Sunday, January 23, 2022



We will end this series with the Visionary Archetype

Free will is the cosmic law but our purpose is to arise from our fate (the cards we are dealt in life) into our destiny (our core or signature strength) with the help of rites of passage and the hero's journey to arrive as a Visionary. The visionary can be any of the other three archetypes, Healer, Teacher, Warrior but now in the Visionary phase of their career. It can also be the sage, priest, guru, artist, musician, shaman etc.

How do we know if we are in this vibration or if we have found a teacher who is supposed to be? 
 The Visionary Archetype:
Uses the power of imagination.
Embraces information and knowledge for the purpose of transformation.
Encompasses wisdom, heartfelt-ness, virtue and holiness with the help of information, knowledge and understanding.
Follows his/her intuition, knowing and seeing.
Common sense and wisdom, when necessary overrides conventional understandings ("rules are for fools.") 
Subordinates being obedient to being heart felt.
Emphasizes love over all else.

If the law does not serve love, do not serve the law.
The Ancestors 


“Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies.” Nietz

Being aware of the lesson is different from learning it. Knowing the path is different from following it.

Facts of themselves are not the same as truth – they can be used to deceive or mislead. Many wrong conclusions are based on facts that are misused – sometimes with deliberate intent, sometimes out of prejudice, sometimes out of honest error.

What makes sense isn't always logical and what's logical doesn't always make sense.
The Ancestors

"Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted, counts." Einstein

If you say that there is much that you have never heard of, you should consider more importantly, how much there is that you have not encompassed.
The Ancestors

“People who lean on logic, philosophy and rational exposition end by starving the best part of the mind – imagination and intuition.” W.B. Yeats

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." The Buddha

“Wisdom is often at odds with accepted knowledge ... that experience itself is not necessarily the inner truth of the matter so one should test what one accepts with the measurements of love and compassion rather than the reality of mass appeal.”  Hillel

It's better to experience the learning than to learn the experience.

Anything or anybody who does not make you more of who you are, makes you less of of who you are.
The Ancestors 

Beware of following those who do not have full integrity and who teach and/or write books. 
“Do not consider it proof because it is written in books for a liar who will deceive with his tongue will not hesitate to do the same with his pen.” Maimonides

"A sage on a stage rather than a guide on the side"

These may also be present:
Association with Persona-Ego-Power.
Charging a lot of money for their guidance.
Are attached to image and "stuff."
Are dogmatic and all knowing.
Do not like to be challenged.
Are manipulative. 

The byproducts of being in the Visionary vibration should be:
A coherent vibration.
Compassion, empathy and forgiveness.
Humility and non duality. 
In the process of: Awakening - Being - Becoming.
Being congruent with meaning and their own destiny. 
Having gratitude and joy.

If the visionary does not embrace these qualities, we need to be careful of being polluted. Take what's needed, and leave the rest or read the book. If the behavior does not match the value of what is offered - once you have learned what you need to learn - walk away with gratitude and do not look back. Anyone who teaches something valuable should still be respected, at least for that.

We all have an inclination to do evil as well as one to do good.
We all have an ego and Monkey Mind (Narrow Mind) our habits, desires, compulsions and addictions. Their purpose is to keep us safe and help us find our way in the world. Narrow Mind relates to  emotion which is often unskillful.
The Ancestors

However, we also have Big Mind (Spacious Mind) which relates to feelings and our notions, concepts, ideals, ideas, discriminations, discernments and beliefs. Emotions are often fear based - feelings more love based.
Affecting everything inherent in us as well as outside of us are our guides as well as our tricksters. The tricksters will try to aggravate ego and Monkey Mind and inhibit Spacious Mind whereas our guides do the opposite. Unfortunately because tricksters manipulate and do not abide by the cosmic law of free will, they may appear to have an advantage. They play on our fears whereas our guides encourage love. Fortunately love is a more powerful force.
Depending on our intention, passion, will and resolve as well as our spiritual practice it is possible for those in the East to inherit one of the many Causal vibrations where reincarnation is a choice and not a mandate. If not we will earn one of the countless Astral realms that will fit to the vibration we have earned. Preferably it will lead to a reincarnation where we can begin our spiritual life again at a higher level.
Free will and our choices. rule and Karma is relentless controlling the wheel of samsara and the medicine wheel.

Foster and Little (the founders of the School of Lost Borders) taught that the remedy for a stuck direction can sometimes be found in the opposite direction.
Someone stuck in the archetype of the Wounded Child of the South (summer) should look to the North, to the energy of the Warrior, Adult or Leader. 
The Adolescent stuck in the dark night of the soul in the West should look to the place of new beginnings, vision and the inspiration of the East (spring.) This is where some sort of initiation or rite of passage is worthwhile in the presence of a wise elder or crone.
The stuck Adult or Warrior of the North (the winter of our discontent) should look to the childlike eros of the South and lighten up to find joy in the Inner Child.
The Visionary who is stuck in the East may have to look to the West - the dark night of the soul - and another "vision quest." Ego may have shape shifted in an insidious and sneaky way so as not to be obvious. This may lead the Visionary to be intolerant and judgmental and in need of a "tune up."

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