Sunday, July 22, 2018


The Ancestors here are referring to the four elements that caused creation, ... 
"the roots of all things above and below"
and the Law of Correspondence; as above so below, as is the microcosm so is the macrocosm, as is the atom so is the D.N.A., as is the cell so is the human body. All Four Beings including us are made of the same elements. We are all carbon based, made of stardust - dust to dust - ashes to ashes. 
Due to this it is easier to understand why ...

The Zohar tells us that all Four Beings are animated by the "Four Winds and Four Rivers"  the breath, prana, life force of the Divine but each has a distinct and different vibration.

The Zohar 

The four sacred rivers that arose out of Eden were possibly the Tigris, Euphrates, Nile and Ganges. These rivers appear to have "consciousness" in that they animated all of the Four Beings of nature with the life force of the Creator. Hence the Ancestors say; 
"we are all one, though not the same." 
We are all made of the same stuff and vitalized by the spirit of the Divine.

Einstein wanted to understand the mind of the Creator but humbly acknowledge that; 
"Our knowledge is the knowledge of children. We will know a little more than we know now but the real nature of things we will never know, never!"

The Zohar confirms;
The reality we can apprehend with the senses is only one percent of the universe. … nature has hidden most of the matter in the universe and hidden it in a form that cannot be readily detected.

Hence if we want to tap into and try and understand this intuitive mystery we have to leave ego and our cognitive brain behind. This requires the different intention and receptivity of going inward to learn nature's secrets. We need to be in awe of the cosmos and the fact that the deeper we go, the less we know. Knowing more and more about less and less does not make it any less mysterious. What science does, however, is help us appreciate the conundrum. Each time science opens a new door it usually just opens another pandoras box of possibilities.
Einstein also said that; 
"There are two ways to live your life. One is that everything is a miracle, the other that nothing is a miracle."
Its more fun living with the magic of the ordinary that may be extraordinary if we take pause. This can be a form of meditation as well as gratitude for what is around us.

The Four Directions of of the Native North Americans are also in a circle.
The Four (or six) Directions were also seen by Isaiah in a vision. He described the Four Winds, Four Rivers, Four Archangels, Four Beings and Four Elements each of whom have their own particular direction, color, archangel, animal and vibration. 

In order to communicate with other Beings  the Ancestors tell us we have to slow to their particular vibration.They all have different roles to play on our planet and each deserves to be there for its own sake, not only for what they can provide for us. Its a privilege to be able to "talk" to them.

Mostly all Beings except the Still are made up predominantly of water. There are "rivers" flowing in our, and the blood vessels of Wild Beings just as there is sap flowing in the veins of leaves as well as roots, trunks, branches and the twigs of plants.  This flows in our blood with iron bound to hemoglobin enables us to absorb oxygen through our lungs. Oxygen allows our cells energy, vital for our life force. Carbon dioxide is then discharged by the lungs. 
Plants and trees take in carbon dioxide which they turn into oxygen with the help of chlorophyl and make sugar to energize themselves and food to feed us. The chlorophyl molecule is very similar to hemoglobin except that the key element is magnesium and not iron. Plants provide what we need for body, mind and spirit - the foods we consume but also tools, medicine and sacred plants. Eco-psychologists are well aware of the restorative affects of nature which is essential for our minds' well being. Sacred plants help us connect with spirit.
and so ...
"We are all interconnected some of all in each, all one though not the same."
We need to slow to the vibration of the other beings in order to better understand them. Even the Still Beings are animated by the breath or "Wind" of the Divine  (or ruach, chi, moya.) They just have the slowest vibration. The other beings, like us, are mostly composed of water which will require a different vibration. Plants and trees also differ but more subtly.

Hence communication between all beings given this information should be easier to understand and possible. 

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