Sunday, July 21, 2019


A few more words on Spiritual Materialism - the use of spiritual practice to enhance ego (either consciously or subconsciously,) 
instead of subordinating ego to the higher Self. Trungpa wrote that ego was not necessary, (when he had a huge ego) and the Ancestors (and Jung) teach that together with Narrow Mind and our Shadow they are essential for our survival.
However, we do need to subordinate them to Spacious (Big) Mind, our higher Self and our Good Inclination..
The ego can be a slippery as a snake or as tricky as a chameleon who changes colors to disguise itself as per Kabir.

We are all vulnerable to spiritual materialism because of the elusive nature of ego and monkey mind as well as the fact that tricksters can play on our weaknesses.
If we look at the various shades of Spiritual Materialism we can see it culminates in the psycho-pathology of Spiritual Narcissism - a feeling of superiority that one is deserving of love, respect, total loyalty and obedience. This narcissism may manifest as autocracy, superiority, arrogance, self absorption/admiration, exploitive-ness and entitlement. It may also lead to those deadly sins of the enlightened guru, healer, shaman, teacher, priest or sage which usually revolve around money, power/persona, sex, control and intimidation. These possibly also may have arisen out of poor self-esteem and self-worth. 
If we follow the advice of ancient wisdom it is unlikely we will get caught by the trappings of spiritual narcissism. 
We are all, however, vulnerable to spiritual materialism and the best we can do is be aware of it so that it does not become what the Buddha called 
"Desirous Attachment."

When we look at the Zen Buddhist description of enlightenment from centuries ago - originally represented in picture form - as "Taming the Bull" (or  ox,) we can see there are 10 steps. Those who fall victim to spiritual materialism have usually only explored the first few steps before ego-aggrandizement may step in - especially Glimpsing ...

Clearly this is the Buddhist path which may not fit for most of us especially the figure below of the last few steps. However, it seems that something goes or went wrong somewhere along this path, especially to the extent of spiritual narcissism. It is likely that many of these fallen gurus mastered most of these parameters before they became polluted and "fell."

The Ancestors teach the following


At the end of the day you cannot say the devil or the guru or anyone else made me do it.

The Ancestors also teach;
Take the truth from where it comes.
And even...
but when 
Truth becomes ego holding to its own image
It's time to take what you have learned and move on so as not to become polluted or compromised. 
The Ancestors add;
Be careful of what you taste and where you immerse.
Take what you need, leave the rest and move on with gratitude for what has been gained. 
If possible read the book rather than expose yourself to any more toxicity. I found Osho's books to be much more palatable than the person who wrote them. But still beware because...

People lie!

This is similar to the Buddhist saying; 
"when you find the Buddha on the path - kill him."
In other words each teacher can only show you what they know. Once you know that, you will add what you know & transcend those teachings. Use the teachings to help you find your own truths. Then let go of the teachings & “kill” the Buddha or the Tao. Not before.

Krishmurti taught the same thing and was even more radical that the only way is through yourself. He flatly refused to have devotees though they nevertheless surrounded him or tried to.

The Dalai Lama recommends we keep our religion and use Buddhism (as I do yoga and other things) as tools. You do not have to "Believe" or be attached to them. Other philosophies helps us see what is truly valuable in our religion. We can adopt those and leave the rest.

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