Sunday, June 30, 2019


Each of us has our own unique story and I have found it useful to go back on my own and review it with the truths of the present moment which may be different to those understood when the story occurred.
In doing this blog and the recent talk I gave I discovered:
 Mistakes that I learned in the rediscovery of the events - unrealized before. Often this was because I did not listen to my heart, my gut or my dreams but rather to my intellect.
There were also those mistakes I learned from new found understandings of ancient wisdom from the Ancestors and others. There are often many levels that can be realized from these teachings. Some of these were understood at the time and maybe ignored to my detriment - others only in retrospect. A few were rediscovered at a deeper level.

With regard to the mistakes I've made I have also found Portia Nelson's descriptions of her Five Chapters very useful.

There were also realizations that although I had had certain experiences I had not incorporated them or actualized them into my being. They were "mine" but did not fully belong to me or as the Ancestors teach ...

The crux of this series of blogs has been to help us all with the crucial question, 
what is my destiny??
We are all given a unique gift for which we are karmically accountable. Some of us do not know what our archetype or that gift is. 
There are four basic "indigenous" archetypes (Jung described many more.) In primal societies you were either a healer (shaman or herbalist,) a teacher, a warrior or a visionary (chief or leader.) These four basic ones still apply but each has many more possibilities in today's world which is so complicated. The teacher may make movies; the healer may be someone who wants to save the trees in the Amazon, the warrior may be a C.E.O of a company, the visionary a musician or poet or guru or wise elder. 
We would hope that whichever archetype we have we are doing it with karmic responsibly (simply put; in joy, with love, for its own sake, subordinating ego to the higher Self and without doing harm, so that we can help heal the planet.)

If we choose rather to invoke one of the four Yogas it could also be; 
Karma yoga or service (the Mother Theresa archetype.)
Bhakti yoga or devotion to the Creator and the Creation (the Sufi poets.)
Jnana yoga or the intellectual mastery of the scriptures (the teacher.)
Raja yoga the path of the Buddha. (Control of the mind and self-realization.)
These are all service oriented. The yogi doesn't remain in the cave or in the forest after this realization but comes back into the world to help heal others and the planet.

The Ancestors teach;
The hunt for your destiny is the hunt of your life, stick to the scent, stay on the spoor.
 Our karma depends on it!
We cannot resign ourselves to fate or those cards we are dealt in life, we have to rise above them. However, free will and choice, which is the cosmic law, prevails. We are fully entitled to sabotage ourselves if we want. There are an ever increasing number of temptations that challenge us. However, karma is unforgiving and allows for no excuse.
"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." 
W. E. Henley

If we look closely at our life history we may a series of Hero/ine's journeys fulfilling all three stages, if we review the experience.

What made us Separate - go out there and take a risk because of a certain yearning, the first phase of the journey?

What happened in the second Threshold phase when we entered the metaphorical forest to face our physical and psychological fears?

How did we Incorporate the "Aha" experience which may have been the grail we needed at that time?
This is another way to look at our story if it fits.
Spiritual practice is crucial if we are to stay on the path or a Kabir states; "Friend there are very few who find the way."

In reviewing my story I thought that these recommendations may be helpful.

Have you found the optimal spiritual practice or practices to help guide you and open up your Third Eye to the "Field" and the dreams and intuitions of non local information (not localized in space and time) ? 
If it's not working for you maybe add an embodied practice or an Ancestral practice and make an altar to your guides. (Check out the D.V.D. under videos on my web site.)

Look at your life. If you have a dream not yet fulfilled - just do it!

"What you can do or dream you can, begin it, boldness has genius, power and magic in it." 

 And if not review and renew your experiences by revisiting your story. Or both.

We tend to invalidate, trivialize or forget some profound spiritual encounters or maybe someone else invalidated or rationalized them or discredited them. Revisiting them can affirm your spirit guide or Field connections and strengthen them.

Beware of prescriptions and descriptions that do not fit who you truly are. March to the sound of your own drum and tune into the power of your own spirit practice not someone elses' no matter how profound. We are all unique and so are our individual paths. The Creator does not want a copy cat version of who your teachers, parents or friends want or think you should be. 

I have aways enjoyed this story of Singing Stone by H. Storm.

As Dogen says; 
"When you find your place where you are practice begins."

These quotes may also help

Click the links to highlight and play 



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