Saturday, September 24, 2022



The overriding principles  determining our karma and which challenge our free will are: 

Fulfill your destiny.

Correct injustice – heal the planet.

Do no harm to any of the Four Beings of Nature.

Subordinate ego to the higher Self.

Practice love.

Be in joy and savor the opportunity of being in a sentient body and of fulfilling one’s task or mission.


DESTINY (See later Blog)




Our role on earth is to correct injustice.


This is also the essence of Karma yoga or service-oriented yoga. Karma Yoga is the path of action and service to others with mindfulness. This service can manifest in many ways and on behalf of any or all of the Four Beings; Talking, Wild, Growing and Still (including the planet Herself – Mother Nature – Gaia.) All these Karmic requisites should be done for their own sake, not for any reason of outcome.


Give without remembering,
Take without forgetting.
Give freely.
Receive openly.
Do all with gratitude.
It is the way of love.
It is the way of joy.  

Service when embraced by love will also create the gratitude emanating from joy.


“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, then when?” Hillel


“The worship most pleasing to God is service to others.”

L. Boff

If we take our suffering and help others by alleviating their plight our own happiness will increase.

We are here to correct injustice through our God given destiny or core strength or strengths. Even if we are unsure what those are we can still help to heal the planet – whatever the service rendered, destiny driven or not.  Karma yoga helps to counter harm in the world  – the “Mother Theresa” or Schweitzer archetype or similar. 

“I do not know what your destiny will be but the one thing I do know is that the only ones among you who will be truly happy are those who have learned and found how to serve.” A. Schweitzer

 Many of us will have to live in two worlds, the one that pays our bills and the other our signature strength or ideally our unique destiny. Either one should be done on behalf of the greater good. We may have to do the latter in our spare time. For example, if one always wanted to be a musician but never followed the path because of parental pressure or practicalities it is vital to again explore that talent and see where it takes one even if it is just for the sake of giving oneself and others pleasure. It is never too late.

“We make a living from what we get, we make a life by what we give.” W. Churchill


“I slept and dreamt that life was joy, I awoke and saw that life was service.  I acted and behold, service was joy.” Tagore


Once our basic needs are satisfied this kind of dedication should ideally be done without consideration for any material gain. If we also get paid for it, well and good. If done with a good grace, and with altruistic intentions all the better from a karmic view point especially if it involves our unique God given destiny. This service optimally is part of the Incorporation or Integration phase of the Hero/ine’s journey where we take the “grail” obtained during a rite of passage and then give it away.


“We are here to help others – what on earth others are here for – I do not know.”  W.H. Auden


“Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to a divine purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: That we are here for the sake of others …” A. Einstein


There are four basic archetypes each of which can have many manifestations; Healer, Teacher, Warrior and Visionary. Service can be performed through any of them. There are also four yogas, three others  besides Karma yoga. Bhakti or devotional yoga - love and dedication to the Supreme Being (as in the Sufi poets.) Jnana yoga, knowledge of the scriptures. Raja yoga, the most difficult, control of  the mind or the Royal path of the Buddha. Any and all of these archetypes or yogas can lead to service, helping the planet and countering harm if done with right intention.

When lacking direction the easiest way to manage this karmic challenge is to practice random acts of kindness. This creates Coherence within us, around us, even distant to us and above us in the supernal realms where these acts are appreciated.



The breath that is in all beings emanates from this sacred wellspring making us one – not the same. 

"We interare." Thich Nhat Hahn

"The fundamental delusion of humanity is to suppose I am here and you are out there." Roshi


We are all animated by the breath of the Creator, each of the Four Beings at a different vibration. We are all made of the same elements – dust to dust, ashes to ashes. The Infinite One loves all of creation.

“See yourself in others then whom can you hurt? What harm can you do?”  Dammapada



Friday, September 16, 2022



We are meant to coexist with but not assimilate the dark. The only way to overcome evil is with good.

The light and the dark each exist. We may choose to go towards either and will always be pursued or lured by the other.
The ambushes, the side paths, the pot holes are all clearly marked and may be guarded against if you choose to read the map, scope the terrain, plot the journey.


