Sunday, February 18, 2024



Moving Kundalini is to enhance one's vibration. 
The San Bushmen, hunter-gatherers, as shown in genomic studies, were the first people. The original manifestation of Yoga Kundalini or "Num" arose out of the nature bound experience in Africa. There is 28,000 year old rock art from the Apollo cave in Namibia showing trance dancing and shape shifting.

Wilderness holds the answers to questions we do not yet know how to ask.” David Brower

“Nature hides her secrets with consummate modesty and speaks usually in an unintelligible tongue.” Charles Huggins

This sketch of a rock art figure shows this vibrational "Num" rising up the body of a San Bushman trance dancer. This allows the spirit to leave the body and travel into the Field where s/he can obtain information not localized in space and time. This power has allowed these fascinating people to hunt, gather and heal for millennia. San healers are renowned for their healing power and their hunters for their tracking and hunting expertise. Some do not have to look at the tracks to find their prey. "We put on animal mind as see where they are going..." 


This figure above, called the Needle and Thread is from the Nazca lines in the southern desert of Peru. These figures have to be viewed from a plane because they are so large. It is thought by some curanderos to have been related to the shamanic experience and mobilization of this force with the use of mescaline from the San Pedro cactus which is bountiful in Peru. Jungle shamans use Ayahuasca for the same purpose. The figure beautifully demonstrates this energy coiled at the base of the spine (in yoga like a serpent,) then it moves up the spine to the crown. This energy is key to opening up of the Third Eye of the curandero so s/he can divine, diagnose and treat.


There have been many differing interpretations of this energy system over the ages. In yoga there are thought to be 72,000 nadis or energy channels impinging on the seven chakras. The three lower chakras are related to survival and comprise the following.

The first chakra is our primal survival, flight or fight response. 
The second chakra is the sexual center for regeneration of the species as well as for digestion and elimination of the bodies waste products. 
The third is where ego is centered and is our power chakra and how we make our way in the world.
The chakras above the diaphragm are our growth centers. 
The fourth, the heart, is the chakra of Love and the hardest one to open.
 The fifth, in the throat, is that of our creative expression. 
The sixth or Third Eye is our intuitive chakra.
 The Crown or seventh, is our connection with the Deity, Unity Consciousness and non duality.

The three main nadis coursing up the spine are the Sun (Pingala) and Moon ((Ida) nadis which spiral around the chakras and the central channel or Sushumna. The Sun Nadi ends in the right nostril and the Moon in the left. This is the basis of alternate nostril breathing and other forms of pranayama which balance the system. The Sun is masculine, left brain, hot (red), expansive and is aligned with our sympathetic nervous system. 
The Moon is feminine, right brain, cool (blue) and aligned with our parasympathetic, relaxation response
. The Kundalini, serpent, Shakti, feminine energy is wound around the lower part of Central (Sushumna) channel. When the Sun and Moon are in complete balance this serpent energy can move up the spine energizing the chakras. If Shakti reaches the masculine principle, Shiva, at the crown, Unity Consciousness or the Oneness experience occurs. The Knower, the Known and the Process of Knowing become one. 

Click on the link to view the San out of body trance dance filmed in the Kalahari in 2000 by the author. Tribal peoples in Southern Africa  have used Kundalini , Num, Umbilini ... to heal, hunt and survive over the eons.


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