Saturday, August 24, 2024




The Inner Healer


The Inner Healer is part of the soul and like the soul is pure - created in the image of the Divine. It has infinite potential. Anything is possible.


There is no affliction which does not have a cure. The soul knows this and the body is ready to learn.


Spiritual laws are operative whether or not we can explain or understand them or whether or not we know about them or believe in them.


There are a few chosen ones who can clear clogged and cluttered paths to allow the Creator’s free flow of love energy.


We witness this power in cases of spontaneous remission of diseases that have defied the best of what modern medicine has to offer. Without the Inner Healer all physicians, healers and shamans would be hopelessly lost.


The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient whilst nature (with the help of "Field") cures the disease. Voltaire


There are FOUR VARIABLES in healing:


    Is responsible for the placebo effect - and not invoking the opposite of nocebo.

The healer has the potential to wound or heal depending on their thoughts, words and acts and can tip the scales towards healing and curing. 

Rituals and practices will vary even as people do. What today is called the placebo effect does not imply fooling the patient into believing in something that is not but rather medicating him with faith in what could happen if allowed. 

A person’s skepticism, anxiety and dismay may impair their healing and stand in the way of their activating their own Inner Healer. As soon as the patient becomes open to the possibility of the treatments’ efficacy, be it a ritual, a herb or a suggestion, hope and belief, they work their own magic.”


   Is responsible for facilitating his or her Inner Healer using all means at his or her disposal, allopathic and non-allopathic. 


    Herein reside the Creator, spirit guides and other mysterious factors unconfined to the Space-Time Continuum. To the extent that the healer and the patient invoke the power of the Field, the healing or curing will be magnified. Nor everyone can be used but everyone can be healed. 

Some can be cured and still not be healed. 

“For every ailment under the sun, there is a cure or there is none,
If there be one, try to find it, if there be none strive not to mind it (and be healed.)

Mother Goose

  Most of the Field is unknowable but gifted healers have the capacity to glean vital assistance from the Field through prayer, spirit guides and shamanic-like healing.


 Place, includes the choices we make in the work environment, the home, the availability of alternative healing techniques, access to nature, as well as financial, medical and nutritional restrictions or support. If these are not, or cannot be optimized, healing can be compromised.

“Only love can generate the healing power.” 

Agnes Sanford

The two basic feelings we have of love and fear govern these four variables. When we are coherent with love magical things can occur.

Placebo depends on love and belief, nocebo on fear, disbelief, hopelessness, cynicism, skepticism, doubt, resignation, detachment, denial, guilt, and shame. 

Anyone who believes that they do not deserve to be well for religious, superstitious or other reasons is more than likely not going to recover from a critical illness. 


The physician can invoke the power of nocebo by giving a pessimistic prognosis or an overly aggressive informed consent for procedures because they are concerned about the consequences arising from the legal profession - especially in the United States. 

Folks who consult Dr. Google or the internet for complex information that should be given by an expert, can also self-hex themselves with negative information. Their resulting convictions from untruths may become a dogmatic belief preventing them from getting the right care. 

Now that big business and the bottom line has taken over the sacred task of the physician to heal they have polluted the concept of a doctor/healer - patient relationship with the demeaning term “Provider” which can compromise placebo by removing the good, old fashioned “Bedside Manner” and the Doctor-Patient Relationship. Moreover, patients complain that their doctors attend to their computers and never touch, examine or look at them. 

Medicine has been exploited  to the extent that physicians are facing burn out and many are thinking that if they had it to do all over again they would not go into medicine. Many of the most experienced and expert physicians are retiring prematurely. Some new graduates regard medicine as a nine to five job rather than as a calling. All of these factors plus technology, electronic medical records as well as other toxic reimbursement factors can have a negative on the patient’s Inner Healer. 


“S/He is the best physician who is the most ingenious inspirer of hope.” Samuel Taylor Coleridge


The power of prayer (Field) is greater than the power of prophecy (prognosis) and therein is where healing is to be found.


“All healing is in the hands of the Creator. It can be delegated to intermediaries for designated moments.” Rev Ben Shimon


Our D.N.A. is plastic. One’s telomeres can be lengthened by meditation. Faith, belief, hope, trust, surrender and love are huge when faced with difficult health challenges. A positive or even “loving” relationship with one’s health team, professionals, family, friends and support groups can work miracles. The body is a vibrational organism. The body is not solid as it seems. We are all just particles vibrating and orbiting around other particles mostly in empty space. New cells are also constantly being formed.


Surrender implies trust; a letting go, not grasping, being non-attached but receptive and flexible, not giving up but giving in to a higher force, believing that no matter what happens the outcome will be for the best and being in the flow of a love vibration. These attributes can allow for a greater connection to the Field, a fearless attitude that invokes equanimity, connection to the Higher Self and healing. These are also more likely to augment the Inner Healer and a cure. This does not imply a path of non-action but of faithful, loving action. 

A dedicated spiritual practice of going inward is vital.

“If a person wants to be sure of the road s/he treads on, she must close her eyes and walk in the darkness.” St. John of the Cross

 Neuroscience has show that cynicism, shame and guilt increase pro-inflammatory factors which can cause certain diseases and disempower the immune system. Compassion and forgiveness enhance the immune system. 

We need to forgive ourselves first (have no shame or guilt,) forgive others and ask for forgiveness from others if needed. We best have a clean slate to facilitate our Inner Healer. 

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