Friday, March 27, 2020


The Ancestors
In this week's blog on the spiritual power of music, sound, vowels or words I am going to delve into some personal mythology or an explanation of what ancient wisdom might be telling us. My disclaimer is what the ancestors say above. However, for those of a scientific or quantum nature, maybe go no further.

We have established that "In the Beginning was the Word or Logos" and that this is what created the universe. 
  Jenning by using viscous substances showed that different frequencies of sound formed certain patterns - the higher the frequency the more complex the pattern. Vowels and words make patterns as well. 
We have also shown in prior blogs that some of these patterns form shapes which are common in nature i.e. a form of Sacred Geometry. According to Pythagoras, God "geometrized" the universe and "numbers" were the manner of all things in it. Sound and music are the mathematics of the Divine. 
These sounds influence water as well. Water has resonance and retains memory. The cells in our body are 80% water so that music, singing, sound, chanting, vowels, the bijah sounds of each chakra, and words can influence us more profoundly than we may know. 

"You can heal anything with the right sound."
Credo Mutwa 

Prayer may be a magical way to use words which may also have a lot to do with Emoto's work of exposing water to positive or light, versus negative or dark intentions. In other words; love or fear. He froze the water previously exposed to various love intentions  including tonal, harmonic music and found them to reveal beautiful crystalline shapes when looked at under a microscope. The opposite was true with a fear or negative vibration e.g. heavy Metal music which was atonal, non harmonic and chaotic. The crystals here assumed hideous shapes.
 Many cultures sing or chant their ancient vowels, producing musical tones to use as a form of healing. 
According to the Kabbalists it was the Hebrew alphabetic which created the sound needed for the creation to take place.
Kabbalah also has its own version of the Big Bang (Google Yitzchak Luria's version) and extrapolated from that an explanation pertaining to quantum physics...
Not only shapes but sounds as well.

Celtic wisdom
The Celtic belief that God sang creation into existence and that this is the sacred tune of the universe is shared by Pythagoras' (Music of the Spheres,) the singing of the stars by the San Bushmen and the Zohar and the eternal O H M or A U M by the Hindus. Moreover, it continues on and on to this day and beyond. However, only those pure of heart can hear it viz..

Brahma; the Supreme Creator, represents 
Ether, the fifth element 
which includes Sound.
Akasha is ether, sound 
Nada is vibration
Brahma is sound
O H M or A U M
represents the three deities
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva

'Ohm' or 'Aum' is the sound of the universe. Ohm is all encompassing and the essence of the ultimate reality that unifies everything in the universe. As you chant OHM A-U-M you are experiencing the all in everything

The galaxies seem to be achieving an impossible feat. They are rotating with such speed that the gravity generated by them could not possibly be the only factor holding them together. They should have torn themselves apart long ago. Something we cannot see is at work, sustaining them and us - what quantum physicists call Dark Matter. 

"A river arose out of Eden forming Four Rivers and Four Winds." The Zohar

Is it possible that the Sacred Song of the universe is the magical dark matter or force, animated by the Breath/Wind/Prana/Spirit of the Divine that is preventing the galaxies from spinning out of control and imploding?
 Kabbalah believes that it is the Breath or "Wind" (Ruach) of God which sustains us all at every present moment and if it was withdrawn everything would come to an end.
The Ancestors 

The Four Winds animate all four elements and Beings with differing and increasing vibrations from; 
Earth - Still Beings
Water - Growing Beings 
Air - Wild Beings 
 Fire - Talking Beings.

Genesis; "... and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."

As above so below
As below so above

The Ancestors tell us that we are like marionettes connected to the supernal worlds and that every kind action we take, or positive chant/sound/song we express or word that we speak has an effect above and benefits us at the same time below. They liken it to creating pockets of angelic energy. The converse is true in that we may also create mini demons. We may even have a a tiny roll in sustaining the Breath that animates us and the world.
Hence what comes around (to above) also goes around (back to us below.)

Yoga philosophy

Thought precedes the sounds that we make and the songs that we sing.

The Buddha voices a similar message to Gandhi's (thoughts become words which become behavior... habits ... values and destiny 
(and our karma too.) 
They also affect the cosmic realm.

Einstein said; 
"Our knowledge is the knowledge of children. We will know a little more than we know now but the real nature of things we will never know, never."
We need to be humble but we are allowed to speculate on our own mythology.

The Ancestors 

The Ancestors 

Click on the link to highlight then play for an uplifting vibration during these hard times.
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