has resulted from our upbringing, education, religion, culture, and the allure of materialism, technology and the innumerable commodities that tempt us. We have lost our indigenous, root, core or primeval self and our inherent wholeness because of “civilization.”  We all were once nature bound and able to access the Field. Our children now are even more at risk as the hypnosis of technology and social media becomes more pervasive. We have paid a huge price for the benefits accrued. For the San it was one for all and all for one - for us not so much. Self-absorption and narcissism which shut out access to the Field seem to be running rampant.


The Bantu tribes of Southern Africa both use similar spiritual technology to help their people. There are numerous Bantu tribes in Southern Africa. They all use similar divining and healing methods. The Bantu tribes migrated south centuries ago and when they arrived they encountered the San who had already been there for millennia. The San probably had a profound influence on the sangoma tradition. It was they, I was told that introduced the Bantu to the power of animal bones in divination, each of which have their own unique energy and know where to go when they are manipulated by a form of telekinesis from their guides in the Field. Further north, south of the Sahara, African peoples tend to use shells instead.

To view the San trance dance you will have to go to to videos. The file is too big to upload. It's five minutes.

Look for this at the bottom of the page on videos

Sunday, September 29, 2024




“People who lean on logic and philosophy and rational exposition end by starving the best part of the mind – imagination and intuition.” W.B. Yeats

“It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.” A. Einstein

Ask of the wild animals and they shall teach you and the birds of the sky shall tell it to you or speak to the earth for she shall guide you and the fishes of the sea will declare it to you.” Job


The San Bushmen, hunter-gatherers especially could access "non-local information" with their out of body, spirit flight, trance dance as well as in dreams and with divination. They could connect not only with the cosmic, but also the terrestrial and water spirits. Some were able to shape shift and many were animal whisperers which was essential for skillful hunting. They loved the Wild Beings and had gratitude for what they gave that enabled them to survive. They relied on plants for sustenance and for healing. They had abilities beyond the five senses otherwise it would have been difficult for them to hunt successfully with primitive weapons. They could see what seeing eyes could not and hear what hearing ears could not.

The force of the primal-Self manifested as love is the glory of God. 
Those who awaken it in others and nurture the nurturers glorify the Creator.

The Ancestors, I believe in this teaching, are stressing that because of the West's primary focus on cognitive, left brain activities we have somewhat lost the way. 

San healers say that to be a good healer we must love everyone no matter what we think of them. This is not necessarily an emotion or a sentiment but a commitment. Many members of the clan seemed to embrace this tenet.

When Jesus taught - "The meek will inherit the earth" - maybe he was saying the same thing. We may be masters of technology but the San were masters of the Garden of Eden archetype and many of her secrets which gave them access to the Field, the Creator and their spirit guides.

"Out there beyond ideas of wrongdoing and righting-doing, there is a Field. I'll meet you there." Rumi

"Whatever being comes to be, be it motionless or moving, derives it's being from Field and Knower of the Field. Know this!" Bhagavad Gita

The times I spent with the San Bushmen - especially in 1987 when some were living in the old way - felt like I had dropped into an advanced spiritual community. They had an unconditional positive regard for each other, and an unconditional love for the children. They seemed to lack judgmental attitudes and were extremely humble in the light of their amazing wilderness and spiritual skills. It was all for one and one for all among their small clans. They had no chief, everything was done by consensus and the women had an equal say.

Many other indigenous tribes, also fit this description especially the few that  have remained hunter-gatherers. This purity arising out of nature enabled their high levels of spiritual sophistication. Magical abilities were gleaned from the wild and the power resident in their unique habitats. Their God – the Great Spirit – not the bottom line. They were nature bound, living in the "Garden" before we arrived and made them eat the fruit of ego and acquisitiveness. They too now will have to eventually find their way back to a new type of Eden, as many of us are doing. 


The saddest and most impoverishing notion human beings cling to is that we are limited by laws of the natural world.
There is a crucial difference between being subject to, and being constrained by.


“Miracles happen not in opposition to nature but in opposition to what we know of nature.” Augustine of Hippo


Miracles do occur within the natural world but are outside our meagre understanding of its workings and so we discount, trivialize, rationalize or forget them. We are not restricted by the laws of nature, only to those laws we ourselves have contrived as to how nature works. Those laws are limited. The hunter-gatherer mind was not subject to information and knowledge acquired through education or captivated by technological wonders. Hence, they could access information not confined to the space-time continuum which escapes most of us Western beings. During sleep they received vital information in scripted dreams which assisted them.

"There are two ways to live your life. One is that everything is a miracle and the other, that nothing is." A.Einstein

“A human being is like two doves 

sitting in a tree. 

