Friday, February 26, 2021






Akiva also taught that the sentient world is just an antechamber for the world to come. The Zohar describes this antechamber as the one percent world and the "other" as the 99% one. Most of this 99% is unknowable to us until we pass over to the other side and still then have only a hint of what it may be like. We can get a vague notion of this Unknowable if we study ancient wisdoms.

The deepest and most profound meditation is that on death. We all fear death subconsciously if not consciously and studying or meditating on it goes a long way to allaying this fear which can lead to a dysfunctional “crossing over.” None of us would take a trip to an unknown destination without informing ourselves and taking all possible preliminary precautions. Yet when it comes to our final and most seminal journey, many ignore doing any preparation. Our state of mind when we die will have a lot to do with what vibration we go to after death. And so … “with all our strength we should attain knowledge.” The time to educate ourselves and correct our karma should be now and not closer to that critical time when emotionally we will be least prepared and able to do anything constructive. Death should be a blissful event if we are ready. Amends and reconciliations are essential in “cleaning our slates.”

“When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice.”  Cherokee wisdom



We need to understand that all we are doing is changing our address, going out of one door through another. We can take nothing with us except our memories and our karma. Our mind state is key and we should have fearless clarity without confusion and create the reality we desire with intention. It is best to go into an existential free fall without any angst, attachments or unfinished business. In this way we can see the light and hear the ancestors calling us home. It is essential to imagine and have positive thoughts.

 Attachments to the material or loved ones or anything else hamper the transition of the spirit which may become earth bound and lost between the worlds. Frequently earth-bound spirits do not even know they are in the wrong place and this will hamper the journey of their souls. 

The spirit usually hangs around the earth plane for period to see what is happening, how everyone is doing, check the obituaries and funeral arrangements and have any final closure that may be necessary by visiting in dreams or even in real time to those who are receptive. They like to know how, and if they have been honored and that they mattered. Death rituals are important such as obituaries, prayers, flowers, incense, eulogies and a death stone or some way they can be remembered. They need to know they were loved but that still it is ok for them to leave and move on. Forgiveness and the settling of unfinished business or any skeletons in the closet are essential before death for a peaceful transition.

After this they will cross the veil between worlds. If their death wishes have not been fulfilled or there are family conflicts this may create disappointments and at least them temporarily remaining earth bound until final closure. When the spirit is on the earth plane it is much easier for them to appear in dreams or even "visitations" than after they have crossed over the veil between worlds. 

If one is dreaming persistently of a loved one long after the first few months it is possible that the spirit might still be earth bound. This is usually due to a traumatic, sudden or confused death (especially from suicide) as well as a distorted belief that there is nothing after death. Hospitals, cemeteries, war fields are some of the places that earthbound spirits tend to congregate. 

These spirits are unknowingly and involuntarily lost between the worlds. Some do not even know they are dead and why none of the living are engaging with them.

Some may voluntarily choose to try and be more available to assist the living with the trauma, financial challenges or conflicts surrounding disagreements such as those concerning the will. This is not necessarily a good thing since it also delays the soul's transition. They are often waiting to be given permission to leave by the loved one they are supporting or will go when they feel they are no longer needed. The distraught living one also needs to know when the time has come to let the spirit go to the light.  

In Tibetan Buddhist belief it takes 49 days before the soul releases completely from the earth realm. The Tibetan Book of the Dead traditionally is read every day for 49 days to assist the soul in crossing over. The soul then makes ready to reincarnate after a further timeless period since there is no time on the other side. Devout Buddhists practice so as to inherit a next lifetime where they can continue their spiritual journey at a higher level or preferably even attain  the "Pure Land" of the enlightened. The essence of the Book of the Dead is to affirm the following principles. You are dead, go forward, release without fear, do not cling to images of the past or the illusory projections of "mind," recognize your own luminescence, let go, surrender. 




There are multiple vibrations and realms within each of these realms. Our karma dictates which ones we have earned and will go to.

These realms can be described as; Celestial, Causal, Astral and Lower. The Celestial is unattainable. The Causal, the realms of perfected souls who do not need to reincarnate. The Astral or Imaginal, the realms where we lose free will and reconcile with our karma. In the Lower or hell realms souls becomes stuck and the cravings they had while alive are exaggerated. They have little chance of redemption.


