Sunday, February 9, 2025



There are Three Triads on the Tree of Life

The Triads of 





Keter (Wisdom or Intellect) - Understanding (Mind)

Faith between the two is not a true Sephira but is essential to arrive at Keter. This Triad is the gateway to Unity.


ENERGY (Ruach, Breath, Wind) 

is involved in the lower two of the three Triads (Six Sephirot.)

According to Kabbalah this is also the seat of our emotions.

Love or the Heart Triad is balanced by Mercy and Judgment. 

(Judgment is harder to control so it is situated above Ego.) 

The Ego Triad - balanced by Attachment and Non-Attachment to self-cherishing and the desire for the material. Monkey Mind operates here.

The Ancestors teach that Netzach - the Sephirah of Non-Attachment is the key to spiritual evolution since it helps to open the Sephirah of Love (or the heart chakra.) In Kabbalah it is said that when the student has mastered Love he or she can then teach themselves. In yoga the heart chakra is said to be the most difficult one to open. 

Moreover, Netzach is the gateway to loving others only by having no attachment to any ulterior motive or agenda in the relationship. It leads to loving your neighbor as your self for its own sake only.

Seeing the divinity in others is a huge challenge for us all.



Us in a physical, sensate body living on our planet with the huge task to not only to ascend and Self-Realize but also to protect our earth home.


EMANATION arising from Source solicits UNITY and manifests above Keter, the Crown sephira 

and emanates from the Infinite One. 

CREATION requires both Intellect (Wisdom) and Mind (Understanding) - the two sephirot just below Keter. 

Wisdom includes undifferentiated thought through fantasy and imagination. 


To think like God is to think with imagination.


What cannot be imagined, cannot be fulfilled.


As you think it, so it can be, as you imagine and believe it, so it will be.

Faith is not a true Sephira  and is interposed between Wisdom and Understanding to help us gain access to Keter. Keter can be realized by Grace if catalyzed by absolute faith.

Creation is a function of Wisdom (Intellect-Spacious Mind.)

Wisdom's imagination, however, requires Understanding's-Mind to help it take form.

The shadow side of Understanding is Monkey (Narrow) Mind which resides in the Ego Triad. Monkey Mind with its fear bound limitations of zealotry, dogma, denial, disbelief, resignation, desperation, detachment and hopelessness. These properties are neutralized by truth, hope, trust, surrender, belief and faith residing in the Triad of Becoming.


FORMATION is included in the six Sephirot below Wisdom and Understanding. It represents energy arising from Breath/Wind/Spirit. We are continually being "breathed" by the breath of the Creator until the Grim Reaper comes to take us home. 

The elements and the mystery of the unexplainable ability of the Creator to make something out of nothing began with the Big Bang when the elements of the periodic table were infused into the void (Nothingness) to eventually become "Somethingness" and then slowly evolved into order through the world of Formation probably in seven periods of time (maybe billions of years) -  the "seven days" (or epochs) as in Genesis. There is no time on the other side of the veil in the Field, so that the number seven in the idea of "days" is arbitrary.

“The distinction between, past, present and future is only an illusion, albeit it a stubborn one.” A. Einstein

Formation’s Spirit-Breath-Energy is contained in six sephirot (two Triads – one of Love the other of Ego.)


All of us in physical bodies (and the other Beings as well) living here on Earth where we manifest our sentient existence.

Any process of Actualization whether from God or from us should  correspond to the Fours Worlds and to the Five Levels of Soul which are templates that can help us elevate our sacred intentions toward Unity with the Divine.

If we acknowledge the importance of all these Four Stages and put it out into the "Field," to the Creator and our guides in a sensory driven, active imagination we will have greater success in our ventures. 


In summary:

     “This world is just an antechamber for the world to come.”                  Rev. Akiva


We are made in the image of the Divine and have some of that potential. We can make something out of something else but only the Creator can make something out of nothing.

Our actualizing process for the spiritual and the material must follow the same Four Stages; 


in our Imagination and Intent, 


in the plan or blueprint, 


in the materials and various expertises required


of the project - whatever it is. 


The correspondence of the Fours Worlds to the Five Levels of Soul is seminal to this understanding. Our spiritual transformation will occur as a reversal of the top down vibrational change during our creation into a live birth to a bottom up approach using the sephirot of the Tree. and the Five Levels of Soul and the Four Worlds as a template for our spiritual transformation. In this way we utilize the Tree of Life and subordinate the Tree of Knowledge to regain "Eden." Being aware of this architecture and these principles of manifestation may help catalyze our sacred intentions.

When we desire to manifest something, it is useful to also ponder on this teaching of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.


"Know what you want,

 decide when you want it, 

figure your plan of action, follow through on it, and never doubt. 
Unless an action is rightly thought out and its steps rightly planned, every stage of its performance will probably remain vague and therefore unsatisfactory for the doer and all those concerned;" 

(as well as your guides, the Creator and also your subconscious.)


We can use imagination's dormant force for Emanation.



 In the beginning was the word, the thought.


Attending to the context of the details 


Do your part.

"Trust in God but tie your camel." Sufi saying


Stay the course, maintain, sustain.

Also ...

Being Non-Attached to Outcome 

Attachment has a stickiness that repels and implies a lack of trust.

 Faith, Believe (Daat on the Tree of Life,) Trust, Surrender, Hope. 

Subordinating any doubt, disbelief, denial.

Having Passion, Will it, Feel it 

(use the senses in any way possible!)

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Ruach Hakodesh (the spirit/breath/wind of the Holy One) who is in you, whom you have received from God? 

You are not your own, you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."  Corinthians


Many of these principles are being used by self-help “gurus” for the sake of material actualization which may or may not be successful. I suspect the stumbling blocks to success are: 

No attempt to invoke the help of the Creator, Jesus, one's guides, spirit and Field. 

The intention should be for the greater good - getting one's small self out of the way.

 To truly believe - and harder still have complete faith - in what will transpire is easier if we do it on behalf of others .

These principles will have greater traction in the spirit world if it is about one’s needs on behalf of helping other/s rather than ones small self's wants. 

It should be for the purpose of soul work and not ego-based attachment to the object we are desiring to manifest.


Below are some of the main challenges that will confront us at every level of ascent towards Unity Consciousness. We are meant to enjoy the whole conundrum and savor the journey – good or bad, light or dark, sacred or profane, negative or positive. However, lurking in the background, also, are – The Shadow, Ego, Monkey Mind, our negative Store Consciousness and Subconscious, dark forces and tricksters. Everything is a test of our worthiness.

 They are balanced by the Higher Self’s Inclination to do Good, Spacious Mind and our Guides as well as the positive attributes of our Store Consciousness and the Subconscious.


The sages teach that without the sacred there is no mundane and without the mundane, no sacred. They are different sides of the same reality. They are unique but not separate from the whole.


Ultimately, we also need to balance the polarities and: 

Subordinate Ego to the Higher Self,

Monkey (Narrow) Mind to Spacious Mind, 

our Evil Inclination or Shadow to our Good Inclination, 


the Tricksters or Dark Forces to the Higher Self, our Good Inclination and Spacious Mind with the help of our guides.

Karma is built as a default into the soul. God does not micromanage. We are responsible to our Selves - our own souls. To the extent that we manage our  karma we may attain the Causal, the Pure Land of Buddhism or Eden and escape samsara - the continuous cycle of death - rebirth until we attain a high enough vibration to inherit Eden. The template of the Chakra system, Patanjali's Five Sheaths or the Tree of Life can help us arrive.



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