One bird is eating the fruit 

while the other silently looks on.” Upanishads

The one "bird" cannot see the spiritual fruits that the other bird is enjoying because that bird is confined to the five senes alone and has no idea there are also intuitive senses.

When we observe the intuitive abilities of primal peoples we see magic. When they look at our technology they see magic. We need both. How to integrate them is a challenge. The Bantu peoples of Southern Africa have similar abilities as do other indigenous tribes. This blog is about their wisdom and this magic.


“The consciousness of the seer is a greater power of knowledge than the consciousness of the thinker. The perceptual power of inner sight is greater and more direct than the perceptual power of thought.”

Sri Aurobindo


The primal mind was able to commune intimately with nature as well as obtain non-local information from the Field of spirit. These primal medicine men and women and their shamans were the original seers. Genomic studies have shown that the San Bushmen were the first people. Humans first arose out of Africa. There is rock art in the Apollo cave in Namibia going back 25,000 years showing evidence of shape shifting (therianthropes, human figures - part animal part human) which occurred during trance dancing. We were able to attain advanced states of consciousness millennia ago not easily achieved today. 


"It was only when the white man came that wilderness existed."  

Luther Standing Bear


When we go out into wild places we make elaborate preparations and use technology for our comfort as well as to make up for our lack of wilderness skills. When we return we are thankful to come back to the comforts of civilization.

The San Bushmen could walk out into the wilderness with all the things in a small skin bag that they needed for survival; a digging stick, a bow, poisoned arrows, a quiver, a fire stick, and a sipping straw to suck water out of hollow tree reservoirs or from sip wells in the desert sand. The women provided the bulk of the food and medicine with their amazing plant knowledge. Their purity in nature enabled a profound spiritual expertise. They could not have survived easily without access to non-local information.


"Wilderness is an area where earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man; where man himself  is a visitor who does not remain.”


Our approach, at best, is well defined by the Wilderness Act of North America which intention was to protect certain wild areas that should remain wild. At the same time the act confirmed the power of this Sacred Space where as "civilized" people - few could or would want to remain. For indigenous peoples it was their home.

 We were all once nature bound people and we can regain these abilities.

The indigenous mind can be closer to the real Self. There is less "stuff" and cognition in the way. The primal Self has the potential to be closer to the Creator. Re-encountering our original, indigenous or primal self apart from our religion, culture, education, and conditioning - this “self” can be closer to the real Self, the Higher Self, the Soul. The solution is to expose ourselves more to pristine nature, as well as preserve what still remains of the Creator's masterpiece. 

"Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness…” Isaiah

Sunday, September 22, 2024


These wisdoms arose out of a nature bound existence!

“Wilderness holds the answers to questions we do not yet know how to ask.” David Brower


“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” A. Einstein


How much have we lost on the altar of our amazing technology?

My personal experiences are derived mostly from the San Bushmen hunter-gatherers of the Kalahari and the Bantu peoples of Southern Africa as well as the teachings of the Ancestors and others. These have enlarged with the help of the Ancestors or Guides from three genres of spirit; African, Celtic/Druid and Hebrew all of whom are or were at one time nature bound. 

Sadly this too is now being lost in many indigenous populations on account of Western education and its materialism.


“We cannot today recreate the original wilderness wo/man in shape form or habitat. But we can recover him because s/he exists in us. S/He is the foundation in spirit or psyche on which we build and we are not complete until we have recovered him ..."


"Somewhere beyond the walls of our awareness, the Esau side, the hunter side, the seeking side of ourselves is waiting to return." 


 “Those of us who have spent time in wilderness are aware of the fact that there is something more to wilderness than we ourselves can express. ...” 

L. Van der Post


Western technology has given us tremendous gifts but we should never forget the huge price we have paid for losing contact with our primal selves. 


“Nature understands no jesting. She is always true, always serious, always severe. She is always right and the errors and faults are those of man. The human incapable of appreciating her, She despises and only to apt, the pure, the true, does She resign herself and reveal Her secrets.” Goethe


The primal model embraces intuition, rites of passage and initiations, accessing Nature's secrets and learning Her language. Their scripture was nature and the Four Beings of nature; The Talking Beings (our-Selves, especially as in our Higher Selves,) the Still, Growing and Wild Beings. The Gaia hypothesis was from the outset seminal to their being.

The San Bushmen and their Bantu neighbors could and still can understand, and cure spiritual diseases unknown to allopathic medicine but just as real and devastating. They heal with love and forgiveness, ask to receive with gratitude and depend on faith, belief and humility for their power. They believe in the power resident in sacred plants but also in tricksters or dark forces, the play of light and dark and how this can affect their (and our) lives. 

