Sunday, July 14, 2019


Why do gurus, sages, priests, leaders, teachers, healers et al fall and fail ?

Not being a psychologist I apologize if this is a leap of faith but Attachment Theory may have something to do with it. Attachment theory states that 
a strong emotional and physical attachment to at least one primary caregiver is critical to personal development as well as successful social and emotional development. 
A child with a strong attachment to a parent or one care giver knows that they have "back-up" so to speak and become Secure.  Those who do not can become Insecure Avoidant or Insecure Ambivalent. 
Insecure Avoidant are very independent and do not seek comfort when distressed. Here the caregiver is insensitive and inattentive to their needs.
Insecure Ambivalent or Resistant have an ambivalent attitude to the attachment figure who is ambivalent and inconsistent in their attention to the child. These children tend to be clingy but will often reject the care giver when they engage. They fail to develop security with the parent or care giver and have difficulty moving away to explore novel surroundings. When distressed they are difficult to comfort and there is an inconsistency in their responses.

I humbly submit that the Insecure Avoidant type who had an inattentive or difficult upbringing may have something to do with the Fallen Guru complex whose representatives tend to lack compassion and be arrogant, detached and narcissistic. This may also be true for other folks who get into positions of power.

These below, however, are the more obvious mechanisms:

& its pathological expression
The Ancestors

The Ancestors


Power corrupts and complete power corrupts completely.

especially in the face of prior

What you resist will persist
What you destroy destroys you
What you defeat defeats you
What you sanctify sanctifies you
The Ancestors 
And especially if associated with celibacy as in the church,
 and sexually repressed gurus confronted with adoring and compelling Western women. The abuse by the Catholic church also has to do celibacy and with arrogance resulting from an edict from a prior pope that priests were morally superior. This still seems to be the case because most still escape any form of appropriate justice.


An enlightened, aware being is a reproach and challenge to the dark forces or tricksters on the other side of the veil between the worlds.
The ultimate dark villain from the other side -  the archetypal likes of a "Darth Veda" would be offended and incensed by a "Light Bearer." In the case of the Buddha the diabolical agent was Mara. These gurus may start off being self-realized but can get corrupted, polluted or even possessed. 
The more powerful the guru, the more are skilled tricksters appointed to conquer them.
On this side of the veil the reproach takes the form of envy which can manifest as;
 the "evil eye and the evil tongue" or witchcraft (not wicca or white witchcraft) and sorcery which arise from an evil inclination abetted by dark spirits acting on their behalf. 
One of the ten commandments is
do not covet your neighbor or anything that belongs to your neighbor !

Self-realized beings and gifted musicians because of their profound influence are the greatest magnet to the forces of darkness. Robert Johnson, Jimmy Hendricks and even now possibly Lady Gaga may have been polluted (or even possessed) by Satanic forces. Lady Gaga is reported to be in the process of redeeming herself. 
(Satan before he fell out of heaven was supposedly the most beautiful angel and a superb musician.)
 Once influenced the result is unimagined success at the expense of health and longevity. When one watches videos of Hendricks playing a guitar with his teeth as well as other antics on stage it seems that he must have been possessed. Frequently one notices that the vibration of their music changed from those early days when there may have been some purity as opposed to when they became musical gods. Sex, drugs and rock and roll was Hendricks mantra. No doubt there are other examples of the same as well as outside of the musical profession.

The Catholic church fortunately still endorses exorcism especially the current pope. Exorcists have noticed that someone possessed who appears frail may have superhuman strength and may need four strong men to hold her down. They also have noted that the possessed one often gets sickly and does not live long. Some are impossible to cleanse. 
Oprah's movie, Beloved, which depicted the reality of the dark form of spiritual possession was an important one but got little acclaim. 
Rest assured this cannot happen unless there is soul loss due to overwhelming temptations or severe forms of abuse where the victim's defense aura and ego are shattered.

One cannot discount that this may also occur to some extent in the fallen guru complex and in other situations or that at least they are polluted and have been "turned" to the dark side.

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