Friday, May 28, 2021




This blog itself is a meditation

(The Ancestors' wisdoms below have no acknowledgement assigned.)

 With time and dedication this is possible...


Time, space and matter comprise our physical universe and the source of power lies beyond the material, beyond time, space and matter.
Walk the path with awareness of both the something and the nothing. 

Of the realm of what is sensed and known and the realm of what is neither sensed nor known.
Each experience of this awareness is a moment between moments, a dancing in the mystery of the void....where one encounters the Source of power.

Krishnamurti taught that discernment was choiceless.


When you feel compelled and not commanded it will be as you thought it would be but not as you feared it might.
When you respond from within, all will unfold as it should from without.
You will know that the veil is illusory and you will lack for nothing


When you are compelled rather than commanded you will no longer need teachers and sages for you will know naturally. 
It is written on your heart. 
When you keep the commitment because you love not because you obey you will no longer need teachers and sages urging you to perform and refrain - you will do so naturally.
It is the way of the heart. 
It is the heart's wisdom and understanding that delights itself in the Infinite One.

Click, play and meditate


You will become more congruent with your Self and ...


Spiritual practice should help us to find our mission, purpose and destiny or our own unique core strength or archetype. This also is at the heart of the hero/ine's journey.

If we lose our self as in the little self or ego we can find our Self as in the Big or True Self.

Connecting with Self is not selfish - quite the contrary. It will lead to better serving others

Whoever and whatever does not make you more of your Self, make you less of your Self.

If you will not be you who then will be?


You must free yourself to be your Self.
Do not be captive to the demands of false duty.

Release yourself from what you are not accountable.

 Be attentive only to the responsibility of what compels.
Bestow blessings, refuse burdens.
What makes you beholden enslaves you.
What makes you grateful blesses you.
What you touch, touches you. What you let touch you, enhances or diminishes. 

Look carefully to what you aspire, cherish and guard so as not to squander your gifts nor lose your heritage.


The focus is on becoming more of who you are.
The most dangerous distraction is the lure of beguiling but essentially extraneous information - be it false or true. 

More important, is it useful to you, does it inspire, support, advance and enhance who you are and your relationship with God or is it merely speculative, and appealing to your curiosity?

Click, play and meditate


As one's practice deepens, we rise up the chakra hierarchy and our vibration increases. 

Initially we temper our fears (flight or fight - first chakra) and our second chakra of sometimes lustful sexual energy).

Click, play and meditate

06 Fear.mp3

And begin to experience increasing levels of:

Humility (third chakra).

We encompass more love, compassion, empathy and the ability to see the divine in others (fourth chakra).

Click, play and meditate


Become more truly expressive of our real Selves in whichever creative talent we possess (fifth chakra).

Develop more receptivity and access to our intuitive powers (Third Eye or sixth chakra).

Subordinate hopelessness, doubt and denial to hope, faith, belief, trust and surrender  and even develop a personal connection to the Infinite One.

Click, play and meditate

06 Faith.mp3


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