Sunday, May 29, 2022


The stars and planets having a divine consciousness greater even than that of humans and only slightly less than that of angels, as do stones, water, earth and air.

If you want to learn the language of rocks and trees you must first slow to their pace which is different from animals and wild flowers. Although they are soundless they are not silent, so listen long and deeply in order to hear what hearing ears do not.

Fauna, flora, stones, planets, stars, sun and moon, waters and the earth are replete with God’s creative intent. And so do we have the attributes  of all the plants, minerals and animals and the power of the winds and their directions.

The rock may not let you image it simply as a chunk of granite or quartz but as a form of a beautiful sprite in a crystalline gown or the tree may show itself as the legendary green man.
Also be sure to introduce yourselves since they respond to respectful and sweet manners just as with the ancestors.

The Ancestors

This drawing made by a Kua San Bushman in the Kalahari in 1987 tells the story of creation. The Earth Mother was pregnant with all the Four Beings of the planet including the stars, the moon and the fire. After Her belly ruptured causing the creation it sealed over again, becoming the earth's crust. The San men and women were the first people, hunter gatherers, living in the archetype of the Garden of Eden with all that nature could provide to keep them happy, healthy and alive. They lived in harmony with Gaia, as did other indigenous peoples, taking only what they needed with gratitude and respect to the Creator. The San knew that "Gaia" was conscious too

The Quechua believe the same of Pacha Mama as did the Native Americans and other indigenous peoples.

"All things share the same breath; the beast, the tree the human ... the air shares it's spirit with all the life it supports."

"Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. If men spit upon the ground they spit upon themselves."

"Man does not weave this web of life. He is merely a stand of it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." Chief Seattle

The Native Americans have been saying for some time that the red skies are coming. They are here now with a vengeance. Pacha Mama may be wreaking the havoc we are experiencing because of the way we have treated Her. Pacha Mama and Gaia are feminineChief Seattle puts the blame on the male gender which is appropriate but now we all are culpable. 

Mayan scholars stated that Mayan calendar did not forecast doom in 2012 and that the idea that the earth was to end in 2012 misrepresented Mayan history and culture. Astronomers rejected the various proposed desperate scenarios as pseudoscience. New age thinking, however, suggested  that the world was to end one era and enter another with earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, and all sorts of devastating destruction in the process. Scientists mocked this prediction but if one thinks of the prediction as the summation of a gradual cataclysmic process because of our lack of sustainability, the idea was not far wrong.

The Kogi tribe in Colombia believe they were placed on our Earth Mother to protect her and have warned us before of her imminent destruction. They say it is reversible, even while maintaining our lifestyle but that we must take action immediately. James Lovelock believes that the right technology will save us.  

The Bible tell us there is hope.

"The wolf will lie down with the lamb, the leopard with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together and a little child will lead them." Isaiah

"For you will have a covenant with the stones of the field and wild animals will be at peace with you." Job

“Earth is best understood as a single, self-regulating, Superorganism. The planet is self-regulating through the interaction between living things and the inorganic environment on earth. Gaia’s goal is to maintain a balance in the ecosystem that allows Her to stay alive.” J. Lovelock and Magulis

Margulis was a microbiologist and although she did not believe Gaia was a conscious being she was well aware of the fact that eventually pandemics would be a consequence of climate change and cause further disruption of the planet's balance. Scientists have been predicting for some time that it was not a question of if - but only when - we would suffer these consequences. Just as Gaia is warning us that she may reject us from the planet, Covid which arose from our human mismanagement is now enabling our immune system to reject us from ourselves through endothelial inflammation and an immuno-thrombotic process. 

The healing and transformational benefits of Gaia, the elements and of the Four Beings of Nature apart from their material benefits make it imperative that we sustain the natural world in an optimal state of being – if feasible as close as possible to its own original nature. The Gaia hypothesis implies that Nature needs to exist for Her own sake. We, however, desperately need Her for our health and our own sakes’ as well. Lovelock said the current pandemic could even be seen as beneficial, in a cruel Darwinian kind of way.

"The far bigger threat to humanity in the early 21st century is global warming ... Climate change is more dangerous to life on Earth than almost any conceivable disease and if we don't do something about it, we will find ourselves removed from the planet."

“We cannot have well beings on a sick planet no matter how advanced our technology.” T. Berry

“The first rule of intelligent tinkering with world systems is to save all the parts.” Aldo Leopold

“The Wilderness holds answers to more questions than we have  yet not learned how to ask.” Nancy Newhall

Unfortunately, because of the earth changes we are losing more and more "parts" every day. Gaia is sick and some are saying the apocalyptic changes are Her revenge. Karma. The law of cause and effect - works at all levels and there are consequences for everything that we do - maybe also a kind of collective, global, planetary karma. 

If we fail Enoch may be proved correct. Its up to us and our free will. We need to choose very soon.

“And the high mountains will be shaken and the high hills laid low and will melt like wax in a flame.”

“And the earth will sink ... and there will be judgment upon all.” The book of Enoch

Technology can come to the rescue and save us from the earth changes but we must also save us from ourselves. Climate change and Covid are telling us that our current life style is unsustainable. Let us hope that we listen and prove history wrong. Our ingenuity can prevail but it must be before it is too late.


We cannot preserve the primal mind but we need to develop a more  primal sustainable consciousness about how to live on our planet.

“We are all in the same boat in a stormy sea, and we owe each other a terrible loyalty.” Chesterton

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