Saturday, February 20, 2021


Final Insights

Above all now is the time - if we want to move forward - to actualize  those most important experiences that we need for the future. The Ancestors urge us to take from the past what we need and leave the rest behind. In this way we can move from;
 where we have been, 
and who we are now,
 toward what we want to become. 
The question is; what is our basic archetype? Each of these broad categories below have many possibilities; the comedian helps us Heal, the film maker Teaches us; the wealthy C.E.O. - Warrior becomes a philanthropist, the Visionary can be a priest, a shaman or a musician. The essential question is, do they use their unique gift to help the people and the planet or themselves? 
Are they a hero/ine or a warrior?
To get there we also have to have a spiritual practice that helps us actualize that archetype.


It does not help to be a jack of all trades and master of none.             The power, is in the power of one thing. We need to stick to our core or signature strength (Seligman.) We should keep our day job and if necessary do this without pay or in our spare time. This will make us come alive.

Anything or anybody who does not make you more of who you are makes you less of who you are. 

 Be careful of what you tastes and where you immerse. 

Release yourself from what you are not accountable.

The Ancestors    

In summary

You are only as powerful as you allow yourself to be, and by allowing the spirit world to help you. 
"The universe will reward you for taking risks on it's behalf."   Shakti Gawain

"Don't be so humble, you are not that important." Anon.

Did you follow your intuition or your brain? Some of the biggest mistakes I have made was allowing my gut feeling to subordinate to my intellect. Sometimes we try to be too clever.

"It's difficult to predict things especially when it comes to the future." Mark Twain

We need to get as much help as possible from the "Field" of potential - not localized in space and time - the Creator, our guides, our power animals in dream or awake time. Free will is the cosmic law - we have to ask to receive but we need to be very specific because of free will. We cannot ask; "Help me with my life."

What cannot be imagined cannot be fulfilled. The Ancestors

Everything in the spirit world works through; Intention - Attention to what we want and imagination helps here) - Action - Affirmation (sustain, maintain.) 

The "Field" needs the context of our desire, not the exact content - they will handle those details and liberally, according to what is best for us. 

The Ancestors

 Affirmation. Since spirit guides live in the present moment they need to know if we continue to want this.     

The more we believe, the more we can feel it (in our bones) and the less attached we are and allow the universe to handle the minutiae the more likely it will manifest. Because our guides are not localized in time we need to have patience and trust. 

It affirms to hear the Maharishi's ideas on this.

When we imagine we should only use positive statements. Because of Belief, a positive affirmation hold more power than a negative. Also the Subconscious records EVERYTHING that we say. No matter what we think we think, we will play out what resides in the Subconscious. Never say never to the Subconscious! (Even if in a positive sense.)

The Great Spirit would like a personal relationship with each of us. Kabbalah says the God is playing hide and seek but no one wants to play.

 Search for Me and you will find Me. Seek Me with all your heart and I will let you find Me.  Jeremiah

The soul's conversation is not of the mind but of the senses.

From my flesh shall I behold the Creator.

The route to God is through the senses

The Ancestors

In conclusion

 It is highly likely we will fall without some form of going inwards. We need to simplify and to live in two worlds if need be. Keep your day job to pay the bills and prevent being in survival mode which will sabotage the spiritual life. Walk the talk - don't talk the walk. Rather let others see a change in you and affirm it, than you telling them how much you have changed. Do not put your grail on the mantel piece for others to judge, trivialize or invalidate. March to the sound of your own drum. You never get there - it's always a process of "Becoming." Do not discount the reality of tricksters in spirit or real time trying to abort your mission which is a reproach to their low vibration. They will want you to stay and be like them or even less than them.


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