Sunday, March 28, 2021

 Scripted Dreams #2

(Unless otherwise stated the quotes are from the Ancestors)

Dreams also arise from the our subconscious' house cleaning, from ridding ourselves of clutter and apprehension, as well as the replaying of scenes for pleasure or clarification. We sometimes have bad dreams in reaction to bodily discomfort, from being too hot, from alcohol and watching negative T.V. or a horror movie the evening before. We have to be wary of our own psychic clutter. Fear can be our own greatest tricksters in interpretation. 

 Less often we have disturbing, intrusive dreams from earth bound spirits, dead relatives or others that are not resting peacefully. Sometimes we just feel them around us at night but not necessarily see them in a dream. One may require expert spiritual help if this is an ongoing issue.

 Scripted dreams broadly speaking are instructive and are meant to help up with our life paths and destiny. They help us with the clues on the treasure hunt to our future, by keeping us on track.

Accessing the dream world.



To access the “Cosmic Field” and the spirit world, some form of ongoing inward or spiritual practice is essential to move “The Snake” - the feminine, serpent like energy that rests in the lower belly -  Kundalini to the yogis, Umbilini to the Zulu and Num to the San Bushmen. This power is universal - we all have it, although it is little acknowledged in the Western world. Spiritual practice will open up the heart chakra which in turn helps us access the higher chakras and especially the Third Eye – the key to our intuitive abilities and the dream time. Nurturing this Snake is all about enhancing our vibration and being able to access information not localized in space in time from our guides. Some folks do not dream but get downloads in awake time, usually when in a receptive, relaxed or meditative state. 



Visitations occur outside of the dream state. They usually come when there is an urgent need to convey information or on special occasions such as a birthday or a death date. They are rare, take a huge effort on behalf of the spirit, as well as needing the dreamer to be an open, permeable conduit. They are occasions for tremendous gratitude. The spirit appears to be present as if in real time.  



Re your guides  

I once gave a talk at a Jungian conference in Cape Town where I was asked to give a sangoma's account of dreams. While trying to prepare I received an instructional dream telling me to use a computer model to better explain how scripted dreams work.

 Guides "copy and paste" established symbols and images, both recent and remote into the dreamer’s psyche. These symbols and images are highly individual and may have various cultural and religious meanings to different people. For instance, to a dog lover, a dream of a dog may signify loyalty or unconditional love – to a Zulu tribesman - maybe witchcraft. A dream of fish to a Christian may have a spiritual significance – to a Venda business person it may mean money is coming soon. 

It is more efficient for guides to use our memory "banks" to deliver their message. They can script their own dream images but this takes much more effort. Sometimes they will also use “photoshop” to tweak the dream before copying and pasting. 


Dreams can be as powerful as visitations but are subject to trickster interference. Like the internet, our dream psyches are open to light but also vulnerable to dark influences. Trickster spirits can block our dreams completely and even pollute them by altering them in “photoshop” before they are pasted by our guides. They also have the power to script their own dreams. This is why the Ancestors teach that dreams can contain both truth and lies. Our shadow, ego, monkey mind, fear and psychic clutter can also lie to us.

As you think it so it can be, as you believe it, so it will be. 

The Zohar says that the dream follows its interpretation. The interpretation can set the intention which may dictate what the mind decides to be the appropriate action. Hence it is critical to  take a positive spin on a dream because this will create a better  manifestation. For instance, a dream of death may really represent rebirth. Perseverating on death will create a nocebo effect (the opposite of placebo) and possibly a self-inflicted hex.

The more one knows about the dreamer’s psyche the better the interpretation will be. One should always try and look on the bright side with one’s understanding and if we are sure it is a blatant lie discount it completely. Going with the heart will usually tell you the truth.



Warning dreams are not providential. What has been shown is not inevitable. One has to take action to prevent what is seen by our guides who have the advantage of not being localized in space and time. The message may not be literal. For instance if one has booked a flight to some destination (and has no fear of flying,) a warning dream might mean there are going to be issues around the flight. Did you take your passport or will you leave something crucial behind, are there going to be traffic issues en route to the airport or will your flight be delayed ?? In other words dot the I's and cross your T's before you fly. If you dream the plane is going down in flames then maybe consider rescheduling your flight. 

When we interpret our or another's dream we also need to be wary of the shadow, monkey mind, ego or fear. as well as our own projections. It is essential to have some background about that person as well as retaining an optimistic focus.

We need to beware of making the interpretation of the dream fit to what ego or monkey mind desire.

 Each individual, however, is the final arbitrator of his/her own dream.

The most skillful interpreter, even one who knows you well, can at best only be revealing, suggesting and guiding.

The veil between the worlds is the most permeable in the early hours of the morning in R.E.M. sleep. Most of us do not dream in deep (delta rhythm) sleep which occurs soon after we fall asleep. Your "prayer'"or request for a dream is best made just before falling asleep. We have to ask to receive and because our guides are bound by the cosmic law of free will, we have to be very specific. We should keep dead still after awaking so that we can slowly retrieve the dream. If we reach for our dream journal or smart phone to record, it will usually "escape." Its best to memorize it while being completely still, repeat it several times to oneself in as much detail as possible and only then record it when the dream is secure.

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