Sunday, July 30, 2023




Regarding expertise and connections; it is not maliciousness so much as envy, jealousy, arrogance and selfishness that you need beware.

Outside of us there are dark forces on the other side of the veil between the worlds. Witches and sorcerers work with these dark forces who help them to carry out their nefarious intentions. Witches differs from Wicca practitioners who work in the light. Wiccans are not Satanists as once claimed by some evangelical Christians. However, power corrupts and these powers can also be used with negative effects.           
Those who practice the dark arts have a heart of envy which supports their 
Evil Eye, Evil Tongue and Inclination.

One of the ten commandments warns us not to covet our neighbor or anything that belongs to our neighbor. This is an edict against an envy that can create harm. It occurs when a witch or sorcerer manipulates events spiritually to dispossess someone of something of value that the witch personally wants or a client covets. Witches have a jealous heart and an evil inclination. Many are professionals and use the dark arts for financial gain.

Witchcraft which is always from this side of the veil is often assisted by dark forces on the other side. It can deprive one of choice - the malicious intent of the witch being to control for often demonic, usually destructive and always self-serving purposes.

In extreme instances ...

When their powers seem ineffective with someone they frequently will take out their frustration in both physical and emotional harassments that demoralize, thus impairing one's effectiveness for good.

 Witchcraft and sorcery are ubiquitous and not confined to indigenous societies. As the worlds' moral compass seems to be unravelling it may be becoming more common. The techniques can now easily be learned online. It is not difficult to conscript dark forces. Witches defy the cosmic law of free will. Our guides and ancestors, however, abide by this law which seemingly gives them a disadvantage. However, malignant and malicious intentions are driven by a fear vibration which love can overcome. 

Just as our Guides help to nudge us towards the light, tricksters will try to do the opposite. Spiritual practitioners and especially shamans are only as powerful as the guides that assist them. Witches and sorcerers likewise, are only as potent as the dark forces they attract. Watch out if they are connected to what I call the "Spiritual Mafia," a higher order of danger.

The witch or sorcerer is the ‘traitor in the gates.” They do not want anyone to know their intentions so they can operate unopposed. There is no hex that cannot be reversed but one has to know they have been hexed in the first place. There is no time on the other side of the veil so that healing or hexing may not be localized in time and play out later.

Beware of those who would pretend to have a noble intent but instead have a selfish motive in spite of what appears to be a neutral intention.

When I use the word witchcraft we are not only talking about those who use occult forces to cause harm - there are others as well who may appear to be benign. Some would not appear to be sorcerers overtly but also have a heart of envy and malicious inclinations. Hence they can consciously or unconsciously invite trickster spirits into their lives. These then become allies in helping them with their harmful compulsions. There are those who have witch like powers without realizing that they have them. 

Beware also of those who act wrongfully but then make claim that their intent was good.

It is possible to negate the law of free will by having a good intention and wanting to heal. However, we first need to ask if we have permission to pray for a healing outcome. Our hope may not be in line with their intention or life path for one reason or another. Our attempt becomes more problematical if a spell is cast on that persons behalf. 

Rather we can pray for the greater good or Thy will be done which will comply with the laws of spirit. 

When we embrace those whom we would put into psychic safety, it is very important that exerting such an influence even for good purpose must be done with the knowledge and permission of the person, as it is affecting his or her free will.

Manipulating another’s free will without permission is against the cosmic law even if the intention is good.

Double blind studies have been performed to see if distant or remote healing works. The positive results are impressive and commendable. They show that distant healing works whether the patient knows about it or not or believes in it or not. Placebo's power has been discounted because the patient is unaware that this type of healing has been employed. The prayer or healing ritual bypasses the direct knowledge and belief system of the patients and works remotely though the Field on the Inner Healer. These studies have been criticized as being manipulative but the giving of consent would have negated the integrity of the study.

If distant healing works then the opposite must be true for distant hexing. The Field is value neutral and democratic like the internet. There are no double blind studies to prove this but from personal experience I know that distant hexing works whether you believe in it or not. If one believes hexing causes harm and knows one has been bewitched the spell is more powerful because of the nocebo effect (the power of belief to hurt, harm or even kill.) Moreover, if the victim feels guilty, and even at a subconscious level knows they did wrong, the hex will be more powerful still. 

