Saturday, August 14, 2021


To revise the principles of Karma so far.

Fulfill your destiny (last week.)

Correct injustice – heal the planet.

Do no harm to any of the Four Beings of Nature.

Subordinate Ego to the Higher Self.


Be in joy and savor the opportunity of being in a sentient body and fulfilling one’s task or mission.

 This week is about correcting injustice and doing no harm.

Correct Injustice - Heal the Planet

Our role on earth is to correct injustice.


This is also the essence of Karma yoga or service-oriented yoga. Karma Yoga is the path of action and service to others with mindfulness. This service can manifest in many ways and on behalf of any or all of the Four Beings; Talking, Wild, Growing and Still (including the planet Herself - Mother Nature - Gaia.) As for all these Karmic principles it should be done for it's own sake, without thinking of any benefit that may be gained.


Give without remembering,
Take without forgetting.
Give freely.
Receive openly.
Do all with gratitude.
It is the way of love.
It is the way of joy. 

Many of these tenets, including service, will enhance the last of being in joy which in turn creates the gratitude emanating from joy.


“We are here to help others - what on earth others are here for - I do not know.”  W.H. Auden


“The worship most pleasing to God is service to others.” L. Boff


“Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to a divine purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: That we are here for the sake of others …” A. Einstein

 “I do not know what your destiny will be but the one thing I do know is that the only ones among you who will be truly happy are those who have learned and found how to serve.” A. Schweitzer

If we take our suffering and make something useful to others out of it,  our own happiness will increase.

Ideally we are here to correct injustice through our God given destiny or core strength. However, even if we are unsure what that is we can still help to heal the planet. Whatever the service, destiny driven or not.  Karma yoga is great for Karma - the "Mother Theresa" or Schweitzer archetype or similar.

There can be no excuses for not doing something to try and help or heal others. Many of us will have to live in two worlds, the one that pays our bills and the other that is our destiny or is purely service oriented. We may have to do the latter in our spare time. For example if one always wanted to be a musician but never followed the path because of parental pressure or practicalities it is vital to again explore that talent and see where it takes one even if it is just for the sake of giving oneself and others pleasure.

"I slept and dreamt that life was joy, I awoke and saw that life was service.  I acted and behold, service was joy." Tagore

Once our basic needs are satisfied anything extra should ideally be done without consideration for any renumeration for the task at hand. If we also get paid for it well and good. If done with good grace, all the better from a karmic view point. Its not about what we do or why we do it but how we do it and how we feel about it. If done grudgingly or for a reward it is karmically neutral or even negative.

If our God given destiny is in play here all the better. Service optimally follows the Incorporation or Integration phase of the Hero/ine's journey where we take the "grail" obtained during a rite of passage and then give it away.

"We make a living from what we get, we make a life by what we give." W. Churchill

There are four basic archetypes each of which can have many manifestations; Healer, Teacher, Warrior and Visionary. Service can be performed through any of them.

The easiest way to manage this challenge is to practice random acts of kindness. This creates Coherence within us, around us, even distant to us (the butterfly effect,) and above us in the supernal realms where  these acts are appreciated.

"The universe will reward you for taking risks on its behalf." Shakti Gawain


Do No Harm

We are all one, though not the same.

The breath that is in all beings emanates from this sacred wellspring making us one - not the same.

We are all animated by the breath of the Creator, each of the Four Beings at a different vibration. We are all made of the same elements - dust to dust ashes to ashes. The Infinite One loves all of creation.

“The fundamental delusion of humanity is to suppose that I am here and you are out there.” Roshi


“See yourself in others then whom can you hurt? What harm can you do?”  Dammapada


Ubuntu is a Bantu, Southern African concept. According to Bishop Tutu, Ubunti speaks to the essence of being human. 

"The solitary individual is a contradiction in terms. Ubuntu speaks about the importance of communal harmony; warmth, compassion, generosity, hospitality and seeks to embrace others. You are a person only through other persons."


If I am not for myself who will be for me.

 If I am only for myself then what am I.

 And if not now, then when?” Hillel

Play and meditate to see where you can help.



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