Sunday, November 17, 2019


The Ancestors

The archetype of the tree has for a long time represented the bridge between heaven and earth. This is most notable in the Tree of Life of Kabbalah and also that of the Druids and Celts.

We know from research that nature has a healthful affect on all of us. This is showing up more and more in our living and working spaces and in architecture. 
Patients who have a window view of nature do better as do jail inmates, especially prisoners who work in gardens. Wilderness psychologists have shown a greater restorative effect after a nature walk than an urban one and a backpack outing is more restorative than a hike. 
It seems the longer and the more intense - the better. Green and blue colors are relaxing and natural light is essential in preventing Seasonal Affective Disorder.

On the other hand  what effect do we have on plant consciousness?
And how do Growing Beings affect our lives?

 Research has shown that plants can feel sound and some can "dance." Music and prayer enhances their growth but the wrong music, like heavy metal, can kill them. Pea seedlings know the difference between up and down and can twine around objects.  Turn them on their side and they still grow up. The "brain" of the plant is behind the root tip and they have neural connections not unlike us. This root apex wriggles around to find the softest ground. Cut it off and it grows aimlessly. Plants sleep and some fold their leaves. If sleep is prevented they can wither and die. 
They appear to have memory.
If water also has consciousness the vibration of the water they receive will also have an effect on the plant's growth and health.

In an intact forest there is an intimate relationship between mycelial networks, mushrooms and trees below and above ground. These networks connect the forest population and send messages. The legacy trees are the forest elders who have a huge effect on the health of the forest and can communicate up to 30 meters. Research shows that there is an underground economy between Burch, Douglas fir and Cedar trees. They share food underground – the bigger and the older, the more so. Hollow fungal tubes branch and connect forming fungal freeways. The fungi draw in water as well as elements (Nitrogen, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Calcium - and lignen which has large amounts of Nitrogen) that the tree needs to grow otherwise it would be stunted. Without these networks the tree cannot suck up water easily. 
On the other hand fungal gardens need sugar from the trees' photosynthesis. There is an exchange of sugar for water and minerals. The fungal tubes worm their way along bumping into rocks and stones, releasing oxalic acid which creates micro tunnels helping them to mine minerals. In good times trees give fungi sugar, but under stress they retain it. In times of stress they protect themselves by releasing chemicals that give a bad taste to browsers. Old trees can dump food into new trees in times of stress. The different species also help each other. 
This Intelligence goes beyond the species themselves as it does with bees. 

In South Africa Wouten Van Hooven found that acacia trees that were over grazed by kudu started to produce an excess of tannins in their leaves that was poisoning the antelope. This protective mechanism  prevented the kudu from over browsing. Furthermore like the research in North America he showed that the acacias communicated with one another  and warned neighboring trees by emitting ethylene gas from their leaves which allowed their neighbors to do the same.


The intimate relationship of The Druid Golden Triangle included the Druids, Bees and Trees and the Druids. The Druids were a nature bound people and like the Bushmen they felt that bees represented the Ancestors and were sacred - their hum was also sacred. They were not the only ones.

 Allah gave revelation to the honeybee by sending bee prophets.” The Koran. 

He will hear sounds of the sphere in ten forms ... also in the form of the buzzing of the bees. Hazrat Inayat Khan.

A bee hive like a healthy forest is a perfectly functioning system - Divine intellect woven through nature. Bees have been considered the spirit that resides in the hive body, and mead, the nectar of the gods. Bees are also the “mine canaries” informing us about the health of the environment. It is highly likely that if there were no bees we would not survive. Bees pollinate trees and plants, and trees feed and house bees. 
 Bees can carry and are adversely affected by Varroa mites. The scratching of bears introduces mycelia into trees. Bees are attracted to these mushrooms and mycelia for antivirals to eliminate their mites. Research is now revealing that mycelia may be the key to finding powerful antivirals that can also help humanity against viral diseases.

Sadly it's not only nature that is being adversely affected by us but also out children. Richard Louy's book on the 
"Nature Deficit Disorder" called Last Child in the Woods 
is alarming. There are an increasing amount of behavioral disorders being recognized in children now that social media, electronic devices and technology have lured kids away from Nature. It is likely that when these children mature there may be even less of a desire to preserve the little we have left.

If you have 18 minutes...
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For those interested check out Paul Stamets and his research.

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