Saturday, May 9, 2020


"Know not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for you.” John Donne

The Buddhists teach that of all the meditations the most profound is the meditation on death. They liken it to the spoor of the elephant that makes the deepest impression in the forest.


"It is very dangerous to go into Eternity with possibilities which one has him/herself prevented from becoming realities. A possibility is a hint from God.  One must follow it.”  Kierkegaard

No one of us would take a trip to some unknown, remote place without making preparation, yet few spend any time preparing for this final journey. Our karma will dictate what happens to us on the other side of the veil.

“The ancestors (your guides) cannot save but simply alert, advise and warn and only according to your openness and willingness. They cannot change or deter you from your own insistency no matter to what it's due. Only you can choose to change. 
Such is the design of free will.”

Free will and living spiritually responsibly - or not - will determine our karma, which is unforgiving.
It is essential to prepare ourselves for that day and also to know a few of the dynamics important for crossing over most effectively. This is why the Tibetans read The Book of the Dead around the body for 49 days, to help the soul in transit.
 Our state of mind, which will depend, in that very moment,
 on our past deeds, 
will have a lot to do with the ease of transition and into which vibrational realm we arrive. We are propelled by our equanimity, or lack of it into the vibration we deserve.  
Before death there should be no skeletons remaining in the closet and no unfinished business. Amends, forgiveness and reconciliations must be made between the living and the dying. This will make for a more peaceful transition. 
One should also be unattached to; one’s work, one’s loved ones or anything else for that matter. Attachments hamper the transition and that spirit may become earth bound and lost between the worlds. Frequently earth bound spirits do not even know they are in the wrong place and this will hamper the journey of their souls. 

The spirit usually hangs around the earth plane for about a month to see what is happening, how everyone is doing, check the obituaries and funeral arrangements and have any final closure that may be necessary by visiting in dreams. They like to know how and if they have been honored. After this they will cross the veil between worlds. If their death wishes have not been fulfilled this may make for disappointments and for them at least temporarily remaining earth bound. When the spirit is on the earth plane it is much easier for them to appear in dreams or even "visitations" than after they have crossed over the veil between worlds. 

If one is dreaming persistently of a loved one long after the first few months it is possible that the spirit might be earth bound. This is usually due to a traumatic or sudden or confused death (especially from suicide) as well as a distorted belief that there is nothing after death. Hospitals, cemeteries, war fields are some of the places that earth bound spirits congregate. 
These spirits are unknowingly and involuntarily lost between the worlds. Some do not even know they are dead and why none of the living are engaging with them.
(Some time ago I had a dream that instructed this. I was on a boat on a lake or broad river crossing over to the other side with a group of other souls, However, one soul was late and literally and figuratively had missed the boat. He was standing on the bank completely naked except for his flip flops which was the last thing he had on that he wanted to keep. He seemed to be concerned he would lose them if he jumped in and swam to the boat as we were all clamoring him to do. Eventually he jumped in, still clinging to the one flip flop that was not dislodged with his toes, and trying to swim with his arms and one leg. As he nearly reached the boat and we all leaned over to try and pull him in, a whirl pool suddenly appeared and sucked him back down.) 

On the other hand some may have voluntarily chosen to be more available to assist the living with the trauma, financial challenges or conflicts surrounding disagreements such as those concerning the will. This is not necessarily a good thing since it also delays the soul's transition. They are often waiting to be given permission to leave by the loved one they are supporting or will go when they are no longer needed. The distraught living one also needs to know when the time has come to let the spirit go to the light.

When we leave, all we are doing is changing address, going out of one door through another. We "go naked" and can take nothing with us except our memories and our karma. Our mind state is key and we should have fearless clarity without confusion. It is best to go into an existential free fall without any angst, attachments or unfinished business. In this way we can see the light and hear the ancestors calling us home. Death should be a blissful event if one is prepared. It is essential to imagine and have positive thoughts. Those who need reassurance can read up on the Near Death Experience and be reassured. 
Those who have doubts about this or that there is life after death should read Eben Alexander's book; "Proof of Heaven." or check the basic message in the dvd. below if you do not have the time.
Alexander, a neurosurgeon - before his N.D.E. - refused to believe there was anything beyond the grave.

Click on his short link 
PreviewPreview3:23Eben Alexander on the Essential Message of "Proof of Heaven"

and this song
05 Crossing Over.mp3

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