Sunday, July 23, 2023



God’s rivers of pleasure and good are not placid waters of insipid purity. They have currents of all strengths, frequently forming into wild twists and turns alongside gentle flows, all churning and tumbling into swirling pools too deep to fathom. They are for reflecting, playing and rejuvenating and then continuing endlessly onto their source.


We addressed these forces within that challenge us in last week's blog (red in the diagram. )

Our guides will attempt to help us strengthen our Good Inclination, Spacious/Big Mind and Higher Self. The dark forces will aggravate our Evil Inclination, Narrow/Monkey Mind and the Ego or little self.

The dark forces use water to cool our desire to do good and fire to heat our desire to do evil. Our guides and ancestors use water to cool our desire to do evil and fire to heat our desire to do good.

Moreover, the negative factors of others can aggravate our own. We must be careful of the company we keep.


There will be many direct quotes from the Ancestors in this blog to confirm this wisdom is not coming from me.

There are true dark forces on the other side of the veil, that is, one of spirit rather than a perverted-acting human.

The specific purpose of a true dark force is to diminish, dilute and dissuade your interest in transformation, frustrate your interactions and defeat your efforts.

The contest is fiercest when the stakes are high and so we may expect to be challenged, tempted and dissuaded in any and all manner of our weaknesses - be they physical, mental or emotional - all of which are attributes of the spirit.

The closer those that are spiritually powerful get to the Light the more likely will there be negative forces also of great power to deter them. The power of a spiritual gift is a challenge to them. They attempt to interfere, dissuade and corrupt.

Concerning intrusive ghosts or demons: High resolve is like an invitation to them who would undo it. The closer those that are spiritually powerful get to the light the more likely will there be negative forces also of great power to deter them.

The power of a spiritual gift is a challenge to them. Lack of dedication makes their work easy. Your spirit guides will be there for support and to give their own blessings and also to keep the dark forces away.

If you have many guides and are greatly beloved you will have many dissuaders and be greatly envied.

There is nothing you can think or intend that is not accessible to dark forces and that they will not attempt to corrupt.

The dark forces are also not localized in space and time and will attempt to counter what our guides are doing to help us. They also have access to our Book of Life and know the divinely inspired mission to which we have been assigned. They will attempt to sabotage this and subtly lead us away from the path of truth and light without us even suspecting that it is happening. They may offer up appealing distractions to tempt which are not evil in themselves but are not in our best interests.

The attack is often so well disguised it can even persuade us that it is our better judgment, our concern for the other.



"They" can arbitrarily be described in order of intensity as ...




Tricksters generally are just nuisances and can be compared to mosquitoes at your "spiritual picnic." The Dark Forces are more like bees or wasps and the Spiritual Mafia akin to rattlesnakes. If you are doing intense spiritual work you will be challenged. If you are heading for enlightenment watch out. If you are doing shamanic work by reversing sorcery, getting rid of intrusive spirits or energies or encountering them in the Field during soul retrieval you may well have to deal with the Spiritual Mafia. The more powerful your intention to do good the more visible you become to the negative forces on the other side of the veil. Those who dwell in their lower chakras will have little opposition.

A clever and insidious achievement of the dark forces is in persuading some people to disbelieve in their existence.

The dark forces cause doubts, create fears and make for insecurities. They will try to subvert our striving for spiritual growth.

They will use tactics of ridicule and doubt to play on all our disinclinations. If we allow them they can influence our thinking thus affecting our choices. 

Dark forces and tricksters know all our weaknesses be they physical, emotional, psychological, energetic or spiritual. They will work energetically on the weakest link in the chain and where we are the most vulnerable. If these result in symptoms, they usually occur somatically around the most vulnerable chakra or autonomic nervous system plexus.

Being subject to these challenges has been called a “Costly Compliment” indicating you are coming too close to the light for the Darks’comfort. This is spiritually commendable – the opposite of the dark forces’ intentions. In a sense it may mean you have enlisted in the “Spiritual Special forces” and are encountering the “Spiritual Mafia”

The power of a spiritual gift is a challenge to them. Lack of dedication makes their work easy. Your spirit guides will be there for support and to give their own blessings and also to keep the dark forces away.

The ultimate challenge is Satan or even a Lilith like persona. Jesus was tempted by the Devil while fasting 40 days and nights in the desert. The Buddha's final challenge were Mara's three beautiful daughters who tried to seduce him.  Few of us, however, will ever reach that level of vibration.

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