Sunday, October 21, 2018


Faith and Kundalini can work miracles and when we fine tune our energy body and align our chakras the Ancestors affirm that...
We have confined ourselves to laws that we have created with our limited understandings of the 1% world that we think we know about.
They also stress that; 
"The measure of your faith is the only limit to realizing God's potential for you."
Faith and Kundalini together can miraculously induce spontaneous remission of "incurable" diseases that have defied the best that modern medicine has to offer. This is equivalent to seeing water run uphill - it should not happen! 
Both are difficult to access and attain. Faith has to come from within, as for those more than 60 cases of remission documented by the Vatican Medical Commission that occurred at Lourdes. There have been many more in other power places or from empowered healers beyond Lourdes. A common ingredient in these cases was faith and  
an inner knowing that all would be well 
and also often energy moving in the body or other paranormal experiences.
The Vatican Medical Commission probably did not know what Kundalini was but they described Kundalini like experiences in those having spontaneous remission: 
Heat (e.g. a burning fire in the chest) 
Vibrational or electrical, tingling like sensations traveling in the body especially up the spine
Peak or oneness experiences and those of transcendence
Being transported beyond oneself, O.B.E.'s and shamanic states
 Feelings of intense love, empathy or compassion
 Connecting with spirit guides or ancestors (and sometimes being told they would be well.) 

These which are similar and transcultural include ...
The large body occurs when someone has an O.B.E. (short for out of body experience) and looks down at the body which looks elongated or huge. Therianthropes are images of shapes shifting seen in ancient rock art. These are common in indigenous, nature bound peoples.
Entheogens (mind altering plants used in sacred ceremony) are another way of accessing the Field and the paranormal. This is a description of one woman's experience with Ayahuasca, the vision vine of the Amazon, facilitated by a shaman in a healing ritual. She had a spontaneous remission of her breast cancer.

Maslow's Peak experiences are similar. He (and others) have described these as occurring during childbirth, with orgasm, music, dance, drumming, body awareness, solitude, spiritual practice, uncovering a scientific discovery and in nature.
The yogis describe this as Unity Consciousness or the Oneness experience when 
Knower, Known and Process of Knowing 
fuse into one thing. Their ultimate expression of Kundalini occurs in Samadhi.
A "mini-samadhi" is more common than one might think for instance; 
You (the Knower,) the sunset you are watching (the Known) and Process of you Knowing the sunset fuse into one and for a brief moment in time you are in bliss.

There are other manifestations including; psychosis with a florid and overwhelming Kundalini (Lee Sanella the psychiatrist wrote a book on it,) magical powers such as control of fire, shamanic initiation and shaktipat where the teacher can impart Kundalini to the student (The Bushmen may shoot invisible arrows of Num into an initiate having trouble breaking through to it in the trance dance.)

There are also paranormal experiences that do not necessarily involve the flow of Kundalini like energy but are usually associated with grace or vibrational alignment of the chakras and energy channels and the opening up of the Third Eye. Grace is often associated with a state of faith.
Daat, not a true "sephira" is situated just below Keter, the Crown, on the Tree of Life.

Synchronicity occurs when an outer event coincides with an inner one such as a thought e.g. you are thinking of someone you havnt thought of in years and then the phone rings and its her on the line.
Superfluidity or being in the "Zone;" when skillful actions seem to just flow almost almost uncontrollably of their own accord (common in supreme athletes.)
Coherence or the Maharishi effect. The Maharishi university stated that when a certain number of people were meditating in an area the crime rate dropped. 
Distant healing and prayers for healing and peace work - the more the number of participants involved the more the effect. Group meditations are often more powerful than when one is on their own.
Remote viewing (and remote diagnosis)
Telekinesis or psychokinesis
Dreams - the Zohar says; "dreams are the unripe fruit of prophesy"
Trance-channeling and connecting with spirit guides

Essentially these phenomena help us in our search for 
a term the Ancestors prefer to enlightenment or Self realization (since it is a journey with no arriving or end point.) They are magical and Self-affirming but not essential. 
A slow gradual change in knowing and vibrational alignment is a way of climbing up "the mountain" slowly with strong intention. We never really bag the peak! Sometimes it helps, however, to get a glimpse of the view of what may be one of a myriad of aspects of the peak with one of these experiences. Otherwise one may need to look back several years to see how far one has come otherwise the changes can be almost intangible. This can help us to actualize our progress more strongly.
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