In this blog we will cover some critical aspects comprising and surrounding the soul. Considering the complexities and the mystery of the soul or Higher Self, I will describe these to the best of my limited abilities haven been given help from the Ancestors.
The main themes in this blog are...
“The soul emanates from the Infinite One, … descends through the worlds leaving a root in each of the worlds, until it is clothed in a physical body. Thus, there are five levels of the soul or levels of God -consciousness, corresponding to the various planes of reality.
Unity, Intellect, Mind, Energy and the Physical. Kabbalah
These five levels will be discussed later according to Kabbalah, the Ancestors and also Patanjali, the great Yogi.
Everyone will ultimately achieve the spiritual perfection for which we are created. This may take many lifetimes because of free will.
The search for the Soul, the Self, the True or real Self is at the core of human motivation whether we know it or not or whether we believe it or try to achieve it or not.
We could also call the soul our Buddha or our Christ-like Self or that part of us made in the image of the Divine.
The Creator does not micromanage and there are many polarities designed in a mysterious way in the soul's architecture that we need to master in order to allow us to reach this stage of "perfection."
"Kabir says, friend, there are very few who find the way."
The gates are wide but few will enter.
The fallacy of perfection is in thinking there is a point of such completeness beyond which there is no place to go, improve, strive for.
This differs from excellence which is achievable, always desirable and often necessary but in varying degrees for varying tasks and purposes.
One could also call "perfection" a certain level of excellence because spiritual perfection is a state of impossibility.
Hence the Ancestors prefer the word "Becoming" to that of Self-Realization or Enlightenment which may assume a fixed point - there is always another level of vibration to realize above the one that we have attained.
However, once a certain level of excellence is fulfilled, we are no longer required to continue on the journey of "samsara," the continuous cycle of death, reincarnation, mundane existence and suffering from ongoing rebirth.
"Listen to the cry of a woman in labor at the hour of giving birth - look at the dying man's struggle at his last extremity, and then tell me whether something that begins and ends thus could be intended for enjoyment.” S. Kierkegaard
In spite of this we are told to savor each moment of existence between the polarities of light and dark, good and evil, the sacred and the profane, positive and negative. They are all part of the conundrum that gives us the qualities required to test our resilience on the road to Becoming.
Buddhism states that "all is suffering" and the Buddhist path teaches us not only how to help ourselves but also to help others with this suffering.
This, with our God given destiny, is a vital part of the soul's journey - to help heal the planet and the Four Beings of Nature.
“ Before the soul enters this world, it is conducted through all the worlds. Last of all it is show the first light which when the world was created illuminated all things and which God removed when humans became corrupt. Why is the soul shown this light? So, from that hour on it may yearn to attain the light and approach it rung by rung. (those on the Tree of Life) The Talmud
This divine light may be the same light that those who have had a Near Death Experience encounter. This light appears to embrace them in the Creator's love. Most who have had a N.D.E. are never the same. In a sense they may be yearning to attain this light again by doing service to others.
The four "Worlds of Manifestation" in Kabbalah also correspond to the Four Trees of Life through which the multiverse was created.
Emanation - in the beginning was the Word – the intention.
Creation - the design, the plan.
Formation - the elements required to assemble the mystery of the universe and multiverse.
Actualization - the universe coming into being.
If we think of anything that we create ourselves, it also follows these four stages. For instance, an architect designing a building.
Emanation begins in the imagination. Imagination is soul work. The Wild Beings of nature do not have this capacity.
To think like God is to think with imagination.
Whatever cannot be imagined, cannot be fulfilled.
“The soul is pure …” Rev Nachman
The Creator “breathed” humanity into existence
Source of my power, the breath you have given me, the breath you have given me is pure.
Flame of the Infinite One is the Soul Breath of the human.
The life breath, is the Flame of the Infinite One, searching through the chambers of our core.
“…What is God? The breath inside the breath.” Kabir
The Four Directions and the Four Winds
A river arose out of Eden forming Four Rivers and Four Winds which animate all of creation. The Zohar
The Four Winds or Breaths of the Infinite one.
The Zohar maintains that the Breath of the Creator is constantly animating all of creation - the Still Beings, the Growing or Sprouting Beings, the Wild (and the domesticated) Beings and the Talking Beings.
Water is life which is also vital for our animation. The Four Sacred rivers that arose out of Eden are thought to have been the Tigris, Euphrates, the Nile and the Ganges.
80% of our cells contain water. Water has been found by researchers to have consciousness, memory and resonance.
All the other Beings are doing exactly what they we were intended to do by their Creator except for most of us - Talking Beings.
Our souls' architecture appears to have the unique burden of transcendence through which we all have the potential to attain liberation. We all need to act on it. The time is now.
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