Saturday, August 17, 2024




 “The philosophies of one age have become the absurdities of the next and the foolishness of yesterday has become the wisdom of tomorrow.”

William Osler M.D.


There are three basic healing paradigms; 

Allopathic Medicine, 

Integrative Medicine 

(includes the Mind-Body Connection) 

and the lesser known and appreciated 

Medicine Not Localized in Space and Time 

which could be called Shamanic or even Quantum Healing since it comprises a non-local Quantum-like relationship. 

"Allopathic, Newtonian, or Cartesian" medicine do not accept that consciousness is outside the brain and that there are beneficial properties to be had when one invokes the non-local power of the “Field.” Indigenous peoples, sages and mystics have known this for eons. We are slowly finding our way back to what we once knew.


We are not just influences but also recipients of influences from distant places and distant times.

"Out there beyond ideas or right-doing and wrong-doing, there is a Field. I will meet you there." Rumi

"Whatever being comes to be, be it motionless or moving, derives it's being from Field and Knower (the Creator) of the Field." 

Bhagavad Gita


The power of the Field resides in it being not localized in space and time. Einstein once said that the distinction between past, present and future is only an illusion, albeit a stubborn one. To manage our realities on earth we have constructed the concept of time. 

The results of healing (or hexing) may not manifest in a way seen by seeing eyes nor in time as kept by clock and calendar...

The body is not what it seems. We are really just vibrational entities whose atomic and subatomic particles rotate around each other in empty space. We are mostly empty space. 

“The body is not what it seems …It is not a solid mass but a system of little particles or points of energy separated from each other by space and held in place by an electrically balanced field ...”  

Olgar Worrell

Quantum physicists say that anyone who thinks they understand quantum physics really does not understand it. Distant healing is just as mysterious.

“Quantum" healing is not localized in space and time. The “observer” or the healer, healing even from a distance, can change the way "particles" or the cells of the patient behave by delivering healing intentions from a remote place. Our D.N.A. is vulnerable to this focused intention. The healer’s distant intentions can affect the patient’s body even unbeknown to the patient - the power of placebo having been discounted. The consciousness of this intention is non-local and does not reside in the brain but outside of it.  It can propagate through the Field to help or harm.


It is important to realize that fear and love; nocebo and placebo work directly on the belief system of the patient. Placebo (love) is the power of belief to help, heal or cure. Nocebo (fear,) its opposite is the power of belief to hurt, harm or even kill. The Field affect, however, can work directly on the Inner Healer completely bi-passing placebo.

Furthermore, if the patient believes they do not deserve to be well because of their prior actions, nocebo is empowered. Some patients have the misconception that illness is a way of God punishing them for their misdeeds and sins. Sickness does not work this way. We know some of the reasons why people get sick but mostly the exact causes remains an enigma.

"Anyone who isn't confused here, does not really understand what is going on." Unknown

Distant healing can affect someone who is not even conscious of being healed (placebo is dicounted.) It has been shown to be effective in double-blind trials where participants are not told they are being healed or prayed for from a distance and do not know who is healing them. The healers do not know their patients either. In these studies, the benefits are so meaningful that if it could be bottled into a pill it would be negligent not to prescribe it. 

The opposite must also be true - distant hexing works. The "Field" like the internet is value neutral and can transmit both light and dark intentions. 

Distant healing or hexing work indirectly though the Field, whether the patient believes in it, understands it or knows about it or not.

 Guilt can enhance nocebo. Witchcraft is even more powerful in the face of guilt. If one has wronged someone, knows that the victim has gone to a witch (rather than a lawyer in an indigenous society), and that a hex has been delivered, the effect can be drastic and even fatal. The combination of nocebo, guilt and the hex can be lethal.

There is a story from my homeland about an African employer - lets call him Gideon who thought he was going to die because a witch had put a snake inside in him that was eating him up. His employer noticed he was getting thinner and thinner, was concerned and took him to her physician who did an extensive work up, including, imaging all of which were normal. The doctor told him; "you see Gideon there is no snake." Gideon continued to fade and told his employer he was going home to try and get the snake removed by a sangoma. She was unable to console or reassure him and Gideon went home. Months later she heard that Gideon had died. She confided in Agnes her other employee that she could not understand - Gideon had been young, strong and healthy and nothing could be found that could make him so sick -  there was no snake. Agnes replied; "but it was a clever snake, it hid behind his bones where it could not be seen." This "snake" is a combination of nocebo, distant healing and possibly in Gideon's case also guilt.

Make no mistake witchcraft is alive and well and not just in indigenous societies. It works, and it works more powerfully in those who believe in it.

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