Before discussing Free Will with the benefits of the Ancestors' prose it is important to share their teachings on the Evil Inclination. They say it better than I can paraphrase it.

While it is true that “Evil Inclination” (Shadow) is a collective name given to the drives and attitudes of our baser instincts, these instincts are necessary for our physical survival and while they can interfere with our spiritual growth and closeness to God, it is God Himself who has put within us this inclination just as it is S/He who put within us the Inclination to do Good.


It is not the task of our Good Inclination to do away with our Evil Inclination nor to overcome it, but rather to balance and guide so that our drives, attitudes and instincts may support our soul’s purpose. Drives toward power, acquisition, sensory pleasure and self-oriented experience are not evil in themselves but can lead to evil when they go unchecked or are put to solely selfish or wrongful use. 

However, when they are controlled and properly channeled by our Good Inclination they can lead to responsible actions, to good purpose and to sanctified relationships. 

All are important to experiencing lasting and meaningful pleasures and satisfactions as opposed to hollow and transitory gratifications. 

We have free will to decide. Nothing determines or compels our moral choice although we may be influenced by circumstances and by persons that either strengthen our will or weaken it, help us or deter us. Their influence is also a choice.


Most are unaware of the wiles of our “Evil Inclination” who is a master of disguises, all appealing to our lesser self. His job is to make the rigors of spiritual growth seem wearisome, dull and drearily repetitive rather than exciting, adventuresome and cherishingly ritualistic.

Credo Mutwa a renowned Zulu prophet (sanusi) described the soul as having two worms within us that are both constantly moving. The one is blue, representing good, and the other red, representing evil. He adds that if there is only a blue worm the soul will have to struggle to survive (i.e. spiritually - there is no tension for spiritual growth.) If there is only a red one that person does not deserve to survive. Our Tricksters, Ego and Monkey Mind help the Evil Inclination aggravate our unskillfulness.

“He who has no Evil Inclination at all cannot give perfect service. What counts is to restrain the blaze in the hours of desire and let it flow into the hours of prayer and service.”    The Talmud

There is a Native American story about a grandfather talking to his grandson about the Evil Inclination and saying within everyone there are two wolves fighting for domination; the one good and the other evil. His grandson asks him, "which one wins," and his grandfather answers; "the one you feed."


This is what gives it birth and sustains its life. We have both a dark and a light side to our nature., When we choose God’s revealed will the consequence is good – his” (the Evil Inclination) – is an instinctual and immediate gratification which is why "he" can be an inner challenger of great value if you choose to appropriately engage but do not let him convince you that obstacles and difficulties need to be cleared away in order for you to transform.


With right understanding and action, we can create the conditions for transgressions to become merits.


Everyone can be redeemed regardless of our Shadow. For those that have reached rock bottom but manage to emerge like a Phoenix out of the ashes, their efforts are particularly worthy. They will be looked on favorably from above and will often be more powerful spiritually than others that may have had lesser challenges.

The Talmud teaches that someone who has sinned in the worst way but then repents or “returns" to his or her Higher Self gains tremendous karmic merit in the spirit world. 


“… This person stands higher in heaven than a righteous one. Their degree is above the degree of those who have never sinned because it is more difficult for them to subdue their passions than for the others.”

“This is what God asks of you, only this, to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah

“Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill, keep sharpening your knife and it will blunt, chase after money and security and your heart will never unclench, care about people’s approval and you will be their prisoner. Do your work, then step back, the only way to serenity.”  Tao Te Ching

Merit on a judgmental level is the balancing of evil and good deeds.
Merit is the credit we receive on the side of good.


Karma is about spiritually attaining merit. According to both Eastern spirituality and Kabbalah everything we do is recorded in the Akashic records or the Book of Life. We get away with nothing on the other side. 

The higher we get up the “rungs” to God, the more the challenges that we will encounter, not only from the shadow, ego and monkey mind but also the tricksters appointed to sabotage our path. To the tricksters spiritual transformation is a reproach to their mission which is to sabotage anything of the light.

