Saturday, November 9, 2019


Water is vital for life on earth and it has been said; 
"people fight over oil but they kill for water!"

The Ancestors 

For those of you familiar with Emoto's research re 
Consciousness and Memory in Water 
it is still probably worth downloading this three minute video.
Water, Consciousness & Intent: Dr. Masaru Emoto - YouTube › watch

Before talking about the Growing Beings it is essential that we realize that water holds consciousness and memory as do the Growing Beings. German scientist have confirmed the same.

The Growing Beings are of the Water Element.
The Ancestors 

Plants that are prayed to and have classical music played to them grow better. Those exposed to rock music are hampered. This could be a response of the plant consciousness itself or/and the response to water that is coursing through the "veins" of the plant just as blood courses through our vessels. Love infused water is nurturing.

The question is;
 what vibration does the water and the plants have that we imbibe. What affect does that have on our bodies, minds and spirits?
What is the waters' source?
The Ancestors

They can look pristine and feel it but one may have to walk or hike far to find them.

There are only  two emotions or feelings 
Love and Fear.
To summarize Emoto for those who did not down load the video ...
This is what the crystals of water look like when exposed to a love vibration. Classical music looks similar as does exposure to Mother Theresa's picture.

Below is what they look like when exposed to a fear vibration. Heavy metal music looks similar. 
Google Fujiwara lake which looks pristine but see how nasty its frozen crystalline formation "looks" under a microscope. How does the water coming out of our faucet look?

Since up to 80% of our cells may comprise water ...

In biblical times the Israelites used water for spiritual cleansing and this is the basis for the ritual cleansing bath the "Mikvah" to this day. The main principle of the Mikvah is that the water must be continually flowing in and out. Its is not a bath in the usual sense.

"Most forms of ritual impurity can be purified through immersion in any natural collection of water. 
However, some impurities, require "living water", such as springs or groundwater wells. Living water has the further advantage of being able to purify even while flowing. The Mikvah is designed to simplify this requirement, by providing a bathing facility that remains in constant contact with a natural source of  water."

When John the Baptist began baptisms the Jordan or any other river was completely different to what it is today. It's comforting to know that we can change waters' molecular structure with the power of a positive love vibration; playing sacred music, burning incense, prayer 
or placing a sacred plant in the water such as sage or cedar. 
It may be a good idea to do the same for the water we drink. It may be chemically clean but not vibrationally sound.

It may also be powerful to go out and dance naked in the rain while requesting we be cleansed from our impurities by our guides and especially by the Great Spirit.

"Before the arrival of Jesus, John preached a baptism of repentance  to all the people of Israel." Acts 13:24
In other word spiritual cleansing.

The Ancestors

Spontaneous remissions of diseases that have defied the best that modern medicine has to offer have been reported in sacred places using holy water as a medium or "container." Lourdes in France is the best example but there are others.

Water itself can be a "container" for a "blessing," from or a request to, our Spirit Guides and the Creator. If water is empowered by sacred plants, prayers or loving intentions as well as being combined with other rituals in some way or another - all the better. 
Rituals on their own serve as containers, and our guides like us to be creative and specific with our requests sent to them in ritual form.  Moreover, ritual has a powerful affect on our brains conscious as well as our subconscious. A ritual is more indelibly recorded in our minds and has an influence beyond the veil as well. The more powerful the intention, will and passion, the better. 
Because free will is the cosmic law the spirit world requires we be very specific in our requests. 
Ritual is a way to do this and is a powerful form of supplication or gratitude. It can also be done in a bath or a pool of water made sacred with ritual.

Fire as well as water have cleansing powers. The effect of fire converting water to steam as in the Native American sweat lodge can be a profound cleansing ritual. Moreover, there is also group coherence with chants and prayers as well as the effect of the incense liberated by sacred plants placed on the red hot rocks.

Click on the link to highlight then play the message from the Ancestors

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