The Ancestors

If one is “awakened” there will be no need “to die again and reincarnate” These souls have attained higher realms of consciousness where there is no need to return into a new incarnation to further advance the soul’s journey. They can, however, choose to come back voluntarily for a special mission if they so decide. They retain free will and reside in their own Self-realized vibration; the Causal realm in the case of the Yogis, the Pure Land for Buddhists or the Garden of Eden for Kabbalists. We create our own reality and will go to the realm we have earned, whether Astral or Causal. Achievements on their own count for very little unless done for the greater good. 


”The sages who have died are present in this world to a greater extent than when they were alive.”  The Zohar

Click to play and meditate on the journey

 05 Crossing Over.mp3

Saturday, February 20, 2021


Final Insights

Above all now is the time - if we want to move forward - to actualize  those most important experiences that we need for the future. The Ancestors urge us to take from the past what we need and leave the rest behind. In this way we can move from;
 where we have been, 
and who we are now,
 toward what we want to become. 
The question is; what is our basic archetype? Each of these broad categories below have many possibilities; the comedian helps us Heal, the film maker Teaches us; the wealthy C.E.O. - Warrior becomes a philanthropist, the Visionary can be a priest, a shaman or a musician. The essential question is, do they use their unique gift to help the people and the planet or themselves? 
Are they a hero/ine or a warrior?
To get there we also have to have a spiritual practice that helps us actualize that archetype.


It does not help to be a jack of all trades and master of none.             The power, is in the power of one thing. We need to stick to our core or signature strength (Seligman.) We should keep our day job and if necessary do this without pay or in our spare time. This will make us come alive.

Anything or anybody who does not make you more of who you are makes you less of who you are. 

 Be careful of what you tastes and where you immerse. 

Release yourself from what you are not accountable.

The Ancestors    

In summary

You are only as powerful as you allow yourself to be, and by allowing the spirit world to help you. 
"The universe will reward you for taking risks on it's behalf."   Shakti Gawain

"Don't be so humble, you are not that important." Anon.

Did you follow your intuition or your brain? Some of the biggest mistakes I have made was allowing my gut feeling to subordinate to my intellect. Sometimes we try to be too clever.

"It's difficult to predict things especially when it comes to the future." Mark Twain

We need to get as much help as possible from the "Field" of potential - not localized in space and time - the Creator, our guides, our power animals in dream or awake time. Free will is the cosmic law - we have to ask to receive but we need to be very specific because of free will. We cannot ask; "Help me with my life."

What cannot be imagined cannot be fulfilled. The Ancestors

Everything in the spirit world works through; Intention - Attention to what we want and imagination helps here) - Action - Affirmation (sustain, maintain.) 

The "Field" needs the context of our desire, not the exact content - they will handle those details and liberally, according to what is best for us. 

The Ancestors

 Affirmation. Since spirit guides live in the present moment they need to know if we continue to want this.     

The more we believe, the more we can feel it (in our bones) and the less attached we are and allow the universe to handle the minutiae the more likely it will manifest. Because our guides are not localized in time we need to have patience and trust. 

It affirms to hear the Maharishi's ideas on this.

When we imagine we should only use positive statements. Because of Belief, a positive affirmation hold more power than a negative. Also the Subconscious records EVERYTHING that we say. No matter what we think we think, we will play out what resides in the Subconscious. Never say never to the Subconscious! (Even if in a positive sense.)

The Great Spirit would like a personal relationship with each of us. Kabbalah says the God is playing hide and seek but no one wants to play.

 Search for Me and you will find Me. Seek Me with all your heart and I will let you find Me.  Jeremiah

The soul's conversation is not of the mind but of the senses.

From my flesh shall I behold the Creator.