The sages teach that without the sacred there is no mundane and without the mundane there is no sacred. They are different sides of the same reality. They are unique but not separate from the whole.

Without light and dark, good and evil, the sacred and the profane, life would present no challenge. If everything was sweet and good, life would be spiritually insipid, boring and deadly. There must be tension for perfection. The challenge is to find the balance between the polarities of negative and positive. Peace of mind can often be a measure of one’s karma.

Karma is built in as a default into the soul. God does not play favorites – S/He loves us all and hopes like the prodigal son or daughter that we will all eventually be redeemed and return to the Father/Mother. Karma is a single individual’s test concerning love, for his/her own soul’s sake.


Everyone will ultimately achieve the spiritual perfection for which we are created and this may take many lifetimes because of free will. 


We build on the experiences of our past incarnations. Without the sum total of all our prior life time experiences we could not be where we are now, in a sentient body, hopefully facing the challenges at a higher level. This also resides in the Buddhist concept of our Store Consciousness and in our "Soulular" memory often in the form of de ja vu. We know much more than we think we know and are much more than we believe ourselves to be if we tap into our "Store."

Karma occurs as a template to free will and impermanence. Free will determines our choices and our actions and nothing lasts. We need to be in the moment with all the gifts given to us with gratitude. We can only take our karma and how we handled our experiences with us when we eventually cross the veil between worlds. The Ancestors live in the moment and teach that we should take only what we need from the past and leave the rest behind.


The contest is fiercest when the stakes are high and so we may expect to be challenged, tempted and dissuaded in any and all manner of our weaknesses – be they physical, mental or emotional – all of which are attributes of the spirit.


In addition, ego, our shadow and our tricksters can tempt us to do the right thing for the wrong reason. Karmically, the means never justifies the end.


“The last temptation is to do the right thing for the wrong reason.” T.S. Eliot


“Give all thou canst; high heaven rejects the lore of nicely calculated less and more.“ W. Wordsworth
Karmic merit depends on whether we subordinate our Evil inclination or Shadow to our Inclination to do good, Monkey (Narrow) mind to Spacious mind and Ego to the higher Self. Tricksters or dark forces need to be subordinated to our Good Inclination, Spacious mind, our Higher Self, all with the help of our guides. 

Christianity teaches that Jesus died for our sins and that everyone can be redeemed. This confirms that everyone is worthy of redemption no matter how heinous their action/s. We, however, have to do due diligence on our own behalf in order to be released from our malignant actions.

We need to see ourselves as the Creator wants to see us rather than those who may be more interested in our persona than our soul. The sages council that it often gets harder as we advance with our practice. 


Sunday, September 11, 2022



If the burden were taken away the lesson would not be there, coping with it is what is important and is what will count.


This blog is replete with the Ancestors wisdom in quotes. Rather than my trying to paraphrase them which would dilute their power I am including them here. They are best savored slowly to fully realize the depth of their meanings. 

Free will is a seminal cosmic law.


“Everything is foreseen yet freedom of choice is given.” Rev. Akiva

This implies that our life and destiny is predestined by the Divine but because of free will, we are entitled to not find it and if we do find it, not to follow it or even not follow it with integrity. The Infinite One knows what we will do. In other words it can be foreseen to the Great Spirit. However, our choices gives us the power to change coarse at any time. This too is foreseen by the Creator though not ourselves and not necessarily even to our guides.


Everyone will ultimately achieve the spiritual perfection for which we are created and this may take many lifetimes because of free will. 


Free will is essential in order to test our worthiness. Our skillfulness in adhering to spiritual laws will depend on how consciously we apply our choices. If we are unskilful there will be consequences and we will need to come back again to correct them.


Merit on a judgmental level is the balancing of evil and good deeds. Merit is the credit we receive on the side of good.

There are no good choices or bad choices only the consequences of those choices. 

Consequences are neither reward nor punishment, they simply are consequences – natural cause and effect, often not immediate but always inescapable.  