We should strive to go back to what we once knew without trying to change or pollute it with our own convenient projections. My sangoma mentor taught me that this was the original medicine and it will never change


“Nature hides her secrets with consummate modesty and speaks usually in an unintelligible tongue”
Charles Huggins


“The reality we can apprehend with the senses is only one percent of the universe.” The Zohar


Today’s astronomers agree that this is so, explaining how nature has hidden most of the matter in the universe and hidden it in a form that cannot be readily detected such as Black Holes and Dark Energy and Dark Matter. Most of the "Field" is unknowable. The primal mind could speak the language of nature and access some of the other 99% of the Unknowable resident in the "Field" beyond the veil between the worlds. 

"Whatever Being (Talking, Wild, Growing or Still), comes to be, be it motionless or moving, derives it's being from Field and Knower (the Creator) of the Field." Bhagavad Gita

We rely on intellect, data, science. We have been evicted and have separated ourselves from the power of the natural world. We often discount many indigenous wisdoms, labelling it ignorant and superstitious. We can regain some of this knowledge that we once had.

Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted.” A. Einstein

  My biggest lesson attained from times spent with the San was that the less one had between oneself and nature the more powerful the spiritual affect. Dreams would change and intuitive powers would sharpen.

Sunday, September 15, 2024


All healing is mediated through universal healing energy (love) from the Creator. Some are chosen more powerfully to do this. 


The healer  can have a big part to play in healing even without giving medications. For healing of severe diseases to occur the healer should be a pure channel. The healer must know they are just the messenger and the healing is coming through them.

"God cannot be realized if there is the slightest trace of pride"  Upanishads


It will be given to you according to the measure of your humility, the measure of your love and the measure of your faith.


To channel divine healing energy which is the Creator’s love, the ego must step aside and one needs to love the person no matter what one thinks of him or her. This is love as a commitment, not necessarily a sentiment or an emotion.

The ancestors and our guides are the mediators between us and the Great Spirit and can help.


 Spirit guides are not subject to time and space. They are always around but not always to be known, always within call but not always to be heard, always present but not always to be sensed, always holding us but not always to be felt.


However, free will is the cosmic law and we must ask to receive and ask as specifically as we can. Since they exist in the present moment where there is no time and free will is in the present moment, the request can be broad but as precise as possible in context - then imagined, affirmed, maintained and sustained. The more the will and passion the stronger the effect.


The healing outcomes we see in modern medicine today include:

1.   Remission – balancing the scales between the disease and the Inner Healer.

2.   Relapse when this harmony becomes unbalanced.

   3.   Progression and possible death. Because of the amazing advances in medicine, more and more sufferers today are living with a slowly progressive illness with temporary remissions and relapses and either earlier or later demise. Many will die with and not from their diseases.

4.   Spontaneous remission of diseases that have defied the best of what allopathic medicine has to offer. The key factors operating here are a strong spiritual belief or faith that all would be well and loving support in and outside of the healing team. “Shamanic like” rituals can help. Physicians call these events anecdotal but they are more common than reported and monumental for that lucky person concerned.

5.   Being healed but not been cured. Everyone can be healed. Some are cured but not healed in a true sense. Not everyone can be cured, 

"For every ailment under the sun there is a cure or there is none. If there be one try to find it. If there be none try not to mind it." Mother Goose

Modern medicine is indeed miraculous and many patients are outliving deadly diseases and dying with their illness and not from it.  However, if we can invoke and pay attention to some of these non-allopathic principles the chances of cure, remission and or healing is heightened considerably.

The Sacred Tools of the Healer

Insight to diagnose, prescribe, instruct and guide.
Opening the patient up to their own empowerment - facilitating the Inner Healer by invoking placebo but never nocebo.
Revealing the hidden and stirring the energies that heal by any means possible and especially with imagination, centered rituals.            
Instilling faith and hope. 
Counciling wisely.
Ensuring positive message using their voice, words, body language, eyes and healing touch. 
Always finding something of Divine essence in every being which also resides in their Inner Healer and which has incredible potential. 
Opening the space for them to be who they were truly meant to be. 
Focusing on the good in a person has the power to heal and lift them up. 

“Tipping the scales toward the side of merit.” Rev Nachman.

The healer has the potential to wound or heal depending on their thoughts, words and actions.

The true healer of spirit  alerts, instructs, demonstrates, shares, guides, blesses and reminds the sufferer to refocus and commit. S/he medicates with faith, dispenses hope and prescribes positive and practical suggestions.

The healer does not empower any more than the spiritual master bestows talent to his student. S/he makes them aware of their own empowerment - their gifts - and teaches them to develop their own empowerment. 

Reassuring them that ultimately they may also be able to fulfill their gift to humanity once they are well. This is also a way of facilitating help from the Field (getting one's-self out of the way.)

