Sunday, October 10, 2021

 THE TREE OF LIFE'S THREE TRIADS                                  AND THE CHAKRAS #3

Spiritual practice can awaken the Kundalini - the Shakti, feminine essence of the Divine. Committing ourselves to the presence of the Shechina, Shakti's equivalent in Kabbalah, does the same thing. We need to remember that the Earth Mother is feminine and She can help us along this path, as she did the primal hunter gatherers. To them nature was their main spiritual practice. 
When we overlap these two systems we can see where each of these critical triangles are respectively situated. The red line separates Accomplishing below from Becoming above,

The T.O.L. is balanced by restraint or fear on the left and expansion or love on the right. The center column holds the balance with Will. 
Similarly in Yoga, the Sun (red, hot, expansion, masculine - equivalent to the sympathetic nervous system) and Moon channels (cool, blue, contraction, feminine - parasympathetic equivalent) that spiral around the center column manifest their balance in the center channel as they encompass each chakra. Energy usually oscillates up and down the Sun and Moon randomly until spiritual practice facilitates their movement up the center, awakening the Kundalini which activates the chakras to a greater or lesser extent depending on the devotee's commitment. 
The zig zag arrow in blue below represents Kundalini which can  sometimes move like a lightning bolt up the central channel. This uncontrolled movement can create an unsettling spiritual crisis. Lee Sannella, a psychiatrist, wrote extensively on the subject of transcendence versus psychosis. Stanislav Grof also studied it and even had a hotline at one stage for this spiritual emergency.

The T.O.L. has its physical equivalent in Adam Kadmon -  the Primordial Human. The description is anthropomorphic and Adam Kadmon is Divine light without vessels i.e. pure potential  corresponding to the collective essence of the soul.

The blog will proceed from the top triangle first 
 the Triangle of Becoming 
and work downwards focusing on the T.O.L. extrapolating the same principles to the Chakra system.

The two sephirot that help us actualize Keter - the Crown and the Divine presence - "I am that I am" are 
Wisdom on the right and Understanding on the left. 
Both are key to realizing Truth. 
When we die and move across the veil between worlds we will be accountable to these truths which are somewhat different to the truths held on this side of the veil. 
The one universal truth is love and the Ancestors teach;

If the law does not serve love do not serve the law.

 They also instruct;  With all your strength gain knowledge.

 This is not the knowledge of mathematics or science etc. but Understanding and deeply knowing (Wisdom) those spiritual truths that will determine our karma.
Wisdom on the right of the Tree is undifferentiated thought found mostly in the imagination. Einstein claimed that his powers of fantasy and imagination meant more to him than his cognitive abilities.  Einstein wanted to understand the mind of God.
The Ancestors stress;

As you think it so it can be, as you imagine and believe it, so it can be.
Think on it, imagine it, believe it (and better still have faith which is more complete.)

We are made in the image of the Divine so that we all have the creative ability to be found in our imagination. The Creator made something out of nothing. We are also capable of making something but out of something else - that something else already created by the Infinite One. 
The Creator imagined the universe into existence. "In the beginning was the word" - first imagination, then the intention or the word.

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