Karma as determined by free will is in a way similar to Newtons laws in physics. His law of cause and effect states that for every cause there is an effect and for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The spiritual law of karma is also one of cause and effect. The Creator does not micromanage. Karma is set as a default into the soul. Free will and our actions have automatic consequences. No one is up in the heavens judging us - we are judging our-Selves (as in Higher Self) all the time. Have no doubt that our deeds are recorded in the Book of Life or the Akashic records. We do not get away with anything. We will be accountable for our intentions, choices and actions.

To make a choice good and evil must both operate freely. The only way to do away with evil is to continually choose good. 

Evil is not the cause but rather the consequence of not choosing the Creator's revealed will. It is important to understand that it is neither evil nor good that cause our choice but rather that they are the consequence of it. 

Only we are to blame!

This too is what gives goodness its birth and sustains its life. 

Free will as we tend to think of it implies choices so that we may decide upon them. Where there are no choices there is no freedom of will to be exercised. Where choices are limited by circumstances, one may still at least determine what one’s attitude will be, how we respond, not in action but in deciding our thoughts, intent and opinions.

God does not want us to do good because of fear damnation or burning in a fiery hell. The Creator want us to do good out of love and for its own sake and also not out of an expectation for compensation. If every good deed was followed by a reward we would be no better than a well trained animal bound to a Pavlovian type of response. 

The results of cause and effect are often not immediate because they would influence free will.
God wants us to do things for the right reasons; not out of fear and shame and because of what may result but out of love and justice.

 The ancestors and/or our guides cannot save but only alert, advise and warn and only according to our openness and willingness. They cannot change or deter us from own insistency no matter to what it is due. Only we can change! 

Free will is always neutral, motivated and catalyzed by desire.
You cannot say; “the devil made me do it!

You are free always to change course at any time or place; if you were not, there would be no challenge, no discovery, no victory, no fulfillment. 


We are responsible for our actions and the laws governed by love and truth on the other side of the veil between worlds differ from those on the earth plane. In spite of our karmic sins God loves us unconditionally and we are all capable of redemption. The law of karma, however is conditional. 


Spiritual laws are operative whether or not we understand them or can explain them or whether or not we even know about them or believe in them.


When we pass over we will be confronted by a spiritual tribunal who will help us see the error of our ways and the consequences we will inherit in term of our next incarnation. We are likely to be born again into the family that is most capable of teaching us the lessons we need to learn that we disregarded in prior life times. Bodhisattvas pray and practice so that if they have to reincarnate and are denied access to the Pure Land (of perfected beings) they can inherit a next life where they can continue their spiritual practice at a higher level. 

Unthinking conformity no matter how piously enacted, lacks meaning and as such is soulless.


The Creator wants us to create our own individual reality and not someone else’s. S/He does not endorse a copycat spirituality although having one is better than having none. Moreover, if it is done out of fear it may be karmically negative or neutral because it should be done out of love. We have to find our own way to our unique destiny and to God. Yet, although our motives and actions may be ego driven, good deeds are always worthwhile although, depending on the circumstances and our intentions, also karmically neutral or even negative.


Ulterior motives are greatly under-rated.
Acting compassionately to do good for any reason is preferable to not doing good at all.
But determine well the heart’s true desire for in releasing the power of your motivation its energies will actualize the holiness or unholiness of your intent.


You must free yourself to be yourself. Do not be captive to the demands of false duty. 
Be attentive only to the responsibility of what compels.
Bestow blessings, refuse burdens.
What makes you beholden enslaves you.
What makes you grateful blesses you.
What you touch, touches you. What you let touch you, enhances or diminishes.

Anyone or anything that does not make you more of who you are, makes you less of who you are.

Be careful of what you taste and where you immerse.

As for your power what are you doing in the wrong circle.


Release yourself from what you are not accountable.


Our awareness will be determined by how truly we can “see” and be true to our Selves. Spiritual awareness is essential to stay true to the process of transformation through enlightenment or what the Ancestors call Becoming where we can find redemption. 


