Saturday, July 23, 2022

 Dear Blogger

I have been going back on all the blogs which began in 2014. We have covered many spiritual conundrums and there has also been an evolution of understandings over this period of eight years both for me and I hope also for you. The early blogs are not the same as the later ones as I gain deeper insights and expand the knowledge. Most subjects have been covered more than once. This repetition is necessary because each time something is re-approached there are deeper understandings and rememberings. Moreover, we all forget so quickly. I had used quotes and sayings from many sources to affirm that I am not making any of this up myself and that these should be, and I believe are, universal truths which should never change. The Western mind especially is always seeking something new but "there is nothing new under the sun." All spiritual traditions review and repeat the same information again and again to refresh the teachings  so I make no apologies for the repetitions - the work is never done, we never quite get it or keep it unless we are continually reminded. 

"Information is not to be equated with knowledge, knowledge is not to be equated with understanding, understanding is not to be equated with wisdom, and wisdom is not to be equated with virtue, holiness or feeling (heartfeltness.)"

"You will come from doubt to belief, from belief to understanding, from understanding to knowing, from knowing too feeling. This is the way."

"Being aware of the lesson is different from learning and encompassing it. Knowing the path differs from following it."

Unless stated otherwise, when quotes are made, they will be from the Ancestors without them being formally acknowledged.

I have decided in future blogs to summarize and paraphrase their teachings which have come from three major sources; African, Druid/Celtic and Kabbalistic. I will only include quotes now and again if they are relevant in accentuating the knowledge. I suspect I will lose some of you except for maybe a core group who are in for the long term. This will be a summary or short version of the book the Ancestors have asked me to write which will be more lengthy and where I will also include more of their quotes and a few others that may be helpful. I hope that many of you will continue to log on. Because each blog cannot be too long each subject may require more that one blogging but it will be the essence of their teachings in short form.

F.Y.I. Historically as to where this knowledge came from.

Before the millennium I met Maryellen Kelley for the first

time. I was on a journey of self-discovery to find an alternative healing paradigm beyond allopathic medicine. Maryellen was a long-time educator with Santa Barbara City College and I began teaching for her classes. Thus began a long friendship and working partnership. After the turn of the millennium and my initiation as a sangoma in 2002, I began to receive dreams in metaphors, symbols and sometimes as visitations. In addition I received songs, often as messages as well.

After I was initiated Maryellen began to get a plethora of dreams with messages from various ancestral persons whom she did not know.  These messages will comprise most of the contents of this blog. She turned out to have amazing channeling abilities previously unknown to her.

The array of personalities coming into her dreams was staggering - Hebrew, African, Celtic, animal, mythical and otherwise. She was  receiving what the sangomas call “instructional dreams.”

These messages are universal and common to all beliefs.  The blogs have been selected from a vast reservoir spanning more than ten years.  They can be regarded as koans to be pondered and savored - having meanings on many different levels. Sadly Maryellen left the planet several years ago for the "Elsewhere," as she called it, but the teachings continue.

We are starting the blogs all over again but somewhat differently now. Your feedback is very welcome before we begin at

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