Saturday, October 15, 2022






“Love is the most universal, formidable and mysterious of all the cosmic forces.” De Chardin

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”  Rumi

Last week we discussed the Karmic importance of joy. There are only two feelings; love and fear. Love has numerous ways of expressing itself; empathy, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, gratitude, joy et al.

Our soul is made for joy and the more we truly love the more we will experience it and become its very essence.

There are two autonomic nervous systems, sympathetic, which is more fear based and parasympathetic, which induces a relaxation response and is more love based. Sometime ago the Maharishi university described the Coherence arising out of the relaxation response found in meditators. They found that when a critical number of meditators practiced in a city the crime rate dropped indicating that their Coherence spread out beyond the meditators. The ancestors teach that our Coherence may also have a positive energetic effect on the supernal worlds above. 

Guarded heart or gracious heart. Protective self or Expansive Self. Dutifully committed or passionately empty.

The HeartMath institute have done research on heart Coherence which occurs when the heart rate variability comes into harmony with balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. They have shown that the heart sends out more signals to the brain than vice versa and if there is heart Coherence there are positive emotional and cognitive effect on the brain. 

The law of attraction is a philosophy suggesting that positive (love vibration) thoughts bring positive results into a person's life, while negative thoughts bring negative results. These positive effects may arise out of a loving Coherent heart which creates positive non-fear based emotions in the brain and beyond us as well. Others will often then respond to us more positively. 

The Ancestors teach that the mind controls the heart - hopefully, rather from Spacious Mind, than Narrow or monkey Mind. This is true but it is also true that the heart controls the mind and this arises out of physiological heart Coherence, usually from some form of inner practice.

The yogis say that the most difficult chakra to open is the heart chakra.  It is also an easy chakra to close. Kabbalah teaches that students who have mastered Tiferet – the heart of the Tree of Life and the sephirah (energy center) of love – can then teach themselves.

The heart has profound effects not only on the brain but also on the journey of the soul.


The soul’s language is learned by listening with the heart. It has many sounds including that of silence. Its eloquence is universal.


The rational mind often gets in the way of what the heart must embrace in order to coax the soul to open.

What is not sought by the heart, do not seek. What is not given with the heart do not offer. What is not received with the heart do not take in…

When the heart is muffled the soul shrinks.

“To awaken the heart is to awaken the dormant soul.”            M. Gandhi

Only love can generate the healing fire.” Agnes Sanford

To be a powerful healer one must love everyone no matter what the healer thinks of them. This is love as a commitment, not necessarily a feeling or a sentiment. One also need not like them or have anything more to do with them other than giving them a helping hand in that present moment. In other words –  “Namaste” – I see the divinity in you. We all are made in the image of the Divine and even the worst of us, have a spark of divinity within us – hidden or not.


God’s love does not seek worth, God’s love creates worth.

God is not a test of love, God’s love is not a test.


The Creators loves us all as well as all of the other Beings of nature. The Creator continues to love us in spite of our failings. This love is unconditional - karma, however, is conditional. The Infinite One will forgive us for anything we have done to our Higher Selves made in the Creator’s image but not what we have done to our fellow humans. For that we must seek their forgiveness. Giving forgiveness and asking for forgiveness is a loving energy which heals both ourselves and others.


If the law does not serve love do not serve the law.


The Ancestors do not tell us to disobey the law because the penalties could be spiritually counterproductive. We do not serve an unjust law if we have right thoughts, intent and opinions even if we cannot do anything about it. During these crazy times the only recourse we may have is to vote or protest in some non-harmful way and hope for the best. Do not depend on the hope of results - love anyway.

You cannot control results only your actions.

You cannot control outcomes only your choices.

Our guides on the other side of the veil in the Astral loose their free will. The only way they can exercise their intent is through the free will of a living loved one or another one chosen for them. In this way they can do service and complete work they never did in their previous life times. They love us and it is a loving gesture to help them by allowing them to help us. This requires our permission, we have to ask to receive because free will is a cosmic law. In this way we lift them up and in a sense they come alive again. Love is the catalyst that allows them to cross the veil between worlds and send their messages of support. When we show gratitude for what they do we also manifest love and we enhance their love for us.


You will come from doubt to belief,

from belief to understanding, 

from understanding to knowing, 

from knowing to feeling (being heart-felt - loving)

This is the way.

Determine well your heart’s desire for in releasing your intention its energy will affect its holiness or unholiness.


If one studies the fallen gurus, yogis, priests, shamans etc. we can see that they usually had profound knowledge, understanding and wisdom of spiritual principles but when they achieved complete control over their devotees they became heartless. They became corrupted by either power, position, persona, pride, fame or greed. Many manipulated and abused their students financially, physically, mentally, spiritually and sexually. They commonly used autocratic techniques by making their followers believe that only they served the truth and could show you the way to God and it was to be followed absolutely. Many deviated downward from the heart chakra to the power chakra of ego and totally lost the love vibration. They and others with profound spiritual knowledge who abuse their power will be held to a much higher standard than the rest of us.

 To those to whom much is given, much is expected.

Among all who possess great wisdom only those who act wisely, act from love. If study and prayer do not serve justice and compassion they are but a conceit and a hollow sound.

 It is easy to become reattached to the third chakra and loose the way because of all the enticements of unmitigated power. Power corrupts and complete power corrupts completely.

Love embraces compassion, empathy and forgiveness.

We need to be compassionate with those younger souls who maybe further back along the spiritual spiral than we are. We may have been even worse in prior lifetimes.


“We are all climbing toward the summit of our heart’s desires. Should the other climber steal your sack and your purse and wax fat on the one and heavy on the other, you should pity him. The climbing will be harder for his flesh and the burden will make his way longer. And should you in your leanness see his flesh puffing upward, help him in a step; it will add to your swiftness.” Anonymous


“Love heals people… both the ones who give and the ones who receive it.” Karl Menninger


The Ancestors expand on the teaching – love your neighbor as yourself – and say that this may not always fit the person you are attending. That individual may not want to be loved in the way that you love yourself. Rather we should rather love them as they would like to be loved without enabling them. 

This applies especially to those close to us, those whom you do not intend to walk away from afterwards. To them the Ancestors urge; of love, be a little more careful.  For the rest, as Jesus taught ; “turn the other cheek” – rather than losing our power to them, walk away, take the high road unless they are doing us physical harm or even better still make of your opponent a dance partner.

Love nurtures you, gives you safe haven but you decide, you choose, you are responsible. The consequences are yours. There is wisdom; there is folly; there is love; there is lust; there is surrender; there is willfulness.

We do not "fall" in love we "grow" in love. It is easy to confuse romantic love with true love when the feeling may be lust arising out of good chemistry early on in the relationship. It is said that we cannot mess with chemistry but chemistry can mess with us. Romantic love usually lasts about a year depending on the chemistry. This is when we project our needs onto the other and convince ourselves they are being met. Often they are being met in a contrived, insincere way so as not to lose the chemistry. After a year - more or less - we begin to get a reality check about who are partner truly is as they do of us.

If we can love fully many of the other requirements of karma come into play naturally, notably.

Correct injustice – heal the planet.

Do no harm to any of the Four Beings of Nature.

Subordinate ego to the higher Self.

Having joy and gratitude.


But I say to you; deeds of love are worth as much as all the commandments of the law… not learning but doing (service) is the main thing.” Talmud


“Love implies generosity, care, not to hurt another, not to make them feel guilty, to be generous, courteous, and behave in such a manner that your words and thoughts are born out of compassion.” Krishnamurti







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