Sunday, April 18, 2021



Spirit guides are not subject to time or space as are we. 
They are always around but not always to be known,
always within call but not always to be heard,
always present but not always to be sensed,
always holding us but not always to be felt.


The terms ancestors and spirit guides can be used interchangeably. The two main realms, where they reside, that we need to consider, are the Causal and the Astral or Imaginal.

The Causal 

The Pure Land of the Buddhists or the metaphoric Garden of Eden of Kabbalah.

Some of us have guides in the enlightenment or Causal realms. A few communicate with angels.


“When a word is spoken in the name of its speaker his lips move in the grave. And the lips of him/her who utters the word move like those of the sage who is dead. A sage cannot speak words of teaching unless s/he first links his soul to the soul of his dead teacher or to that of his teacher’s teacher.” The Talmud

Similarly, Yogis, Buddhists and other spiritual masters connect with their Causal guides in dreams or awake time, each in their own particular way.

If we do invoke God, Jesus or angels we may be answered but it requires dedication, impeccability and a high inner vibration nurtured by a dedicated spiritual practice. Kabbalah teaches that the Creator wants a personal relationship with each of us so that we can co-create together to help the planet. The standards for connecting with the Ultimate, Infinite Power, are simple but difficult and demanding.

There is no room for God in him who is full of herself. The sages tell us concerning the proud person; God says; “I and s/he cannot dwell together in the world.” Talmud

Love nurtures you, gives you safe haven but you decide, you choose, you are responsible. The consequences are yours. 
There is wisdom; there is folly; there is love; there is lust; there is surrender; there is willfulness.

It will be given to you according to; 

the measure of your humility,

the measure of your love, and

the measure of your faith.


Artists musicians and others have their muses. Some call this “narrator” their alter ego when in actual fact "s/he" might be a guide. These muses are usually from the Astral realms. 

There are multiple differing vibrations - high and lower - in each of these two main categories as well as in the Lower realms which we will discuss later. The latter are usually intrusive.

Most of us would like to have a spirit force that is there to help us. We all can ! 


We all have ancestors or and guides mostly in the Astral who love  and would like to help us. When they are assigned to do so we must ask to receive. Free will is the cosmic law and they are bound by it.  These spirit guides in either realm may have been our loved ones or ancestors in past lives. According to sangoma wisdom we also have “foreign” guides who have been delegated to assist us with a particular mission. Love is the catalyst that allows them to cross the veil between the worlds. The African guide who helps me in my divination practice was a sangoma in her past life. She is a “foreign” guide not from my past lives.


“In every person there is something precious which is in no-one else. And so we should honor each for what is hidden within them for what only they have.” Talmud


Our spirit guides are there to help and guide us to our God give destiny and unique purpose with the spiritual laws that differ from those on the earth plane and to which we will be accountable when we leave the planet.

Spiritual laws are operative whether or not we understand them or can explain them or whether or not we even know about them or believe in them.

Our guides have been educated and "purified" after their reconciliation process. They are there to help us with our karma and require our honesty. If we are constantly not in integrity they will move away. They also move away if there is no ongoing connection to them made in one way or another. This essentially is about designing a "Container" in which to make requests and show gratitude. Using an altar as a container will be described in a future blog.

They now know full well the consequences of spiritual unskillfulness.

The choices are yours and there are consequences to your choices. 
Consequences are neither reward nor punishment; they simply are consequences, often not immediate but always inescapable…

Kabbalah teaches that everyone will ultimately achieve the spiritual perfection for which we are created. This may take many lifetimes because of free will.

 More than likely our guides - except for those in the Causal, after doing service on our behalf - will reincarnate to further perfect their souls' journeys.


You should wish for yourself not what you want but that what you want is for your good. 

The Ancestors cannot help you neutralize anything you have not freely, willingly and deliberately given up.  

The ancestors (or guides) cannot save but simply alert, advise and warn and only according to your openness and willingness. They cannot change or deter you from your own insistency no matter to what it's due. Only you can choose to change. Such is the design of free will.

Click on the link and play 


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