Sunday, July 23, 2023



God’s rivers of pleasure and good are not placid waters of insipid purity. They have currents of all strengths, frequently forming into wild twists and turns alongside gentle flows, all churning and tumbling into swirling pools too deep to fathom. They are for reflecting, playing and rejuvenating and then continuing endlessly onto their source.


We addressed these forces within that challenge us in last week's blog (red in the diagram. )

Our guides will attempt to help us strengthen our Good Inclination, Spacious/Big Mind and Higher Self. The dark forces will aggravate our Evil Inclination, Narrow/Monkey Mind and the Ego or little self.

The dark forces use water to cool our desire to do good and fire to heat our desire to do evil. Our guides and ancestors use water to cool our desire to do evil and fire to heat our desire to do good.

Moreover, the negative factors of others can aggravate our own. We must be careful of the company we keep.


There will be many direct quotes from the Ancestors in this blog to confirm this wisdom is not coming from me.

There are true dark forces on the other side of the veil, that is, one of spirit rather than a perverted-acting human.

The specific purpose of a true dark force is to diminish, dilute and dissuade your interest in transformation, frustrate your interactions and defeat your efforts.

The contest is fiercest when the stakes are high and so we may expect to be challenged, tempted and dissuaded in any and all manner of our weaknesses - be they physical, mental or emotional - all of which are attributes of the spirit.

The closer those that are spiritually powerful get to the Light the more likely will there be negative forces also of great power to deter them. The power of a spiritual gift is a challenge to them. They attempt to interfere, dissuade and corrupt.

Concerning intrusive ghosts or demons: High resolve is like an invitation to them who would undo it. The closer those that are spiritually powerful get to the light the more likely will there be negative forces also of great power to deter them.

The power of a spiritual gift is a challenge to them. Lack of dedication makes their work easy. Your spirit guides will be there for support and to give their own blessings and also to keep the dark forces away.

If you have many guides and are greatly beloved you will have many dissuaders and be greatly envied.

There is nothing you can think or intend that is not accessible to dark forces and that they will not attempt to corrupt.

The dark forces are also not localized in space and time and will attempt to counter what our guides are doing to help us. They also have access to our Book of Life and know the divinely inspired mission to which we have been assigned. They will attempt to sabotage this and subtly lead us away from the path of truth and light without us even suspecting that it is happening. They may offer up appealing distractions to tempt which are not evil in themselves but are not in our best interests.

The attack is often so well disguised it can even persuade us that it is our better judgment, our concern for the other.



"They" can arbitrarily be described in order of intensity as ...




Tricksters generally are just nuisances and can be compared to mosquitoes at your "spiritual picnic." The Dark Forces are more like bees or wasps and the Spiritual Mafia akin to rattlesnakes. If you are doing intense spiritual work you will be challenged. If you are heading for enlightenment watch out. If you are doing shamanic work by reversing sorcery, getting rid of intrusive spirits or energies or encountering them in the Field during soul retrieval you may well have to deal with the Spiritual Mafia. The more powerful your intention to do good the more visible you become to the negative forces on the other side of the veil. Those who dwell in their lower chakras will have little opposition.

A clever and insidious achievement of the dark forces is in persuading some people to disbelieve in their existence.

The dark forces cause doubts, create fears and make for insecurities. They will try to subvert our striving for spiritual growth.

They will use tactics of ridicule and doubt to play on all our disinclinations. If we allow them they can influence our thinking thus affecting our choices. 

Dark forces and tricksters know all our weaknesses be they physical, emotional, psychological, energetic or spiritual. They will work energetically on the weakest link in the chain and where we are the most vulnerable. If these result in symptoms, they usually occur somatically around the most vulnerable chakra or autonomic nervous system plexus.

Being subject to these challenges has been called a “Costly Compliment” indicating you are coming too close to the light for the Darks’comfort. This is spiritually commendable – the opposite of the dark forces’ intentions. In a sense it may mean you have enlisted in the “Spiritual Special forces” and are encountering the “Spiritual Mafia”

The power of a spiritual gift is a challenge to them. Lack of dedication makes their work easy. Your spirit guides will be there for support and to give their own blessings and also to keep the dark forces away.