“A person cannot find redemption until s/he sees the flaws in his soul. Whoever shuts out the realization of his flaws is shutting out redemption. We can only be redeemed to the extent to which we see ourselves.”  Talmud


There can be no denial of what is real across the veil which is imbedded in truth, love and our passion for them

While dedication has its satisfactions, it is passion that zests our commitments with joy. There are passions of the senses and passions of the heart. Some are transitory, some are eternal, the soul decides.

In the Astral realm we lose free will and our karma is then cut in stone.


On the other side, we no longer have options upon which to decide what fashions our destiny. We have already determined it. 
We do, however, still have thought, intent and opinion which we may use to help others, although no longer ourselves. 

Once we pass over, most of us will go to one of the multiple vibrations in the Astral realm where we lose free will. Our karma then is well defined but can be partially redeemed in certain circumstance by forgiveness by the living for that particular iniquity. Unfinished business is best resolved with forgiveness before someone departs. However, skeletons in the closet can still be released after death by those skilled in this kind of spiritual work which requires special rituals. Forgiveness, if sincere, will erase that particular karmic sin and make for a better reincarnation especially if the action was heinous.

It can also be mollified by doing service through the free will of a living loved one acting as a guide. We are able to complete work that we never completed in a previous life but only by acting through the free will of another sentient being. 


Free will resides in Narrow Mind
 In the clarity of the awareness of Spacious Mind there is no need for free will. 

In Spacious Mind there is no need for free will because Spacious Mind sees clearly what is, and what needs to be done.
Hence everything is foreseen but only in Spacious Mind.  
Narrow Mind is limited to free will and clings to the perception that there is choice. 
With clarity of awareness choice is seen as illusory.
Hence free will is a responsibility for those who do not see things clearly.

Narrow mind is always with us, Spacious mind makes room for it and so it is that when clarity does away with choice it does not deny free will, it simply has no use for it.


As Krishnamurti taught; “Discernment is choice-less.”


Choice is made challenging because of the complexity of the Supreme Being’s creation.


God’s rivers of pleasure and good are not placid waters of insipid purity. They have currents of all strengths, frequently forming into wild twists and turns alongside gentle flows, all churning and tumbling into swirling pools too deep to fathom. They are for reflecting, playing and rejuvenating and then continuing endlessly onto their source.


Even if we make good choices there are no guarantees in the short run that all will be well. Handling Karma effectively is a challenge and is about the long term. Sometimes “no good deed remains unpunished," and is only just another test. It does not get easier as we rise up the vibrational levels. We get challenged more severely to see how worthy we are.

We are always being tested, not on how much we know or how well we perform but out trust, faith and love are being tried at unexpected times in unrecognized guises.


You cannot decide outcomes, only your choices. You cannot control results, only your actions. So, it is best that you practice non-attachment to positive or negative events that befall you. 

Look carefully to what you aspire, cherish and guard so as not to squander your gifts nor lose your heritage

Remember that good prevails by being what it is, not by dispossessing, defeating or winning but rather simply by being more and more of what it is. 


If you would dispel the darkness, seek the sacred.


What you resist will persist, what you defeat, defeats you, what you destroy destroys you, what you sanctify, sanctifies you.  


Determine well your heart’s desire for in releasing your intention its energy will affect its holiness or unholiness.


One should also be wary of mitigating against another’s free will which is against the cosmic law.


If God were after "numbers" S/He would have made that abundantly clear.

Love nurtures you, gives you safe haven but you decide, you choose, you are responsible. The consequences are yours. There is wisdom; there is folly; there is love; there is lust; there is surrender; there is willfulness.


All these polarities are templates for spiritual perfection. There must be tension for perfection.

We can think of spiritual transformation as enlisting for the “spiritual special forces.” The task is just as difficult although not life threatening but karma testing. Everyone is welcome to enlist and each of us has the potential for success but it is not easy. 

"Kabir says, friend, there are very few who find the way."

