Sunday, October 22, 2023


  SOUND # 2



Ernst Chladni was the first to show how tiny particles arrange themselves in patterns when exposed to music on a receptive flat metal plate. In this way he made sound visible and produced so called Chladni figures on their surfaces. This became the basis for Cymatics, the physics of sound.

Hans Jenny in the 60’s - some 200 years later - using sand, spores, iron filings on vibrating metal plates, on membranes and also in water and viscous substances found that vowels, words and sound generated shapes. Patterns were seen including; octahedrons, tetrahedrons, hexagons, and the geometrical patterns seen in plants and animals – some forming Sacred Geometry.

Other researchers found that certain patterns changed according to the frequency of the sound giving different patterns. The higher the frequency, the more complex they became. 

Wasaru Emoto discovered that discordant music, epitomized by Heavy Metal, had negative effects on water, causing ugly crystal formations  when viewed under a microscopy after freezingConcordant music such as that of the great composers created exquisite crystals.

 Emoto, German scientists and more recently Veda Austin have shown that water has consciousness, resonance and memory.  

Veda Austin (see link below) has take this to another level. The link is well worth the 20 minutes of viewing.

Magical cures, (spontaneous remissions of deadly diseases that defied the best of what Western medicines has to offer) have occurred in such place as Lourdes in France and other holy sites where there is sacred water. The cures at Lourdes were ratified by the Vatican's medical commission. 

When we bathe we can, without much effort, make a ritual bath sacred, with music, incense and also by adding sacred plants.

Click and play Austin's research


Music can do many things to our inner beings. It can create equanimity which is the basis, in its broadest sense, of any meditation. We have to be careful of what we select for our listening. As Austin confirms  sound travels through water even faster than through air. 

 Concordant music creates harmony, balance and serenity. Discordant music the opposite.

"If one should desire to know whether a kingdom is well governed, if its morals are good or bad, 

the quality of its music will furnish the answer.” Confucius

The Nazis used music to torture Jews, the military to march soldiers to their deaths in war, others to court and woo prospective mates ... and all shades of light and dark in-between ... 


Re Lucifer who became Satan:

"The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day that you were created." Ezekiel

Lucifer was the chief musician in heaven before he was removed by God, along with the other fallen angels.
 The church believes that there is a certain tone that could be associated with the dark side. It was called the devil's interval — in Latin, diabolus en musica, the flatted fifth or the "tritone" because it is made of three whole steps. Many famous heavy metal and other rock musicians flirted with Satan implicity or explicitly. 
David Bowie, like the church called it, the Devil's music. 
“Sex, drugs and rock and roll” were often associated with addiction, soul loss and even dark spirit possession. Jimmy Hendriks and Robert Johnson admitted to having sold their souls to the devil in return for their musical brilliance. They also both died young as did some others. 
Beethoven, Wagner and Tartini were a few composers who used tritones, but only where appropriate, while dissonant chords became the main focus in heavy metal music as well as some other genres. The tritone was felt to be ambiguous, unsettling, unstable, unresolved, leaving a feeling it had nowhere to go. Some said it was very sexual and was the sound used to call up the “Beast.” 
 Words alone can also change the vibration in water - possibly harmfully in the body - especially when used together with dissonant music. Our cells contain 80% water.

Be careful of what you taste and where you immerse!

Words have great power. They acknowledge, affirm and inspire. They strengthen, heal and give comfort…When using words, choose them well. Never use them as a weapon to harm or as an alienating defense …”


The popular music of Rap grew out of Hip Hop and unfortunately, like most things became vulnerable to corruption and big money. Hip Hop arose out of the Bronx in the 70’s and was a cultural statement against; poverty, violence, gangs, drugs and racism. It was meant to be socially healing. It was built on social justice, peace, respect, self-worth, community and fun. Likewise, originally Rap was never meant to endorse, violence, profanity, drugs, misogyny and advising a life style of crime or coming up against the police and the law. Being lucrative it has been subject to corruption.

Words change the meaning and vibration of the intention; light or dark, sacred or profane. Toxic vocabulary pollutes the rhythms and discordant music can have profoundly negative, vibrational effects on its participants. 
Christian rock is an attempt to come up against the profane. Rabbi Nachman Berman sings in Rap but expounds scripture. Matisyahu who dressed in Chassidic garb uses Reggae, Hip Hop and Afro-beat to do the same thing. The words change everything.
Music can do many things to our inner beings and we have to be careful how we select it, and the words that it contains. 
The sounds of nature are concordant. The mantra of the bush can be like a complex symphony.

Sound crumbles, impedes and shatters resistance and barriers including those to the mind and the heart. It also can clear dark forces, within and without. One of the best ways to cleanse and clear oneself is with sound. Sound speaks to one’s vibration.

Sacred music or sound can create equanimity of body, mind and soul.


The soul's essence should lodge comfortably in the body.

The soul’s fulfillment is through the experience of the senses. The soul’s conversation is not of the mind but of the senses.


From the sound of my sighing (equanimity) has my essence (soul), cleaved onto my flesh (body)." Psalms 


When we are spiritually in balance and have serenity the soul and the body are at one. When the opposite occurs, and we behave in a karmically unsound manner, the soul may gradually separate from the body, leading to soul sickness or even soul loss. Music, chants and sound can be a way of reuniting body and soul. The wrong kind of music can do the opposite, forcing the soul to divorce from an impure body. The soul is pure.

Concordant music can drive our imaginations and help us heal. 

Active imagination can be enhanced by sound. We have a choice, to leap with the mind activated by the sensory input of sound into infinity, light and spaciousness or descend into narrowness and darkness.


There are certain things that have universal attributes, like music. Something of greater magnitudes is conveyed by them. They connect us with the universal storehouse of life and knowledge." 

Swami Paramananda

Clink on the link and play.

Matisyahu - One Day (YouTube Version)

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