Sunday, April 7, 2019


Barry Schwartz in his work on joy defines two "Selves"; the Experiencing Self and the Remembering Self.
 He clarifies that it is the Experiencing Self that experiences the 
in the moment sensory joy experience.
Happiness he says is more of an evaluation of the past, present and future and how one's "story" makes us feel. We all have a "reset point" for joy which is part of the Remembering Self and our psychological immune system. This is a a kind of synthetic happiness which depends on how we integrate, rationalize and actualize our experiences. He also emphasizes that one bad aspect of an experience can spoil everything and that what is Remembered is key! Hence it is important not to end on an adverse event but to redeem it as quickly as possible with a better experience so that this is what is remembered.
He adds that wealth will not necessarily make one happy but poverty causes unhappiness. The first few years of life are critical in creating a positive environment for a child and that reading stories, being taught to read and having a regular bedtime can go a long way toward creating a happy child growing up under bad circumstances.

The Ancestors stress the Three L's of Joy
Love - Love

Norman cousins cured himself of a debilitating immune disease with laughter and by watching funny movies. He wrote a book on it called Anatomy of an Illness. The movie Patch Adams about Hunter Campbell M.D. describes the true story of a physician who opened a free six bedroom home for the purpose of creating humor infused care. Laughter releases endorphins, enhances the immune system, decreases sympathetic tone, and has physiological affects similar to moderate exercise.

The Heart Math Institute reminds us that stress and negative emotions create an Incoherent heart rhythm as well as an increased Heart Rate Variability (H.R.V.) which have a negative affect on our brain function causing negative emotions and decreased cognitive function. They also stress that there are more signals emanating  from the heart to the brain - (not just electromagnetic but biochemical and others as well) - than vice versa. On the other hand when the heart rate variability is constant the rhythm becomes Coherent with positive emotional and cognitive affects. Among other Heart Math techniques, breath meditation is an easy way to achieve a Coherent rhythm. Heart Coherence gives us harmony, serenity and equanimity and even splashes onto others, having more than just an individual affect.

The Ancestors tell us to counteract the dark around us we must 
"find joy in hidden places." 
These suggestions can help. 

Touching, pats, hugs and massage increase oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin which make us happy. Talking or visiting a loved one does the same.



The Ancestors

Other Tips

The Ancestors

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