Saturday, January 11, 2020


The Ancestors

This New Year will begin with some closing comments on the Four Beings of Nature and the
Still Beings.

 Pachamama, the Earth Mother, is the goddess revered by the indigenous peoples of the Andes. She presides over the earth - our planet. Many of them believe that problems arise when we take more from her than we deserve, and concede that we have brought the earth changes upon ourselves. 
They voice the same concerns as did Chief Seattle;

"Will you teach your children what we have taught our children? That the earth is our mother? What befalls the earth befalls all the sons of the earth. This we know: the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. One thing we know: our God is also your God. The earth is precious to Him and to harm the earth is to heap contempt on its Creator."

The more contemporary Gaia hypothesis of James Lovelock is not dissimilar.
  1.  "Living matter on the earth collectively defines and regulates the material conditions necessary for the continuance of life. The planet, or rather the biosphere, is thus likened to a vast self-regulating organism."
    Sadly we have difficulty thinking of Her as a living entity and now She is rebelling against us.

    According to the Ancestors, She, the Earth has given birth to us Talking Beings;
    Unfortunately we may well have mis-regulated Her 
    and maybe ourselves out of existence.
    "The whites, too, shall pass - perhaps sooner than other tribes. Continue to contaminate your bed and you will one night suffocate in your own waste." Chief Seattle

We have also polluted the meanings of many precious and semiprecious Still Beings.

On the positive side:
Gold has been said to have warm, Yang like qualities with the power of Leo. It has also been called the Master Healer.
Silver of the other hand is Ying, calm and cool and is the metal of emotions. It is also powerfully antimicrobial and is used topically in medicine. If ingested to excess it can cause the syndrome of argyria  
(a condition caused by excessive exposure to the element silver, or to silver dust where the skin turns purple or purple-grey.)

Numerous crystals have been endowed with various beneficial properties especially those for spiritual protection such as jasper, obsidian, iron pyrite, turmaline and quartz.

Not all Still Beings are healthful or helpful with their energies such as the electromagnetic ionizer, radon which can cause cancer and uranium which wrongly used can create havoc. 
Everything on the planet has the potential for light or dark, such is the nature of creation. How we use them is up to us.

This begs the question if what is described here is truly "consciousness." Maybe if we comprehend this consciousness rather as being VIBRATION transmitted by the Breath/Prana/Chi/Ruach/Moya of the Divine
 it may make it easier for us to understand the Ancestors. To go beyond our limited, acquisitive understandings we should look at what they say about the Still Beings - meditate and ponder...

If you want to learn the language of the rocks you must first slow to their pace which is different from wild and growing beings.
Although they are soundless they are not silent so listen long and deeply to hear what hearing ears do not.

The rock may not let you image it simply as a chunk of granite or quartz but as a form of a beautiful sprite 
(a type of legendary creature including elves, fairies, and pixies)
 in a crystalline gown

To sanctify the ordinary is to recognize and acknowledge the sacred in every created Being. There is nothing that is empty of the Divine.
The Ancestors

Malidoma Some' describes what his teachers said while they observed him during his initiation. He had been told to go and "see" a tree.
We have no idea how much we have lost in our quest for "education" and technology.
Maybe if we understand our deficiencies we will be able to one day,
"hear what hearing ears do not and see what seeing eyes do not."

Click on the link to highlight and then play

Let this be the year for our planet.

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