Sunday, August 4, 2019


This is a critical stage before the Visionary phase of the Four Directions. All four archetypes can also exist - but hopefully in a wholesome, spirit form -  in the East of the Visionary. If the Warrior "falls" to his/her shadow side while in the North, the visionary direction will also be pathological. 
The fallen "guru" or leader may have had these tendencies below from the outset and more than likely his/her childhood upbringing had something to do with it. The shadow will follow him throughout the medicine wheel and all the directions unless it's dealt with. 
Alternatively the "inclination to do good" is overcome by temptation and power which reinforce and empower the shadow or inclination to do evil that we all have. 

The Ancestors

The Adult Warrior of the North is the leader and governor of all the directions. If the chief of the "tribe" is toxic, all four directions will suffer as his/her shadow falls over the tribe. Hence we must strive to have a spirit warrior with vision in charge who can guide us with spiritual wisdom. 
The spirit warrior prepares the tribe to survive the "winter" or the bad times which is the season of the north, as is the 3rd chakra but the 3rd chakra will need to be modulated by the upper chakras. Sadly there is a paucity of spirit warriors in charge at every level today; government, business etc.

The leader who has power should also be held to the highest standard. 
"To those whom much is given, much is expected."

Power corrupts, and complete power corrupts completely!
Greed creates the need and obsession for more power.

The Shadow side of the Warrior or Leader 
may manifest as follows:

Someone who lacks respect and disempowers others.
The Ancestors teach
We are all one but not the same. 
If the law does not serve love do not serve the law.
and Dammapada; 
See yourself in others then whom can you hurt, what harm can you do.
Narcissism and love of self (with a small s) will negate these values. 

He talks his walk rather than the reverse,
is authoritarian, speaks about right and wrong and is self righteous rather than effective.

He does not speak truth to power.

Projection of his own wounds and his shadow
leads to judgment of others without any introspective awarenesses. 

The end justifies the means. 
Hence there is little moral compass to guide him and others behind him. Loop holes in the law are exploited and the usual mores and even laws are ignored. Authoritarianism becomes despotism. 
Any ethics guiding the law are ignored.

Those warriors working under him fall under his shadow and enable rather than risk showing up. They are often ego-self  pleasers rather than higher-Self nurturers and are happy to reap the benefits of the power and money surrounding them without conscience. They may be in denial and even argue that it is better they are there than not there, to somewhat temper the leader, yet  are still afraid to do so. Codependency is rampant.

On the other hand the principles below are being embraced by some conscious business leaders.  S/he understands that happy workers and a good work environment are actually profitable and ...

Sadly - only when it has been proved to be more financially profitable than the alternative - will things change.
Next week we will talk about the shadow side of the Visionary - the ultimate direction we are all heading toward.

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