The route to God is through the senses

The Ancestors

In conclusion

 It is highly likely we will fall without some form of going inwards. We need to simplify and to live in two worlds if need be. Keep your day job to pay the bills and prevent being in survival mode which will sabotage the spiritual life. Walk the talk - don't talk the walk. Rather let others see a change in you and affirm it, than you telling them how much you have changed. Do not put your grail on the mantel piece for others to judge, trivialize or invalidate. March to the sound of your own drum. You never get there - it's always a process of "Becoming." Do not discount the reality of tricksters in spirit or real time trying to abort your mission which is a reproach to their low vibration. They will want you to stay and be like them or even less than them.


Sunday, February 14, 2021


These were some of the insights that I gleaned from my "walk." 

It is unlikely for most of us that we will find the way without some form of going inwards, some spiritual practice. The Ancestors say;                 "You are to find the one meant for you."                          and the Buddha; 

"To insist on a spiritual practice that served you in the past is to carry the raft on your back after you have crossed the river.” 

It's all about raising our vibration so that energy can rise up the chakra hierarchy and create balance to help us with life's challenges.
Life is about harmonizing between the sacred and the profane, the positive and the negative, the good and the evil. Finding the middle way between the light and the dark is a template for spiritual perfection.
As below, anything done for its own sake, to achieve equanimity that is regular, sustainable, enjoyable and not to perform or look good classifies as spiritual practice. We can also invoke more than one method - the Western mind is extremely active and gets bored easily.

The Ancestors

It's not what happens to us that count, it's what we do with it.
Opportunity and growth is to be found in times of want and catastrophe.

During these insane times with climate change, Covid and political upheaval we are no longer in times of abundance and complacency. This is an opportunity and time for a hero's journey, to take the crap and make it into manure and like the Phoenix, rise out of the ashes.


 Its better to experience the learning than to learn the experience

The first step to the journey is to review and renew all the journeys that you have take; the good and especially the bad, the warriors' journeys and the hero's journeys. 
The grail is in the mistakes not always the successes. Physicians spend time reviewing the morbidity and mortality of their patients not patting themselves on the back about their successes.

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career ... I've failed over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed."  Magic Johnson

When we look back to review and renew we need to realize that;
Our own teaching is in the shadow of our experience.            The Ancestors


We need to ask the question whether others really knew more than we did. Some of our spiritual teachers are brilliant but they may have little idea of what is best for us. Our intuitive senses and our spirit guides do!
We also have to be careful of what we hear and what we read. Some people lie.

When I look back at the mistakes I have made they have usually been because I did not follow my gut or my heart rather than my brain or I ignored what I was warned about in a dream. I practiced T.M. for two years before realizing that yoga asanas gave me more inner peace. I have to embody my spiritual practice - also with hiking

Meditate on...
Have you actualized your past and present experiences  
Good and Bad?
Warrior or potential Hero?

Are you with a teacher or a discipline which is no longer working for you?

Is your spiritual practice no longer working for you? If so think about embodying the practice and invoking your senses.            The Ancestors teach.
The route to God is through the senses. From my flesh shall I behold the Divine.
The soul's conversation is not of the mind it is of the senses. 

    Having a Spirit Guide altar 
     in order to ask to receive and give gratitude.

This DVD is over an hour long but will assist you in your "walk." You will no longer be alone.

Sunday, February 7, 2021


These were some of the other wisdoms I gained from my journey of initiation.

Shamanism is a "quantum like" technology wherever you go and whatever you call it. Sangoma is just the Zulu word for the same thing. The shaman relies on his or her guides not only for diagnostic information but also for healing. All healing comes through their guides and is essentially universal healing, love energy from the Creator. These maladies are mostly unknown to Western medicine and psychiatry but are just as real. Basic quantum principles also relate to indigenous medicine and are not localized in space and time.

Here the observer is the healer who with her/his charm, charisma, character, competence, confidence and magical ability is able to increase the placebo effect way beyond the 30% effect that double blind studies quote. Our bodies appear solid but are mostly empty space with particles orbiting around other particles. We are vibratory beings and healing can occur if this vibration, even at the level of our D.N.A., can be altered. D.N.A. is plastic. D.N.A. telomeres have been shown to lengthen with meditation. Particles can be realigned given the right circumstances. This is how we can explain spontaneous healing of diseases that have defied the best of what allopathic medicine has to offer. Sangoma medicine is medicine not localized in space and time.

