Saturday, December 3, 2022



“Everyone has in him/her something Divine, something his own, a chance of perfection and strength, however small, a sphere which God offers him to take or refuse. The task is to find, develop and use it.”
Sri Aurobindo

“Despise no human and consider nothing impossible, for there is no person who does not have his hour and there is nothing that does not have its place.” The Talmud

“In every person there is something precious which is in no-one else. And so, we should honor each for what is hidden within them for what only they have.” The Talmud

“Be willing to give up who you are – the old familiar – for who you might become, to reach that which is beyond you.” 

Rev. Nachman of Braztlav

Your destiny is the hunt of your life, keep to the scent, follow the spoor.


Our guides have access to our Book of Life or our Akashic records and know what our destiny is. They are there to help guide us to our purpose as well as the other things that can assist us on the path. The clues they leave us along the way are like a Bushman tracker after his prey. Sometimes the spoor is lost, and he must go back to the last track to circle around it and pick the trail up again or search for the next one ahead. Our path can be likened to a treasure hunt where our guides leave clues for us to find. Sometimes they send a clue which seems to take us in the wrong direction but if we did not follow it, we would not find the next. This is not unlike a cybernetic negative feedback system and how the body’s hormonal system works - more of a wave form, not a straight line. We are often going a bit wrong or “left” but still later go “right.” We need to not condemn ourselves about being lost when we are just in the process of searching. This convoluted dynamic arises out of the cosmic law of free will. Our guides cannot tell us who we are and who we must be but they can nudge us in the right direction or warn us when we take a wrong turn. 

Unthinking conformity no matter how piously enacted lacks meaning and as such is soulless.
One must be bold in questioning; that to just accept without inquiry is simply surface learning by rote not the deeper learning of thoughtful consideration.
Our deeds fashion our destiny, so do our understandings fashion our deeds.

“Personal insight is more valuable than divine revelation, for if we depend only on the scriptures and the teachings of masters but have no personal insights of our own, all is worthless.”  Rev. Akiva

The Creator does not want us to have a copy cat destiny - we have to magnify the gift S/He has given us and then co-create with the Divine to help heal the planet.                                                      

God looks not only to your willingness to His call but to your creativity in responding. This honor, and delights Him.

The sages teach that everything is foreseen yet freedom of choice is given.

Destiny is that unique gift we were given by the Creator. Everything is foreseen and preordained by the Creator but not predestined. We have the free will and the freedom to choose not to pursue it. This depends on what we do with our fate and our destiny. Our intentions will determine the karmic affects. If not, we are born again and again.

 “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”    C. Jung


You are much more than you know but only what you have learned with your heart does God manifest in you. You are a wave of God’s ocean, a ray of His sunlight, alive with His breath.

It is not enough for you to know your source and substance.
You must be the source and substance.
This is your soul’s wisdom that surpasses all understanding.

Affirm God’s promise, respond to his offer!
Without your acceptance only the potential exists.
The gift must be taken, trusted and used for its reality to be actualized.


”Each soul makes Two agreements upon entering the world. The First binds the individual to a distinct destiny that becomes the soul’s great project in life. The Second entangles each person in the limitations of fate and responsibilities for family and community. 
While all second agreements can be renegotiated, the first is non-negotiable.” 
Michael Meade

Fate involves the circumstances surrounding us and our destiny mission. Fate is the cards we are dealt in life which may have a lot to do with our karma and what we have earned in prior lifetimes. We are required to rise above our fate  into our true destiny path. Destiny will be fashioned by our choices – skillful or not. Destiny is that illusive, but unique gift we were granted, so that we could give of ourselves to the planet and all its Beings. Most of us do not find it easily.

“The outward work can never be small if the inward one is great, and the outward work can never be great if the inward is small or of little worth… All works are surely dead if anything from the outside compels you to work. Even if it were God himself compelling you to work from the outside, your works would be dead. If your works are to live, then God must move you from the inside, from the innermost region of the soul – then they will really live. There is your life, and there alone you live and your works live.” Patanjali

We are made in the image of the Divine. Our souls are unified and pure.

As above, so below, as without so within – as below so above, as within so without …

We are a tiny spark of the Source’s flame. A microcosmic chip or holographic representation of the Creator.


“All the talents of God are within you.
 How could this be otherwise when your soul is derived from His genes!” 


We are meant to co-create with the Divine – His/Her creation cannot fully manifest without our help. The Creator wants a personal relationship with each one of us. There is a direct link in the search for the Self and the Hero’s search for his/her archetype. They are shades of the same thing. Destiny is part of the soul’s journey and we are karmically required to find and follow it with integrity. You cannot separate the Soul from your destiny path.

God does not play favorites. We are all given a destiny cup to fill. Some have been given bigger cups than others. Those who have smaller cups, may find it easier than those with large ones where … to those whom much is given, much is expected.


 “The souls of people on their way to earth-life pass through a room full of lights. Each takes a taper, often only a spark to guide it in the dim country of this world. But some souls by rare fortune are detained longer and have time to grasp a handful of tapers which they weave into a torch. These are the torchbearers of humanity – its poets, seers and saints who lead and lift the race out of darkness towards the light. They are the law givers and saviors, the light bringers, way showers and truth tellers and without them humanity would lose its way in the dark.” Plato

The taper that Plato refers to might be our mission, purpose, destiny, archetype, core or signature strength or special talent. Those who are gifted with many tapers are fortunate, but it is important to realize that only one of those is our prime “taper”. That does not mean that we set the others aside but rather we use them to support that primary "taper." One may have considerable talents and it can be confusing as to which to choose for one’s focus. We may also want to squander them by enjoying their fruits irresponsibly. It’s not only what we do but how we do it, why we do it and how we feel about it that counts karmically. Intention is everything. Many are in line with and following their destiny paths but are not doing so within the laws of karma, of right and wrong.

Assuming  we have found our destiny it will be important karmically to carry it out with integrity and also for its own sake. For this reason we may have to keep our day job if necessary. Our destiny purpose can also be done part time. 

Are you nibbling on the apples of the Tree of Knowledge or are you nurturing whatever proud plant or humble weed which is your present entrustment? It is that which you are to make glorious.


Determine well your heart’s desire for in releasing your intention its energy will affect its holiness or unholiness.


We will be judged by our intentions and fervor of our efforts and not the results. Failure can be meritorius when we face the spiritual tribunal at the end of our days and have to account for our actions. The Ancestors understand that ...

You cannot control results, only you actions.

You cannot predict outcomes only your choices.

"... Do not depend on the hope of results." T. Merton (Do it anyway.)

How we serve others also has a lot to do with the crucial healing effects of “meaning” in our lives. 
We have to find our own way, and our very own spiritual path to assist us along the path. We cannot come to end of our lives with a plan that others have laid out for us. We will have to come back again to find that gift or taper or myth if we become misdirected. Congruence with our inner being is vital and not what others think of us.

“…Care about people’s approval and you will be their prisoner.”

Tao Te Ching


And as for your power what are you doing in the wrong circle?

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