Saturday, September 18, 2021

 JOY # 2

Daniel Kahneman won the Noble prize for his works - one of which was on joy and happiness. He talks about our "Two Selves." 

The Experiencing Self and the Remembering Self.

It is the Experiencing Self that experiences true joy. 

Joy is an in the moment exuberant experience. Some folks are inherently more joyful than others.

  For many it might be a good belly laugh when endorphins are flowing and one is almost rolling of the floor. 

I have often experienced joy during indigenous rituals with the San Bushmen and sangomas. I am always struck by the sense of joy that one feels in this environment, often from those who possess so little materially.

 Africans say "We pray by singing and dancing" and there is a Chassidic saying that with song one can open the gates of heaven. 

“Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God.” de Chardin

The Ancestors say that the Creator wants to participate in these joyful events and one can sometimes almost feel His/Her presence

Happiness on the other hand is more of an evaluation of the past, present and the future and the 

Remembering Self. It is our story and how we keep score. 

For many of us moments of joy are infrequent so that we rely on the Remembering Self which rationalizes for its happiness. Kahneman calls this Synthetic Happiness.

He gives an example of someone moving from back East to California where his/her synthetic happiness looks for all the reasons to be happy in the Golden State; the climate, the people that are so friendly, that you can turn right on a red light etc. - putting aside maybe about how much s/he loved the seasonal changes and that they knew who their real friends were - but rather remembering the hardships of shoveling snow and getting the car to start in the freezing cold. Kahneman states that they are not really happier - they just think that they are - its more of a mind trip.

 The key for us is to realize that the Remembering Self has a Reset Point. Moreover, that the last thing that happens to us is what stays with the Remembering Self and therefore it is vital for us to reset that memory. For instance you have a perfectly wonderful vacation and a horrendous return on the way back; cancelled flights, lost luggage etc. The latter is what will be remembered.

Simply speaking it is about getting back on the horse when one falls off, to reset. This way a traumatic experience can be morphed into the rider again enjoying the exilaration of riding again, (as well as overcoming any fear that could sabotage any future riding.)

We need to find those "Hidden Recesses" that the Ancestors talk about to help us reset. These will be highly individual.

The highest form of bliss is living with a certain degree of folly.” Erasmus

…put out to sea! Save your boats journeying soul 

and your own pilgrim soul, cost what it may.” 

Dom Helder Camara

Sometimes it is good to take a chance, a leap of faith and do something that one has never done before that will make you happy - as long as it does not hurt you or anyone else.

The one thing that is clear is that all the principles of karma, if attended well, not only enhance one another but also ultimately create serenity, well being and happiness.

Joy is not incidental to your spiritual quest … it is vital.” 
Rev Nachman

One could also say that love is the main catalyst and all follows from that principal. The Ancestors say that love is the one truth, Notably the Creator's love for all the Beings of nature including us with all of our blemishes and flaws.

In spite of all the positive things we do and actions we take, things may not work out the way we hoped.

You cannot decide outcomes, only your choices. You cannot control results, only your actions, so it is best that we practice non-attachment to outcome.

We are here to enjoy the whole conundrum and turn crises into opportunities.

These are some simple rules that go a long way in helping us with our karma.

Do things for their own sake.

Practice random acts of kindness 

Be in gratitude.

"Sweeten" the judgments and "try to walk in the other's moccasins for a day."

And as the Ancestors say;

It will be given to you according to ...

The measure of your humility (subordinating ego)

The measure of your love (opening the heart to others)


The measure of your faith (faith in the teachings of ancient wisdoms).

 As well as

You will come from doubt to belief, from belief to understanding from understanding to knowing and from knowing to feeling (being heart-felt).

This is the way.

Click and play, be in joy and ...

Dance like no-one is watching

7:36Baka Beyond - Eeya Be ( Elephant Song ) ( 1993 )YouTube · JM LetaSep 7, 2018


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