The ultimate challenge is Satan or even a Lilith like persona. Jesus was tempted by the Devil while fasting 40 days and nights in the desert. The Buddha's final challenge were Mara's three beautiful daughters who tried to seduce him.  Few of us, however, will ever reach that level of vibration.

Sunday, July 16, 2023




The sages teach that without the sacred there is no profane and without the profane there is no sacred.
They are different sides of the same reality.
They are unique but not separate from the whole.

The play between light and dark, positive and negative, good and evil is a vital part of the human condition. There must be tension for perfection and growth. Without conflict there would be no challenge and no chance for transformation, spiritual or otherwise. The choice of which road we go down is entirely ours. Free will governs these opposite polarities. We cannot say the devil or anything or anybody else made us do it when it comes to the end of days and are confronted with our karmic record.

We could divide the play of light and dark forces into two components.

Inside the Human Condition and Outside of the Human Condition.

Factors Inside of Us

The dark side of our own nature (Shadow, an unskillful Monkey Mind and Ego) must be properly confronted - neither dismissed nor conquered but acknowledged for what it is, even valued as such. 

The closer we come to the Light the more the negative inclinations plague us. They attempt to interfere, dissuade and corrupt. They cause doubts, create fears and make for insecurities. They will try to subvert our striving for spiritual growth. The attack is often so well disguised it can even persuade us that it is our better judgment, our concern for the other. These cut us off from access to our deeper and purer selves.

It is possible to transform potential transgressions into merits. Redemption is always possible.

“S/He who still harbors an evil inclination has a great advantage. He who has no evil inclination at all cannot give perfect service. What counts is to restrain the blaze in the hours of desire and let it flow into the hours of prayer and service.” The Talmud

These negative inclinations that come from inside of us can be manipulated by the dark forces outside of us to their advantage. Our evil inclination or shadow can be aggravated by ego and monkey (Narrow) mind as well as by outside forces. Our own inner demons can be enhanced by the inner demons of those we meet. They can attack our fragile vulnerabilities. We need to be careful of negative forces that can influence us. What we touch, touch touches us, and where we immerse can pollute.

Action must continually be weighed against intent to make sure it serves honesty and purpose.

Drives toward power, acquisition, sensory pleasure and self-oriented experience are not evil in themselves but can lead to evil when they go unchecked or are put to solely selfish or wrongful use. When, however, they are controlled and properly channeled by the inclination to do good they can lead to responsible actions, to good purpose and to sanctified relationships.

“To confront a person with his own shadow (Evil Inclination) is to show him his own light.” Carl Jung

We have a dark and a light side to our nature. To make a choice, inclination for both good and evil (Shadow) must operate freely. The dark side of our nature must be properly confronted – neither dismissed nor conquered but acknowledged for what it is, even valued as such.

Our Evil Inclination or Shadow can override our Inclination to do Good when it is to the ego’s advantage. Monkey Mind - our survival mind - is linked  to a sympathetic, flight of fight response. It’s main purpose is to keep us safe. However, the dark side of Mind is also subject to our wants, desires and compulsions which can become our habits and even our addictions. This Mind, unlike Spacious or Big Mind, can also connect us to our primitive emotions such as hate, envy and the desire for vengeance which potentiate the shadow and the ego. 

...We must beware of anger and pride which are weapons of chaos, connecting us to our destructive instincts. These cut us off from access to our deeper and purer selves.

On the other hand Spacious Mind connects us to our higher consciousness, our ideas, notions, ideals, concepts, discriminations and discernments. 

Ego, Monkey Mind, our Shadow and tricksters need to be subordinated to the Higher Self, Spacious Mind, our Inclination to do Good and our Guides. Our challenge is being in a sentient body where gratification of the small self or ego can disrupt spiritual transformation.

It is not the job of our good inclination to do away with our evil inclination nor to overcome it, but rather to balance and guide so that our drives, attitudes and instincts may support our soul's purpose.