Providing them with rituals to connect them with the spiritual help that empowers. Using sacred plants which share the same Divine root source enhances placebo and serves as a password to the spirit world for a healing outcome. 

Asking to receive - manifesting the power of one's will with strong intention. 

All these methods can help in providing faith in a Divinely inspired outcome.

The symbol of the heart chakra is the hexagon. We can find this sacred geometry in nature and notably in three powerful entheogens; Ayahuasca on the left, San Pedro cactus on the right.and Peyote below which has a semblance of a six pointed star. They have the ability to open up our heart chakras so that energy can flow all the way up to the Crown chakra taking us beyond our limited, so called "normal" realities. These experiences have the power to neutralize a negative subconscious as well as the polluting affects of a compromising Store Consciousness. They also conform to the healing Law of Similars or Signatures. 

"When things resemble one another they can effect one another."

The Kundalini energy flows in a spiral  up the D.N.A. which is plastic, malleable and can be changed. We also see  the spiral in the way the Ayahuasca vine sometimes grows like two snakes mating. The Caduceus also represents this sacred geometry. This may be the route for the miracle of spontaneous remission of diseases.




Saturday, September 7, 2024



Shamanic rituals or “magical” energetic techniques that take the patient out of his or her normal mind set can be very powerful in changing an underlying negative thought process to that of; 

anything being possible. 

We should not be limited by the dogma that the medical profession has created about how our bodies and especially our Inner Healers work.

“The great source of both the misery and disorders of human life seems to arise from overrating the difference between one permanent situation and another…” Adam Smith

Guided imagery and imagination are powerful tools that can be invoked in healing, curing and anything else. 

No matter what we think may happen, what will ultimately manifest will usually be determined by what resides in our subconscious. The subconscious can be primed positively around sleep or in a meditative state with sensory driven stimulation and affirmations (usually music plus or minus relaxing visuals, especially of nature.)

As you think it so it can be. As you imagine and believe it so it will be.

To think like God is to think with imagination.

 Optimists are likely to be more successful than pessimists because of the positive thoughts that reside in their subconscious. Pessimism can be changed with imagination, belief and especially faith which is stronger than belief. It is best not to use negative words like, never or not, in our imaginatings (such as never doubt, nothing and never, in the quotes below.) Affirmations should always have positive wording to support the subconscious.

"Know what you want, decide when you want it, figure your plan of action, follow through on it, and never doubt. 
Unless an action is rightly thought out and its steps rightly planned, every stage of its performance will probably remain vague and therefore unsatisfactory for the doer and all those concerned.” 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

“What you put your attention on grows strong in your life. 

What you see (imagine) you become. 

If we think of defeat that is what we will get. 

If we are undecided then nothing will happen for us. 

Never think of failure at all. 

We must pick something great to do and then do it. 

Doubts are death. Doubts are the dry rot of life.” 

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


Use the mind, do not let the mind use you.

The mind must mind what the mind minds best.


Spacious or Big Mind rather than Monkey or Narrow Mind!

Monkey or Narrow Mind is constantly chattering unhelpful messages of delusion to us. Spiritual practice or relaxation techniques can help us to subordinate Monkey Mind to Spacious Mind.

Magical rituals - and entheogens used by shamans especially in North and South America and increasingly in the West - can help us get out of a negative mind-set that inhibits the Inner Healer from rising to its full potential. 

The healing or curing effect - apart from the patient's belief - can be enhanced by the healer’s abilities to channel divine healing energy from the "Field" to the sufferer. 


These qualities can also empower the Inner Healer: 

Being flexible, creative, resilient, adaptable, accepting and committing to the challenge, taking control, having a sense of humor and using comedy for healing, being congruent with whom we truly are and not being a pleaser. Some who survived could even be cantankerous and difficult – their main objective being their wellness.

So-called “cathartic conversion experiences” or transcendental, Kundalini occurrences can occur such as:

An experience of heat especially in the area of the disease such as a burning fire in the chest or pelvis where the illnes is, vibrational or electricity or lightning like energy moving in the body, peak (oneness) experiences, feelings of transcendence, being transported beyond oneself, sensations of intense love, empathy or compassion, out of body experiences, shamanic-like states and connecting with spirit guides or ancestors in dreams or real time.

These properties contrast strongly compare to a head down, hopeless, helpless, anxious, apathetic, depressed and dejected attitude. 

Viktor Frankl was a holocaust survivor who never relinquished his grasp of life’s meaning nor his sense of equanimity in the death camps as did those who had goals like wanting to write a book or seeing a loved one again. The way prisoners imagined their lives had a lot to do with their outcomes. The physically stronger ones did not necessarily prevail over the seemingly weaker ones.