Saturday, November 17, 2018


Positive Psychology & how it enhances 
the other aspects of these recent blogs

Seligman and Ryff are two huge figures in the field of Positive Psychology - Seligman the more well known. He is convinced that the Self Esteem movement, started in California, led to many more dysfunctions - such as depression, decreased performance, narcissism and even suicide - rather than benefits.
Positive Psychology is about self worth and not self esteem which implies a certain arrogance and egocentricity and according to  ancient wisdom, is a recipe for suffering. Rather than self esteem we should have 
 Universal Self Acceptance (USA
or an unconditional positive regard for our own self worth. 

Seligman came up with a catchy acronym to help us with well being and happiness.
Was about maximizing positive emotions and minimizing the negative, now seemingly so overwhelming in our lives. The Ancestors also say we should seek joy and gratitude in hidden recesses and wherever we can find them.

A mission that induces positive flow is about using our signature strengths. These manifest when we find our own basic archetype; healer, teacher, warrior or visionary. Each one of these has many possible variations today. He stresses that we should use these in service to others.
(It is possible that at times this can even facilitate getting deeper, and into the "Zone" - also called Superfluidity.) 

Positive relationships are especially powerful and support the other aspects of PERMA.

Serving something bigger than ourselves.
Albert Schweitzer said; "I don't know what your destiny will be but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy will be those who have sought and found how to serve."

Seligman emphasizes that accomplishment alone is fine for our self worth but that it should also be meaningful.

Carol Ryff's principles are similar. The two together make Positive Psychology broader in terms of our own uniqueness. We should adapt them to our own destiny archetype which can often be revealed to us in the Hero/ine's journey. Hence PERMA and this journey are synergistic.
Here is a summary of Ryff's principles.

Positive Psychology is about well being, happiness, joy, equanimity
and especially

Robert Evans did research on gratitude and made some profound observations.
Gratitude increases dopamine and serotonin  (equivalent to an antidepressant.)  It also increases neuronal density in the prefrontal cortex much like F.M.R.I. studies have shown happens in advanced meditators - they have more neuronal "muscle." It also engages the Parasympathetic nervous system or a Relaxation Response, an alfa rhythm in the brain, as does meditation.
Gratitude is a profound form of spiritual practice and prayer. True prayer is about being grateful. Asking for "something" in prayer is really supplication or petition. If this is done its best to get ourselves out of the way and making the gifts requested being for the greater good of others or the planet. In other words put our ego or acquisitiveness or what the Buddhists call Desirous Attachment aside. Evans got the participants of the study to do the following exercises.

These were the benefits he measured 

So it seems that not only does Positive Psychology go hand in hand with Gratitude but the latter is also powerful spiritual practice.  PERMA with the addition of the hero's journey and other spiritual practices can be hugely transformative. Seligman being a scientist omits spiritual practice but Evans confirms that gratitude it is just that.
The Ancestors

Click to highlight and the play to hear what the Ancestors also say in this song 

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