Tuesday, September 6, 2022




“A net is spread out for the living, free will is given, everything is on loan, and all is preparation for a grand celebration.” 

Rev. Akiva


This net is the net of samsara that challenges us sentient beings, bound to the yolk of ego and to the cycle of birth - death - reincarnation. Everything is given on loan – impermanent. The only thing we can take with us are our experiences and how we handle them - our karma. 

And if we navigate skillfully there will be a great celebration. 

We are always free to change course. If we were not, there would be none of the tension required for our transformation. 

One day the people came to the master and asked: “How can you be so happy in a world of such impermanence…” The master held up a glass and said. ‘Someone gave me this glass … and I really like this glass. One day the wind may blow it off the shelf or my elbow may knock it off the table. I know this glass is already broken so I enjoy it incredibly.” 
Achaan Chah Subato

We need to savor those moments and the things we have with gratitude while still understanding that they cannot last.

There can be no growth without responsibly handling the attachments to those "objects" that we desire. Everything we do is a test. 

Impermanence is the backdrop to Free Will and Karma. Only the soul, spiritual truth, and love are permanent. Some live irresponsibly as if there is no tomorrow fully believing that we only live once. They claim that there is no reckoning or another reality beyond the veil between the worlds, even if there were any such thing. The potential of karmic sin have no hold over them while alive but will haunt them after death. 

“Where there is too much, something is missing."  

Chassidic Saying. 

"Yes, the disguise of plenty. The Grail is not there.” 
Gene Kelly


When we die and if we want to cross over to the elsewhere easily we need to practice non-attachment and go into an existential free fall, letting go of our attachments without any fear. Being attached to the impermanence of the material or anything else, will hinders the soul’s traverse.

“By attributing worth to tangible objects man becomes attracted to them; attraction brings desire for them; desire leads to competition and dispute. These create anger and the result is delusion. Delusion completely overcomes man’s sense of right and wrong.” Srimad Bhagavatam 

Once we cross over the veil we will face a spiritual tribunal who judge our skillfulness or unskillfulness navigating samsara and its challenges as well as the gifts of being in a sensory body and how we handled those temptations. The consequences of disobeying the laws of spirit are immutable – karma is not negotiable – one’s lawyer cannot help us there. Spiritual laws differ from those on the earth plane. They are binding whether we know about them believe in them or understand them or not. Being ignorant of them is no excuse. That is one of the reasons why the Ancestors’ teach that we should gain knowledge with all our possible strength. The one who dies with the most toys does not win.

“More possessions - more worry.
More generosity - more peace. 
There is nothing wrong with possessions, 
only to being possessed by them.” 

The Shadow (Evil Inclination,) Monkey (Narrow, Finite, Survival, Primitive) Mind, and Tricksters play on the Ego's attachments to the objects of our desires. These inclinations are countered by our Inclination to do good, Spacious Mind (Infinite Mind, "Big" Mind, Buddha Mind, Christ Consciousness,) the Higher Self and our Guides. It is essential that we keep life simple and attend to our needs and not our wants. 

“It is the want that is our enemy and not the need.” 

Yoga wisdom

There are other attachments other than "stuff" that are also a part of Ego's compulsions such as Power, Pride, Prestige and Fame.

“Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill, 
keep sharpening your knife and it will blunt, 
chase after money and security and your heart will never unclench, 

care about peoples approval and you will be their prisoner. 

Do your work, then step back, the only way to serenity.”  
Tao Te Ching

We need not to worry about whatever other people have, their fame or ego bound achievements since these will only create more obstacles on their climb up the mountain to their Higher Selves. We should have compassion for their plight with the hypnotic effect of wanting to possess things that can never last.

Do not think to store in cisterns; they will break and crumble and the water will be lost.
Cup your hands and drink deeply and often and you will have health and joy. The Ancestors

“Should the other climber steal your sack and your purse and wax fat on the one and heavy on the other, you should pity him. The climbing will be harder for his flesh and the burden will make his way longer. And should you in your leanness see his flesh puffing upward, help him in a step, it will add to your swiftness.” Unknown