The Ancestor wisdom below concurs with the fact that distant healing or prayer can be more powerful that a prognosis given by a physician due to this distant healing factor that medical science has mostly not yet fully tried to explain. Data does not explain everything. They might agree that it occurs but is so infrequent as to be "anecdotal." It is not anecdotal to that patient and is worthy of further research to see if we can enhance these effects.

The Ancestors

The Ancestors
This Quantum Effect can be summarized below (with apologies to those who know much more than I do.)
Sadly this kind of healing in general terms is quite rare. It depends on faith and being taken outside of the "mind" that says, 
this cannot happen!
The Ancestors teach that 
"the mind must mind what the mind minds best."
This mind is monkey mind, constantly chattering on our shoulders and  often it's not helpful. It  helps get us out or sticky and even survival situations but has no place in quantum healing.
Magical rituals (and entheogens used by shamans especially in North and South America) can help westerners get out of a mind set inhibiting the Inner Healer from rising to its full potential. This effect, - apart from the patient's belief - also depends on the healers abilities to channel divine healing energy to the sufferer's Inner Healer. The Inner Healer is part of the soul and is also divine in nature - it has infinite potential. The healer must be a pure channel for this to happen and these healers are few and far between. 
The Ancestors say;
"It will be given to you (the healer) according to the level of 
your humility, 
your love, 
and your faith 
(as well as the faith/placebo of the patient)."

 Bushman healers confirm; 
"if you want to be a powerful healer you must love everyone, no matter what you think of them."
This love your neighbor as yourself is a commitment to see the divinity in everyone. It is not an emotion or a sentiment. One does not have to like them, only to heal them.

After my initiation, and having to relinquish Tshisimane because of  land claims, as well as the unrelenting witchcraft I returned to California to fulfill the Ancestors request - to take from there to bring to California (or elsewhere.) I now felt complete and ready to tackle what I had learned with gusto.

 I recall telling P.H. - when the bones would diagnose witchcraft or sorcery - "I really do not want to deal with these kind of issues. Apart from this I'm happy to divine and dispense." P.H. laughed at me and said; "You will be dealing with it whether you like it or not." He was correct, witchcraft is ubiquitous, and wherever you go there are people with a heart of envy which is the source of this dark art. These are folks who do not want you to have what you have, or desire to get what you possess, or to get paid to harm others for the sake of financial reward. Hence the commandment - one of only 10 ...

 "Do not covet your neighbor or anything that belongs to you neighbor!"

I must say that before I arrived at Tshisimane I was like most white South Africans in the belief that witchcraft only really works in those who believe in it. I proved myself very wrong. Witchcraft works whether you believe in it or not. Because of the nocebo effect (opposite of placebo) it works more powerfully if you believe in it - that is providing you know that you have been bewitched. Distant healing can affect someone who is not even conscious of being healed (i.e. there is no placebo effect.) It has been shown to be effective in double  blind trials where participants are not told they are being healed or prayed for from a distance.  The opposite must be true, and it was - distant hexing works. 

The "Field" like the internet is democratic and permeable to both light and dark intent and those forces that promote that intent. Witchcraft is even more powerful in the face of guilt. If you have wronged someone, know that person has gone to a witch (rather than a lawyer in an indigenous society), and have also been bewitched by someone expert in the dark skills, the effect can be drastic - even fatal. Sangomas work in the light with spirits that have positive intent - witches with evil spirits. One is only as powerful as the forces that work on one's behalf from the other side, light or dark, good or evil. The healer is only as powerful as his/her guides allow him to be.

The Ancestors

In order to receive messages and transmit healing we need to change our vibration with a diligent spiritual practice. Similarly for someone's Inner Healer to more effectively receive this distant healing it behooves them to do the same.

Click on the links and play

The dark forces and tricksters are dispelled by light, love and laughter. They cannot also abide the high vibration of incense from sacred plants and sacred sound which repel them. 
Witchcraft, however, may require shamanic help.

For those interested in a talk on the Inner Healer February, Sunday the 14th on Zoom 2pm-4pm
go to