Friday, June 19, 2020



“Everyone will ultimately achieve the spiritual perfection for which we are created and this may take many lifetimes because of
free will” 
The Ancestors
 “Before the soul enters this world it is conducted through all worlds. Last of all it is shown the first light which when the world was created illuminated all things and which God removed when mankind grew corrupt. Why is the soul shown this light? So that from that hour on it may yearn to attain the light and approach it rung by rung.” The Talmud

If one spoke to a San Bushman they would say rung by rung is by climbing the ladder or rope to the Great Spirit which is what they do in their out of body, spirit flight, trance dance. If one was a Kabbalist the rungs would apply to the Tree of Life and reaching Keter (the Crown – similar to the Crown chakra,) and the transcendent. 

Free will and karma have a lot to say about where we will arrive after death - which vibration - the Causal Realm for perfected souls - or the Astral where we come back again to get it right. The Buddhists call the Causal, the Pure Land, the Kabbalists, the Garden of Eden.
“Consequences are neither reward nor punishment, they simply are consequences - natural cause and effect, often not immediate but always inescapable”
“There are no good choices or bad choices only the consequences of those choices.”  
“Spiritual laws are operative whether or not we understand them or can explain them or whether or not we even know about them or believe in them.”  The Ancestors
 Whether we know it or not or believe in it or not, karma – the law of cause and effect which is determined by how we activate free will, prevails when we cross the veil between the worlds. In spite of this cosmic law there is still the belief that there is nothing after death and we may as well live for today and enjoy life irresponsibly and to the full since there is no "tomorrow" when we die. Karma and free will are interdependent although they have different qualities. You might ask the question as to why there should be karma, why the tension between good and evil and the right to choose. Why have evil at all?                     
“The sages teach that without the sacred there is no mundane and without the mundane there is no sacred.
They are different sides of the same reality. They are unique but not separate from the whole.” 
The Ancestors
Spiritual perfection would not be possible if not for this dynamic. Some are further ahead than others on this road, -  old souls versus the young ones. Karma, free will and the other spiritual laws not recognized by most are a template for spiritual perfection. Karma is built in as a default to the soul. Hence the Ancestors teach;
"God's love is not a test, God is not a test of love."
God does not play favorites - S/He loves us all and hopes, like the prodigal son or daughter that we all will eventually be redeemed and return to the Father/Mother.
“Everyone will ultimately achieve the spiritual perfection for which we are created and this may take many lifetimes because of
free will.” 
 The Ancestors
Without good and evil, the sacred and the profane, life would present no challenge. If everything was all sweet and good and there was nothing bad, life would be like spiritual diabetes, spiritually deadly and boring.
“You are free always to change course at any time or place; if you were not, there would be no challenge, no discovery, no victory, no fulfillment.”
“If the burden were taken away the lesson would not be there, coping with it is what is important and is what will count.”
“We are continually being tested - not about how much we know or how well we perform but that our trust, love and faith are being always tested at unexpected times in often unrecognized guises…” The Ancestors
Krishnamurti said; “discernment is choiceless” - this statement applies usually to the spiritually mature. … 
“Everything is foreseen, yet freedom of choice is given.”  Rev. Akiva
Free will resides in Narrow Mind (Monkey Mind)
 In the clarity of the awareness of Spacious Mind 
(Big Mind, Buddha or Christ consciousness) there is no need for free will.
Hence everything is foreseen but only in Spacious Mind.
Narrow Mind is limited to free will and clings to the perception that there is choice.
With the clarity of awareness choice is seen as illusory.
Hence free will is a responsibility for those who do not see things clearly.” 
The Ancestors
We can only be redeemed to the extent to which we see ourselves.”  Talmud. It is only when we have exquisite spiritual awareness and can really see our flaws that choice disappears and we know exactly what we have to do - "discernment is choiceless."
“To make a choice good and evil must both operate freely. The only way to do away with evil is to continually choose the good. Evil is not the cause but rather the consequence of not choosing the Creator's revealed will. This is what gives it birth and sustains its life. “
Free will is always neutral, motivated and catalyzed by desire (intention.) 
You cannot say; “the devil made me do it!
”We have both a dark and a light side to our nature. When we choose God's revealed will the consequence is good. This too is what gives goodness its birth and sustains its life. It is important to understand that it is neither evil nor good that cause our choice but rather that they are the consequence of it.” 
“Free will as we tend to think of it implies choices so that we may decide upon them. Where there are no choices there is no freedom of will to be exercised. 
Where choices are limited by circumstances, one may still at least determine what one's attitude will be, how we respond not in action but in deciding our thoughts, intent and opinions.” The Ancestors
The Ancestors advise; 
“if the law does not serve love do not serve the law.” They do not say to disobey the law because the penalties could be spiritually counterproductive. We do not serve an unjust law if we have right thoughts, intent and opinions even if we cannot do anything about it.
“Another cannot help you neutralize anything you have not freely, willingly and deliberately given up.” The Ancestors
I come across this frequently during divination when someone has a toxic partner and it is clear that it is time to move on. I often say; “if you are quite certain you want to leave him/her, I can help strengthen your resolve with rituals for spiritual assistance.” 
However, because of free will, even if they said they were sure, but were not, free will would disallow any spiritual help. 
Most of the time they equivocate when I ask the question and I cannot help them through my guides who must obey the law of free will.       

“The distinction between past, present and future is only an illusion, albeit a stubborn one.”  A. Einstein

                Free will is the cosmic law. There is no time on the other side of the veil between worlds. Spirit guides live in the present moment and hence free will is also in the present moment. When we ask to receive from either our guides or the Creator – because of free will – we must be very specific. Moreover, because these forces exist in a timeless reality one needs to affirm, maintain and sustain the intention and the request.   
“The Ancestors cannot save but only alert, advise and warn and only according to your openness and willingness. They cannot change or deter you from your own insistency no matter to what it’s due. Only you can change!”

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