Sunday, October 27, 2019


WIND - BREATH - PRANA(Yoga) - CHI (The Tao) -RUACH (Hebrew)
MOYA (Zulu)


This blog on the Creators "Wind" or Breath will mostly be about the 
The mysteries of creation and these teachings are to be savored and meditated upon. I will not even begin to try and explain them but they speak to what Creation was all about from the beginning. 

Others have expressed similar lapses in our understandings.

And Einstein; 
"Our knowledge is the knowledge of children. We will know a little more of what we know now, but the true nature of things we will never know, never."

The sages 
and the primal shamans who arose out of the hunter gatherer archetype, possibly may understand a little more of what the mystery of nature is all about.
The hunter gatherer in order to survive also had to live beyond the five senses. S/He was in intimate contact with nature and knew how to take advantage of natures' bounty using skills as well as altered states of consciousness to hunt and gather.

A book was written on the curandero or shaman Eduardo Calderon called 
The Wizard of the Four Winds. 
In my two short encounters with him I noted that in his rituals he would salute the Four Winds and Four Directions by spraying chicha, the local brew, in each direction with his mouth as a sign of gratitude and respect.

Luther Standing Bear said; 
"It was only when the white man came that wilderness existed." 
Indigenous peoples had always been in intimate contact with nature until "civilization" came and turned their lives around.
However, if we care to return to the "Garden" ...

The Ancestors

The Zohar

The Ancestors

This is true for all the
Four Beings;
Still or Silent
Wild (or domesticated)
Talking or Human 

We are all animated by these "Four Winds" or the Breath of the Creator. We are all made of the same elements and all have consciousness but different vibrations. As the Ancestors teach;
We are all one though not the same.
The Ancestors

and hence
Druid saying

The Ancestors

Each of the Four Beings of nature is constantly being animated by Divine breath - a different vibration for each.

Pranayama or the yoga science of breath meditation is one way of acknowledging and feeling that we are continually being animated by the breath of the Divine until the Grim Reaper comes to take it away.

The Ancestors

Click on the link to highlight, then play and ponder

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