Saturday, August 10, 2024




All the talents of God are within you.
 How could this be otherwise when your soul is derived from His genes!”

The mystery of the Inner Healer resides in its being part of the soul. Both have the infinite capacity to heal or to transform - either the body or the Higher Self.

 "If you want to understands the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy and vibration." Nikola Tesla 

The same is true for the Inner Healer. The vibration in our chakra system is also key to empowering the Inner healer. The heart chakra is the most difficult one to open but when it does, energy can flow into the upper chakras and further enable the Inner Healer as well as assist in spiritual transformation. 

When the heart is muffled the soul shrinks.

Healing in the body must also begin with soul health and vice versa. Spiritual practice aligns our vibration and assists the Inner Healer. The Healing of Spirit (Higher Self) and the Spirit of Healing go hand in hand. Our wants rather than our needs and being in a sentient body enable us to go astray. An understanding of the soul's structure can help us on our journey to healing and curing.Healing and curing are not the same. Not everyone can be cured but everyone can be healed.

 There are 72,000 nadis or energy channels that impinge on the seven chakras in the body. All these channels and all seven chakras are connected. Two of the three main channels ascending up the spine are; the Sun (masculine, expansive,) the Moon (feminine and contractive.) They spiral up and around the Central channel of the spine. The key to balancing their energy is the feminine, Kundalini, Shakti energy. Kundalini can enable both spiritual transformation as well as healing. This energy travels in a spiral and has the capacity to effect our D.N.A. which is also formed in a spiral. Spiritual practice can lengthen our telomeres and decrease our biological age. Enhancing our Kundalini is not only spiritual but healthful. We all have Kundalini within us. It has different names and differing expressions in various cultures. Kundalini is not part of our life force but is enhanced by it and by any form of inner work that facilitates our Parasympathetic nervous system responsible for a relaxation response. Out Sympathetic  flight of fight response is great for survival but can mitigate against good health if unattended by spiritual practice.

"The Kundalini in the form of latency is coiled like a serpent. One who impels this Shakti to move will attain liberation" (and  healthfulness as well.) Hatha Yoga Pradika

Umbilini is the Zulu equivalent:

“Something like a hot, coiled snake ...”

Credo Mutwa Zulu Sangoma and Sanusi (prophet)

Attention to the soul's architecture is not only essential for spiritual tranformation but also for health and healing. The soul is pure and the soul is single. The soul is never split or parted. The soul, however can split from the body due to the unskillful machinations of our Shadow (Evil Inclination), Ego and Monkey mind. This can result in soul sickness or in extreme cases, soul loss. Soul sickness can cause body sickness. Ego, Monkey Mind and the Shadow all have their rolls and are necessary. They are not there to be eliminated but to be controlled and confined to their respective tasks which are centered around self-mastery and actualization of the lesser self.  We are continually in a state of flux between Ego, Monkey (Narrow) Mind, and Shadow (Evil Inclination) versus the Higher Self, Big (or Spacious) Mind and our Good Inclination. We need to subordinate the former three to the latter three. 

Tricksters are usually present to enhance the dark. Our guides are there to facilitate the light - if we ask to receive. As we ascend up the energy hierarchy we will start to encounter tricksters. We will need to invoke our guides for support because of the cosmic law of free will. A spirit guide practice with the help of an altar will enable this connection. Tricksters come unbidden and disobey this cosmic law. They are there to sabotage our ascent to the light. Our guides can facilitate the light and warn us about the tricksters. The best way to manage this flux is with spiritual practice and knowledge, as well as a spirit guide connection.

 “From the sound of my sighing has my essence (soul) cleaved onto my flesh (body.)” King David

 The soul’s essence should lodge comfortably in the body.

 The soul yearns to do the Creator’s will and clings to the body when all is well.

A body caught up in cravings and attached to sentient pleasures distances the soul. The soul withdraws causing bodily imbalance and sickness. The body’s (sentient, flesh) attachments need to be broken so the soul (essence) can return to the body.

  The “sound of sighing” is when we achieve equanimity and unity and we feel One with our Self (Soul) and our body and the Creator. Sensory, bodily oriented, active meditations can enable equanimity and facilitate healing and even curing. 

The soul's fulfillment is through the experience of the senses.
The soul's conversation is not of the mind. It is best heard with the senses.

Shed and shie from what keeps the soul from joy.

 The same is true for the body. Immersing in wholesome sensory pleasure is healthful. Compulsion for irresponsible sensory activities is harmful.

"Out there beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a Field. I will meet you there." Rumi

The Field can facilitate healing in many ways by channelling universal healing energy which is basically the Creator's love is disguise. It can also inhibit healing by inducing fear mediated inside by oneself as well as trickster energies from outside of us and those challenges we face in living. The Field like the Internet is value neutral; fear can be propagated through the Field by tricksters just as easily as love can be by our guides.

 Soul sickness or loss occurs when the soul-essence separates from the body-flesh because of the indiscriminate and irresponsible reveling of the body in the senses due to lack of control over Ego, Monkey Mind and Shadow. Soul sickness creates sickness in the body as well. "Sex, drugs and rock and roll" can harm both soul and body.

These energies within us have to be managed. Three of them contract (Shadow, Monkey Mind and Ego) and are fear based and three expand (Our Inclination to do Good, Spacious Mind and the Higher Self) and are love based. All six of them are essential for health as well as spiritual transformation. The negative, however, must be subordinated to the positive. 

Free will determines our actions. We cannot say the Devil made us do it. The tricksters or dark forces will try their best to enhance the negative and block the positive. Our guides and ancestors will, with our permission, facilitate the  positive ones and inhibit the negative. Both sides, being non-local in space and time, know our weaknesses and strengths. The dark forces go for our vulnerabilities and the weakest links in our chains. They seemingly have an advantage because they do not obey the cosmic law of free will, but love always overcome fear. 


Store Consciousness which is embedded in our subconscious is a Buddhist concept. It arises from the accumulation of both the good and bad experiences from our past lives which become a part of the soul’s unconscious memories. The unskillful ones may limit our soul’s traverse and reincarnations as well as our health. Negative Store Consciousness are the skeletons in the closets of our subconscious minds from prior incarnations which will surface every now and again. Negative Store Consciousness can be controlled by spiritual awareness, knowledge, good actions and inner practice. Our positive and negative past lives can help or impede us. They may remain part of our "soulular memory." We have to be cognisant of these past imprints both good and bad. 

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