Thursday, July 11, 2024


DEATH # 2 




There are as many paths in death as in life.

We are carried by our hearts and karma to that “vibration”
where we feel most at home. We lose touch with those we can no longer vibrate with. 


There are multiple vibrations and realms within the realms. Our karma dictates which ones we have earned and will go to.

These realms can be broadly described as; Celestial, Causal, Astral and Lower. 

The Celestial is unattainable for us. Those, I believe, who are channeling archangels are probably connecting with Causal Beings of a very high vibration, possibly with a similar archetype to that particular angel. 

The Causal is the realm of perfected souls who do not need to reincarnate unless they choose to voluntarily. 

The Astral (Imaginal) is the realm where we lose free will and reconcile with our karma before reincarnating. 

In the Lower or hell realms the souls usually become stuck there and the cravings they had while alive are exaggerated. Hence the term – “the Hungry Ghosts.” Some may have little chance of redemption.




Enlightened beings, perfected souls have full use of their faculties and do not have to reincarnate although they may choose to incarnate to support and guide.

Spiritual masters can travel freely through all the realms. To Astral spirits the higher realms are invisible.

Those in the higher Causal realms can make themselves known to those in the lower Astral realms. 

However, those in the Astral realms cannot vibrate to a higher level at their own volition or aspiration.

Those of higher vibrations can hear and respond to lesser ones in addition to seeking them out.


If one is “awakened” there will be no need “die again”and reincarnate. These souls have attained higher realms of consciousness where there is no need to return into a new incarnation to further advance the soul’s journey. They can, however, choose to come back voluntarily for a special mission, if they so decide. For instance the "Gandhi's" of the world. These spirits retain free will and reside in their own Self-realized vibration; the Causal realm in the case of the Yogis, the Pure Land for Buddhists or the Garden of Eden for Kabbalists.  Our  passions may determine which realm we end up in. The Dalai Lama teaches us to keep to our own religion. This could be because even though you practice like a devout Buddhist your heart may propel you to be with your ancestors rather than any one of the Boddhisatva realms.


”The sages who have died, are present in this world to a greater extent than when they were alive.”  The Zohar

 Causal spirits retain free and can operate more freely than Astral guides. They can traverse throughout all realms to help and advise those spirits and be more present for those alive on the earth plane as well. 

Those that are dead are never gone

They are there in the thickening shadow

The dead are not under the earth

They are there in the tree that rustles

They are in the wood that groans

They are in the water that sleeps

They are in the hut

They are in the crowd

The dead are not dead.

Bizago Diap (Mali poet)




We each create our own reality and will go to the realm that we have earned, whether Astral or possibly Causal. "We reap what we sow." Material achievements on their own count for very little unless done for the greater good and for their own sake alone. Spiritual laws apply whether we know about them, understand them or believe in them or not. The rules beyond the veil differ from those on the earth plane.

Most of us headed to one of the countless vibrations in the Astral realm because we have more spiritual work to do. Bishop Tutu once said that the standards for entering "heaven" are quite low.

The Astral guides or ancestors we see in dreams, especially in the early morning hours in REM sleep, are usually working through their karma and transitioning before reincarnating.

“When the Soul wants to experience something, she throws out an image of the experience in front of her and also steps into it.” M. Eckhart

 We navigate with our imagination and can create anything we wish. This is compelling at first but eventually becomes boring and the desire to do so dissipates. 

As we imagine it so it will be. For instance, the avid golfer can imagine the most spectacular golf course on which to play but every strike, will be a hole in one. There is no longer any tension and hence no challenge. 

The Astral and especially the lower Astral, can be in a type of hell. 

We lose our sensory bodies and so can experience sensation only by imagining it.

We lose touch with other vibrations and also possibly with those loved ones who have a different vibration. 


Each faith will have a different imagining and hence go to a different place. We usually will end up in the same vibration as our loved ones with the same vibration and belief systems. This is why we may want to do our karmic work before death - we may not want to end up similarly to where we have always been.

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