Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Power of the Subconscious 
& of Imagination to Reprogram it

"Tis nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare

Both Gandhi and the Buddha taught that our thoughts become our words, our words become our intentions, our intentions become our actions, our actions become our habits and these become who we are. We, our parents, friends, our schooling and others are continually priming our subconscious with thoughts. We have the choice to make these Spacious Mind thoughts or Narrow Mind thoughts and choose the right associations for the most positive within us.
The subconscious is always internally playing our thoughts back to us like a recording device and no matter what we think we think in our conscious minds, it is the subconscious that plays out our fate or destiny depending on whether its Big Mind or Monkey Mind thoughts. 
The subconscious is particularly vulnerable to emotion and the Autonomic Nervous System (A.N.S.) whether its the Sympathetic N.S. (flight or fight or Monkey Mind) or Parasympathetic N.S. (Spacious Mind) found in the relaxation response of meditation. These thoughts are recorded impartially, whether true or false - the subconscious has no sense of humor - it cannot take a joke. Hence what we say in jest also counts even if we think its light and humorous.

The subconscious is most active around around sleep when the conscious mind is on hold.

Coue' who was one of the first to bring the subtle power of the subconscious into our consciousness went so far as to say that the subconscious can cause and cure disease.

In his famous Plank Theory he stated that
In other words imagine oneself walking across a plank several feet above the ground in your living room. The act of imagining and doing this holds no terror. The worst that could happen is that one stumbles and lands on the floor. But imagine the plank - no matter how secure - suspended across a crevasse with a thousand foot drop on either side. One's imagination of what could happen will overcome our desire to walk the plank and because of this if we attempted it, more than likely many would fall to their death. That's the reason we are told not to look down - doing so would amplify the power of our imagination. 

Its all about imagination and we must turn back to imagination to change our subconscious. 

Some folks, often superb athletes, have been conditioned differently and especially subconsciously too since birth and will walk across with relative impunity. Most of us not so much. Hence...

His Law of Reversed Effort also states that we get the opposite of what we pray for if our subconscious and conscious are in conflict.
If we have been programmed with the idea that money is the root of all evil, even though we well know that money can be the root of some evil (but also a lot of good,) no matter what we think we think or want to think, no matter how many books we read or workshops we attend until we change our subconscious, money will elude us. The "marriage" between our conscious and subconscious must be in harmony.
So how do we reverse this challenge. The Ancestors teach...
They also add that;
"As you think it so it can be, as you 
imagine and believe 
it so it will be."

 The best time to do this is around sleep or when we are in a meditative state. Essentially put our imaginative intention not only to our subconscious but also into the "Field," and release entirely from any attachment to outcome - attachment or exerting more power has a "stickiness" to it and does not work for the subconscious or in the Spirit World - faith and belief does!
The Ancestors

Einstein said that his power to fantasize and imagine was much more powerful to him than his cognitive abilities which were profound. He added that;
"Logic will take you from A to B but imagination will take you anywhere."

 Another way to look at the dynamic is the way the subconscious, the Field, the Ancestors or our Guides and the Great Spirit respond to requests.
It works best with these steps: 

The thought, the word

to detail as engendered by our imagination. Free will is the cosmic law so that the Spirit World must be given permission to act with our attention to detail. They and the subconscious want to know exactly what we want at least in context if not in exact content. This can change with time as will our imagination to suit it.

We must do it !

Our guides are living in a non space time reality. Free will is in the present moment and they live in the moment because there is no time across the veil between worlds.
Hence we must affirm, maintain, sustain. They may know we want this today but do we still want it a month from now?
They add that we must be very clear since...

Hence a harmonious relationship must exist between the two.

The big challenge is that we must believe and have faith. Hope and trust go along with these. 
Moreover, it will be more powerful if the request elicits a sensory feeling in our physical body. 
Anything that can enhance the imagination in this way will be more effective e.g. music or incense or meditating on the beach to the sound of the waves and the smell of the ocean... 
Decree is a request given with absolute faith! 
This, like faith, is daunting for most of us but incredibly effective. It comes from within and cannot be fabricated. It is easier to believe and have hope which are both more evidence based, than to have blind faith and actually decree what we may not feel authentically inside of us. 
We see this in patients who have had spontaneous remissions of deadly diseases that have defied the best that medicine has to offer. When one studies these folks the one overriding factor was an absolute faith and even a decree that all would be well which they would submit to their loved ones, if not their physician.

Intend, imagine believe, achieve.
These are the principles - more easily said than done.
Practice is the solution. Also if possible feel and ...

Click to highlight the two links and then play and Imagine! 

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