While it is true that “Evil Inclination” is a collective name given to the drives and attitudes of our baser instincts, these instincts are necessary for our physical survival and while they can interfere with our spiritual growth and closeness to the Infinite One, it is the Creator who has put within us this inclination just as it is He who put within us the inclination to do good.

Most are unaware of the wiles of the “evil inclination” who is a master of disguises all appealing to our lesser self.
His job is to make the rigors of spiritual growth seem wearisome, dull and drearily repetitive rather than exciting, adventuresome and cherishingly ritualistic.
His is an instinctual and immediate gratification which is why he can be an inner challenger of great value if you choose to appropriately engage but do not let him convince you that obstacles and difficulties need to be cleared away in order for you to transform.

Remember that good prevails by being what it is not by dispossessing, defeating or winning but rather simply by being more and more of what it is.

Friday, July 7, 2023



“It is our duty and our joy as human beings to proceed as though there are no limits to our abilities. We are collaborators in creation.” de Chardin



Intentionality is to attune, direct and aim.

 Intentions and expectations are essential to hope.

It is possible to have hope as well as an expectation and still be unattached to the outcome - to let go.

"Play in the exaltation of the possible." M. Buber

"Every morning before getting up and every evening as soon as you are in bed, shut your eyes, and repeat twenty times in succession, moving your lips (this is indispensable), and counting mechanically on a long string with twenty knots, the following phrase: ‘Day by day, in every way, I am getting better and better.’ Make this autosuggestion with confidence, with faith, with the certainty of obtaining what you want. The greater the conviction, the greater and the more rapid will be the results obtained." Cou'e

The Law of Attraction supports doing things for their own sake and not for reason of outcome. The object of our imagination should be for the greater good and the Higher Self and not for the ego or little self. If we imagine something for ourselves it should also serve the greater good.

We think that in the natural way of things, what we give lessens our supply. The soul does not work this way - with the soul, giving increases.

The saddest and most impoverishing notion human beings cling to is that we are limited by laws of the natural world. There is a crucial difference between being subject to, and being constrained by.


Our so-called laws of nature are the laws that we have contrived through our limited understandings that we mistakenly believe are exclusively operating and to be true. Shamanic adepts and others using exotic rituals can sometimes help us to see what usually cannot be seen.

"You must be willing to give up who you are, for whom you may become.” Rev Nachman

Preoccupation with the physical side of reality blocks the way to unseen reality. We should not mistake the physical for the senses as it is only with a sharply tuned, well cultivated sensory awareness (physical and intuitive) that we may perceive the unseen and come to know the unknown…


Behind your image, below your words, above your thoughts, the silence of another world awaits.


It is through imagining that we tap into the unknown reality where we see what seeing eyes do not and hear what hearing ears do not.

We are the makers of myth. Invent the world as you imagine it. Do not let your learning distort your knowing. Wisdom knows the necessity of information and knowledge but is not consumed by them. There are other ways of knowing other than the brain.


These dynamics are reinforced by the teachings of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. One should appreciate that 

“all those concerned” 

include our guides and ancestors who must abide by the law of free will and that we need to “ask to receive.” 


"Know what you want, 

decide when you want it, 

figure your plan of action, 

follow through on it, 

and never doubt. 

Unless an action is rightly thought out and its steps rightly planned, every stage of its performance will probably remain vague and therefore unsatisfactory for the doer and all those concerned.” Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Since there is no time on the other side of the veil between worlds,  patience, persistence and affirmation are commendable.

We are not just influences but also recipients of influences from distant places and distant times.


Attention to detail while imagining allows us to be very clear about what we want, in order to obtain spiritual help from our guides as well as the Creator. Gratitude for what we have should be included in the process. The more we get ourselves out of the way, the more effective we will be. 

As we meditate and imagine, we can breath in, 

the white light of our intentions

and exhale, 

the thick black smoke 

of whatever is getting in the way of our actualizing...

It can take only a moment of such consciousness to awaken to what you have searched for and sometimes even when stumbling upon have chosen to deny, distort or delay. 

This moment is called "clarity" by some, "grace" by others.  It occurs when we get out of the way of our preconceived notions and their nagging insistencies, when we are open to finding fulfillment in other ways of being - the moment of becoming aware that the source is within, not without.