Saturday, March 16, 2024




Jung first described this phenomenon. Simply speaking this occurs when an inner, mind event corresponds to an outer event. For example one is thinking of a good friend from college whom one has not seen in many years and the phone rings with him or her on the line. This arises because of a strong emotional bond between the two. It is not coincidental but is a result of the receiver picking up psychically on the intention to call.

Alternatively it may be scripted by the "Field" or one's guides. For instance one may be looking under "Spirituality" in a bookstore and the right one almost jumps off the shelf by managing to get your attention in some way.


Was first brought into the limelight by the Maharishi. The Maharishi university claimed that when a critical number of people in a city meditated, the crime rate would drop. We know that coherence occurs during group meditations where the sum of the parts is great than the whole. Coherence around a person or a group does spread beyond the immediate environment and can even affect the supernal realms. Indigenous peoples understand the power of coherence since rituals are often done in community - it takes a village. 

Religious communities who meet in churches, temples, mosques and synagogues can create coherence. Prayers for peace or rain may be more effective than skeptics allow.

The Heart Math Institute have show that when there is coherence due to a parasympathetic nervous system "relaxation" response, the Heart Rate Variability stabilizes. The heart appears to be a "spiritual" organ having more output and affects going to the brain than input from it. 

Super-fluidity (being in the “Zone”) 

This is when events that may be quite complex proceed and unfold perfectly on their own accord for no apparent reason.  Competitive athletes strive to get into this zone for their performance. It seems that that some mystical power from "Field" is conspiring to assist the event.

More advanced Paranormal Abilities include:

Precognition, Telepathy 


Remote Viewing or Distant Diagnosis, Distant Healing  
Connecting with Field, spirit guides, dreams 
and trance-channeling 

Telekinesis is the ability of someone to move objects psychically. That someone is not really doing the job. The result is coming through the diviner's guide/s or another "Field" effect. The rod itself may point correctly but has no power rested within it and nor does the diviner without the Field. 

"Whatever being comes to be, be it motionless or moving, derives its  being from Field and Knower of the Field. Know this." Bhagavad Gita

Remote or distant viewing has been studied by the the Russians, the C.I.A. and Stanford University and found to be evidential. Someone talented in this ability can be placed in a lead chamber without any influence from the outside world and a volunteer sent to a place with features that would be easy for anyone to describe. The remote viewers were found to be incredibly accurate in their descriptions. 

Distant diagnosis occurs through a similar mechanism through a skilled psychic, shaman, medical intuitive or others.

There are numerous double blind studies showing that distant healing works even when placebo is discounted and the sick person does not know that healing has been administered.  The effect is so significant that if it could be marketed as a pill it would be negligent not to administer it. 

Everyone's gift will be unique so that we should not strive to replicate those of others but honor our own and develop them, even if they seem less masterful and compelling. No single person will have all or many of these abilities. We need to acknowledge and practice our strengths - each to his/her own. Clair-sentience is common to many. If we ignore that feeling, whether its a feeling in the gut, shivers running up the spine, hair standing on end, goose (or truth) bumps or anything else we may do so at our peril. These primal experiences are still with us to keep us safe. Never override them with one's intellect. The same can be true for warning dreams, whether coming from the subconscious, the Field or scripted by our guides.

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