Saturday, July 18, 2020



 Although all three of these are manifestations of Ego, for ease of discussion their different shades or colors will be dealt with separately. Judgment deserves special mention, and like ego will be addressed later.

(Desirous Attachment or attachment to the object of our desire was also introduced in an earlier blog together with Non Attachment.) 


The negative "faces" of DesirousAttachment that also reflect our Persona include: 
Possessions, Prosperity, Pride, Power, Prestige (or Fame.) Achievement, Greed and Lust, Knowledge.

Possessions and Prosperity

 “Narrow mind is about having 
 Spacious mind is about Being.
The Ancestors
“By attributing worth to tangible objects humans becomes attracted to them; attraction brings desire for them; desire leads to competition and dispute. These create anger and the result is delusion. Delusion completely overcomes a human’s sense of right and wrong.” Srimad Bhagavatam
 “More possessions - more worry.
More generosity - more peace.
There is nothing wrong with possessions, only to being possessed by them.” 

“Wants, needs and necessities have different characteristics. It is the want that is our enemy, not the need and necessity.” 
Sri Swami Rama

Pride, Prestige, Fame and Humility
“This is what God asks of you, only this, to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah
“God cannot be realized if there is the slightest trace of pride.” Upanishads
Fame and honor are not the same!
”In seeking fame honor will be lost,
in seeking knowledge wisdom is forgotten,
and in ceasing to learn one ceases to live.” 

The Ancestors

Movie stars and musicians especially, and others, gain fame but rarely honor. They are frequently praised by the media on birthdays or on the days they died while those with honor, like Gandhi and Mother Theresa barely get any mention.
 “S/He who does good and does not pursue honor - honor overtakes.” Hillel
“As fame can enslave, so can the costs of money impoverish. Make sure the need is worth the price. To overpay can rob the Self.” 
“…We must beware of anger and pride which are weapons of chaos, connecting us to our destructive instincts.
The Ancestors
Emperor Wu asked, “I’ve built temples and ordained monastics; what merit is there in this?”Bodhidharma replied, “No merit.”
Humility is the antidote to fame, achievement and power, all of which are aspects of the ego.

“Humility is truthful acknowledgement of the wonders of yourself. It is taking appropriate credit for your part while recognizing God’s gifts to you. Humility rejoices and is grateful. True humility should make others know God better through you. One ought to marvel at what God can accomplish through you.”
"Modesty has to do, not entirely with a lack of bragging or adopting a kind of self-effacement (in fact one ought to glory and rejoice if others are edified by you.) 
It has more to do with realizing how small the container is for the your overwhelmingly great gift, yet trusting in God's offering and so accepting and using it without pretense.
True humility should make others know God better through you.
One ought to marvel at what God can accomplish through you.”               The Ancestors
“God gives the talent but He would not have an Antonio Stradivarius violin without Antonio's hands.” Stradivarius. 
This is true but one can sense a touch of arrogance and pride in this quote and one must be careful …                                                        
“There is no room for God in him who is full of himself. The sages tell us concerning the proud man; God says; “I and he cannot dwell together in the world.” Talmud.
The opposite, concerning false humility, is also true .                                                “Don’t be so humble, you are not that important.” Anonymous
“Nearly all men can stand adversity but if you want to test a man’s character give him power.” A. Lincoln

"Power tends to corrupt and complete power corrupts completely."

 Lord Acton
The key to spiritual power is not to have POWER as such – but sadly no one would ever make the Dalai Lama the spiritual head of a government to help guide the politicians and hence the people.

Power in Information, Knowledge, Understanding 
(vs. Wisdom)
“The value of information resides in its use for transformation.”
“… Information if accurate, is neutral; it's uses are its virtues.”
“Those who exploit knowledge are lost to wisdom.
Wisdom is born of humility and is nourished by compassion - it is grace in action. When knowledge is used for only self-gain and control it is conceit in action…”
“Information is not to be equated with knowledge, knowledge is not to be equated with understanding, understanding is not to be equated with wisdom and wisdom is not to be equated with virtue or holiness.”
"Are you nibbling on the apples of the Tree of Knowledge or are you nurturing whatever proud plant or humble weed is your present entrustment?
It is that which you are to make glorious.

The Ancestors

"Narrow Mind (Monkey Mind) relies upon what is known to it, Spacious Mind ("Big" Mind) opens itself to what is unknown to it.
Narrow Mind will try to convince others. Spacious Mind will be open to what it can know from others.
Narrow Mind insists and defends, Spacious Mind offers and allows.
Narrow Mind clings to its ways of being and seeing. Spacious Mind uses its ways to explore and expand." 
The Ancestors

Lust and Greed 
(take these "P's" to another level of toxicity to the Self)

“Greed is not stilled with money any more than thirst is with salt water.” Ksemendra.
"The soul by reason of lust had become the principle accomplice in her own captivity.” Plato
There is always enough as long as one is free from the compulsion for more.” The Ancestors
It is also vitally important that we do not let others exploit and let their desires and greed have power over us.
“Action must continually be weighed against intent to make sure it serves its honesty and purpose.
Beware of those who would pretend to noble intent that they might serve selfish motive with the use of good action.
Beware also those who act wrongfully or not at all but then make claim that their intent is good.
Look carefully to what you aspire, cherish and guard so as not to squander your gifts nor lose your heritage.” 
The Ancestors
This wisdom includes the energy vampires or the “barnacles” attached to the spiritual boat you are navigating down the river of life that make you less of who you are. Be aware and beware.

"Anything or anybody who does not make you more of who you are makes you less of who you are." The Ancestors

If we befriend those that are greedy, we are in danger of becoming greedy ourselves.

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P.S. sometimes when the blog is "published" the font size becomes erratic. Sorry I have no control of this no matter what I do to correct it. The very things that are hard to read may be the most important (tricksters?)

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