Sunday, September 17, 2017


 This week we will look at the central sephira of the Tree O Life  - Tiferet - love, compassion, empathy which are balanced by the tension between the sephirot of Mercy and Judgment.
  The hexagon - the symbol of the heart chakra and also Tiferet helps us understand  love as it relates to healing and transformation as well as the three deadly sins.
The lower three apices point downward toward the lower three chakras and pull us away from healing and transformation towards fear, power, judgment and wants. 
The upper three; being in the moment with a regular, enjoyable spiritual practice and having truth and awareness of ourselves and spiritual truths help us move energy toward the crown chakra and the Divine or Keter on the  T.O.L. where healing is to be found.

Opening the heart to love is essential for us to heal. We never heal completely until we forgive both ourselves and others.

Shame, guilt, remorse, self-recrimination or self-condemnation have no place in the healing dynamic. These can lead to a form of self-hexing or a nocebo affect - the power of belief to hurt, harm, or even kill - all of which are fear based. Patients who believe they do not deserve to be well at a conscious or subconscious level probably will not get competely well. Nocebo from others or from ones self is a fear based response. Placebo is love based.

We must be careful of what we say to ourselves and our subconscious as well as what we say to others. Loving words have a placebo effect 
harmful ones - nocebo.

The Ancestors

Albert Schweitzer said; 
"I do not know what your destiny will be but I do know that the only ones among you who will be truly happy will have sought and found  how to serve."
He also said;
"Wherever you turn you can find someone who needs you. Even if it is a little thing, do something for which there is no pay but the privilege of doing it. Remember you do not live in a world all of your own."

The Ancestors take this further with regard to transformation beyond healing...

Healing invokes Universal Healing Energy which is just Divine love acting mysteriously and magically on the Inner Healer. Everyone can be healed but not necessarily cured. With absolute faith, however, the odds of curing increase since this channels U.H.E. or the Creator's love.

If one studies the spontaneous remissions of incurable disease that occurred in Lourdes, (proven and documented by a medical panel appointed by the Vatican,) one can see a certain commonality. The most important of these were an 
abiding faith that they would be well combined with the will to live. 
Faith which resides at Daat or Grace on the Tree just below Keter also embraces hope, belief, trust surrender.

 Love and support both by the medical team, healers and close ones (human, animal or plant) were also a key factor. If we look at the energy anatomy of the T.O.L. and the Chakra system we can see where these polarities belong and how key the heart and love are to the healing process.




Why are we here, physicians or not?

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