Saturday, June 19, 2021


Ancestral quotes are without any acknowledgement.

“To know the real Self to be one’s own is the greatest attainment. To know wrongly the non-self, such as the ego to be the Self is no attainment at all. One therefore should renounce this perception of taking the non-self for the Self.”
Sri Sankara Charya

The previous two "architectural" blogs attended the Breath and the Soul being Pure, the Soul's Destiny and the Senses 

This week's is on the Heart 

An open heart is the gateway to the soul

“To awaken the heart is to awaken the dormant soul.” M. Gandhi

The soul’s language is learned by listening with the heart. It has many sounds including that of silence. Its eloquence is universal.


When the heart is muffled the soul shrinks.


The rational mind often gets in the way of what the heart must embrace in order to coax the soul to open.

Our soul is made for joy and the more we truly love the more we will experience it and become its very essence.

You will come from doubt to belief,

from belief to understanding, 

from understanding to knowing, 

from knowing to feeling (being heart-felt)

This is the way.

The Ancestors

If one studies the "fallen gurus" we can see that they usually had profound knowledge, understanding and wisdom of spiritual principles but little heart. Possibly they began with a heart that was pure but then became corrupted by power, position, persona, and greed. Many abused their students financially, mentally, physically and sexually (their female devotees) using autocratic techniques and dogma as in; "I only can lead you to the truth !" They abandoned the heart chakra and lost the "feeling." This has dire karmic consequences for those that have manage to attain such a high level of vibration.

The heart chakra is one of the most challenging of the chakras to open and an easy one to close. Once they became reattached to the third chakra especially where power resides, they lost the way. Many probably knew what they were doing but the enticements were overwhelming.

 "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men...”               Sir John Dalberg-Acton

We are also now seeing this all around us. There are more autocratic governments in the world today than democratic ones.

It is astonishing and tragic that more and more leaders in the world today are power hungry and totally irresponsible. Some of the more diabolical ones, when they do a measure of good, delude their followers by saying the means justifies the end. This will never hold on judgment day. Sadly the world suffers in the interim.

Given full power, greed becomes an enslaver of the greedy - fear becomes first a bully, then a torturer and then a killer.

Osho Rajneesh  the fallen guru who took us residence in central Oregon did not fall short of even trying to kill his opponents.

I thought this time I would include more songs with messages of love, to supplement the blog. Mostly the words are verbatim from the Ancestors.



Monkey (Narrow) Mind gets in the way of the heart. Spacious (Big) Mind, enhances it.

01 Heart.mp3

This song is more about all of our struggles in relationship and distinguishing between Love and lust.

09 Love is Blind.mp3


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