Friday, June 28, 2024





"If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there." Lewis Carroll

As you will appreciate from this blog, the journey should not be unplanned nor is it uncharted. Neither is it the final one. We come back again and again to get it right - the journey of samsara - death and rebirth in order to master the challenges of being in a sentient body. We are here to enjoy the senses but, responsibly. Our senses are a gift. When we go to the other side of the veil we drop the physical body and our senses. We will be accountable if we took them for granted and failed to appreciate the gift.


“Death asks not what have you but who are you. Life’s questions is not what have I but what am I.” Swami Rama Tirtha



“Dying, dying, the world keeps on dying but none know how to die.  No one dies in such a way that s/he won’t die again.” Kabir

Know before you go!


“A net is spread out for the living, everything is given on loan and all is preparation for a big celebration.” Rev Akiva


Akiva also taught that the sentient world is just an antechamber for the world to come. The Zohar describes this antechamber as the one percent world and the other as the 99% one. Most of this 99% is unknowable to us until we pass over to the other side and have a hint of what it may be like. We can get an incomplete notion of the “Unknowable” if we study ancient wisdoms.

The deepest and most profound meditation, the Buddhists say, is that on death. Most of us fear death subconsciously if not consciously and studying or meditating on it goes a long way to allaying the fear which can lead to a dysfunctional crossing over. 

Studies have show that folks who have had positive experiences with mind altering plants in ceremony (L.S.D. and psilocybin especially) can lose any fear of death because they are able to see into other realities that are similar,

None of us would take a trip to an unknown destination without informing ourselves and taking all possible, preliminary precautions against “getting lost.” Yet when it comes to our final and most seminal journey, many ignore doing any preparation. 

Our state of mind when we die will have a lot to do with what vibration we go to after death. 

The time to educate ourselves and correct our karma should be now and not closer to that critical time when emotionally we will be least prepared and able to do anything constructive. Death should be a blissful event if we are ready. Kabbalists say it should be no more than a bee sting. 

“When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice.” Cherokee wisdom

Amends and reconciliations are essential in “cleaning the slate" before we leave. These blogs, based mainly on the Ancestors teachings, are "Universals"" without any particular religious biases and are meant to help us prepare for life and death. Spiritual laws will prevail whether we know about them or not or believe in them or not.

With all your strength attain knowledge!

We create are own reality, especially after death, so that the journey will be colored by our belief systems but the principles remain the same. 

The one who dies with the most "toys" may not win. The only things we take with us are our karma and experiences. We came into the planet naked and "naked" we must leave.

"As you sew so you will reap."

"Those that will be first will be last." Jesus

Let them come along and shout. They will shout their name last.




 Someone on their death bed may need to be given permission to leave  if they are trying to hold (for dear life) on account of their loved ones.

We can take nothing with us except our memories and our karma. Our mind state is key and we should have fearless clarity without confusion. It is best to go into an existential free fall without any angst, attachments, skeletons in the closet or unfinished business. We will need to embrace positive imaginings and affirmations, surrender and let go.  In doing this we should be able to hear the ancestors or our guides calling us home.

Gandhi was heard to be chanting Ram, Ram, Ram the name of God, after being shot and before leaving his body.  

In Tibetan Buddhist culture those that are present at death can help, by affirming that the loved one is dead. Classically this is done by reading the Tibetan Book of the Dead around the corpse. This is done for 49 days by which time the soul leaves the earth plane, crosses over the veil between the worlds and goes through a period of transition before beginning the next incarnation. 

If perfected the soul will inherit the Pure Land - with no need to come back again. 

Their principles enunciated below are similar to those above - in summary:

Go forward, release without fear and do not cling to images of the past or any projections of "mind." Let go, surrender. Imagine and have positive thoughts. Recognize your own luminescence, look towards the light.

The Zulus have a tradition that also instructs the deceased that they are dead. The Buffalo thorn tree is unique in having two thorns, one hooked indicating the body being interned into the earth and one straight to show the soul ascending to the other side. A branch is put on the grave site and together with powerful, funeral rituals will instruct the spirit about what has happened, especially in the case of any confusion during the death process. 


Attachments hamper the transition of the spirit which may become earth bound and lost between the worlds. Forgiveness is essential before death for a peaceful transition. Promises not yet fulfilled should also be released and be no longer binding.

Spirits usually hang around the earth plane for a short period of time to see what is happening before they cross over - usually up to about 30 days. 

They are concerned about how everyone is doing, and are interested in their funeral arrangements. They may want final closure by trying to visit in dreams or even in real time in “visitations” to those that are receptive. If  they cannot get through this way they may give signs they are still around like the unusual appearance of selected, favorite animals which they can energetically manipulate. There also may be other signs as well as well to let you know that they are there. They like to know they have been honored and that they mattered. Depending on the person, death rituals such as obituaries, prayers, flowers, eulogies and a death stone etc. are important.

If their death wishes have not been fulfilled or there are family conflicts this may create disappointments and urge them to temporarily remain earth bound. When the spirit is on the earth plane it is much easier for them to make contact than after they have crossed over the veil between worlds.

Some may voluntarily choose to reman on the earth realm and be more available to assist the living with the trauma, financial challenges or conflicts surrounding disagreements such as those concerning the will.

This is not necessarily a good thing since it also delays the soul's transition. They may delay crossing over until they are given permission to leave by the loved one they are supporting or will cross over when they feel they are no longer needed. The distraught living one also needs to know when the time has come to let the spirit go to the light.

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