Saturday, October 24, 2020



As they say, one look is worth a 1000 words. I hope you enjoy these remarkable dvd's. I suggest you watch the full feature of each to get the understandings of what it might be like to have such a gift. If you do not have the time revisit them during the week instead of watching negative news or dark movies.

The first is a short preview of the Netflix movie. For those who want more, check out Netflix or find it on You Tube.

PreviewPreview2:35MY OCTOPUS TEACHER Trailer (2020) Netflix

Interspecies communicator & Diablo the back leopard. A longer version is available but this is adequate for most.

PreviewPreview13:17The incredible story of how leopard Diabolo became Spirit ...

The running hunt of the Kalahari  San Bushmen

PreviewPreview5:27The Great Dance

53:30The Great Dance - A Hunter's Story

For those for whom this is too longer or may be offended by this remarkable "Hunt by Running." View from 43-47 minutes and 53 minutes to the end.

Kevin Richardson. Lion Whisperer

PreviewPreview5:24An Unbreakable Bond | The Lion Whisperer

The Ancestors teach; "We are all one, though not the same."

“Earth am I, air am I, water, fire and spirit am I. Earth are you, air are you, water, fire and spirit are you…” Celtic wisdom

We are all made out of star dust and carbon - dust to dust, ashes to ashes. If we can align ourselves with this fact and also with the frequency and vibration of the Being; be it Still, Growing or Wild we can come to respect and understand them more deeply. We cannot all be animal whisperers but we can connect with these Beings at another level. We can also go into nature, wilderness or pristine wild places or even our garden or a park with an inner, Zen like intention to gain the equanimity and intimacy in nature that we all need in these dire times. This concept is embraced by the Wilderness Act of North America, Robert Services' poems and Aldo Leopold's eco-philosophy.

One cannot go into nature trying to run rivers, bag peaks, mountain bike or chat away to a hiking buddy ... etc, if we want to understand the secrets nature has to offer. This requires an inward intention best felt when we are in a meditative or an alfa state of awareness, and usually on "our own" or alone.

One does not have to go into wild placed to experience the magic of the ordinary but the closer we are to the Garden of Eden archetype the more likely we will experience equanimity, balance, harmony and even Maslow's peak experience, "oneness" or unity consciousness.

The Ancestors


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